First let me say this is a big blog. you should watch Every Movie mentioned here. Not just the fives. They are all fantastic films that shouldn't be missed ever. My wife is going to kill me when she see's my Movie of the Year.
In this Blog!!!
1.)The Top Movies Watched in 2011 for Brandon 2.)Best Movie with Friends. 3.) Brandon's Pick as Surprise Movie of the Year. 4.) The Best of the 4's 5.)The Hottest of the Hot from the Blog. The 5 Actresses that you should look up. 6.) Brandon's Pick for Best Movie he watched in the Year 2011!!!! 7.) Subscribe people what's wrong with you.
Don't forget to Subscribe, I mean if you are reading it don't you want to subscribe.
Listed Below are the movies, The Reviews and in the order they were watched in 2011. Yes there are some 4's in here, they are Honorable mentions. That you shouldn't pass on. Again I can't stress enough that you should Watch every single Movie in the below Category. This is The Best of the Best of Brandon's 2011 Movies. Enjoy.
(1) Tangled (2010) My wife Anne really wanted to see this. You know what... So did I. I love Disney, if you don't you are lying to yourself. Disney gives quality Movies. What I think is funny is I just spent the last paragraph talking about how I don't give out 5's well newsflash this one gets a solid 5. Maybe I started the year off with the best movie out of them all. Music check, some of the best Disney scores of all time. Comedy, OH YEAH. I was laughing so hard at the now coined "Bipolar scene" I cried I laughed, I may have even peed a little. So hilarious. Romance, of course It's Disney. It was childish romance, but that's exactly what you expect from Disney. It really was the perfect Disney movie it covered all the basis. Drama, Depression, Evil, Magic, goons, and visuals were just outstanding. the Lantern scene come on if you didn't well up a little, what is wrong with you. I don't want to ruin this for people who haven't seen this, but wow, this movie is one of the greats. I strongly urge you to get around with your guy friends and put this on and really appreciate it for what it is. laugh out loud glory. I honestly have to say, it surpassed all expectations and quickly became one of my favorite films of all time.
(9) Toy Story 3 (2010) Toy Story 3 was great. I have loved this series from beginning to end. This one didn't let down. I really liked it. It was depressing, but such a great story. This movie didn't really remind me that I was watching a kids movie. I was just blown away by this one. Great action scenes. Mr. Potato head was great. There were scenes that made you laugh. Then Their was the scene in the dump. I cried. No. Not Cried. I wept deep. I had a good hard cry during that scene. I really honestly thought they were going to end the movie this way. It could have ended that way. It was completely possible. Thankfully it did end in a good way. Their was a ton of good in this movie. A perfect ending to a perfect series. This was a perfect movie. It had great bad guys, good horror. Loss, and Love. The ending. It was great. 5 out of 5.
(10) Kings Speech (2011) Anne drug me to this. I had not heard anything about it. She just said that she really wanted to see it. I gave in and we went to see it. Anne put it best. Sometimes you go to see movies and you say that was a great movie but every now and again you go to the movies and you see a great film. Kings Speech was a film. It was in a different class than other movies. This was griping. True. Touching. The Acting was above the bar. Reset the bar. Colin Firth was everything that the character needed. He did the King Justice. Geoffry Rush was great and inspiring. This movie is well known, and for good reason. The setting was spot on. The story was intriguing and you caught yourself pulling for the characters. When you heard the record play you choked up. With the speech you cried. With the frustration you felt frustration. It was a very affectionate and very moving. Sometimes a Film leaves you with a feeling that you know the people that were in the movie. The Degree this film was at is far beyond anything that I had seen in a very very long time. If you haven't seen this. You are missing out. 5 out 5.
(11) The Social Network (2010)
This was part of our Oscar Run. We try around the Oscars to watch a lot of the movies that are nominated. Hence why the last three movies in the previous blog were Oscar nominated. As a matter of fact The next few movies will also be Oscar nominations.
The Social Network. This is the so called true story of what happened with Facebook. This of course interested me because, well I use Facebook. This was a movie i was excited to see. I do like Jesse Eisenberg. The Social Network was a straight forward story about what happened, or at least one side of the story. I don't want to pretend I know what actually happened, it's not like I was at Harvard. If I were, I wouldn't have been part of the cool club. Basically this movie wasn't exactly a thrill ride. It wasn't exactly boring either. It was a bit nerdy basically a computer nerd sticks it to the jocks by expanding on an Idea that they had. They built a social network. This social network obviously took off and became something huge. Even though I like Jesse Eisenberg overall sometimes I worry about his range. He plays the socially awkward guy who ends up with girls and riches and then inevitably a Spine. Basically Eisenberg has stolen Michael Cera's characters. I know I enjoyed Zombieland as well. However, that doesn't negate the fact that Eisenberg kind of reminds me of Cera.
Social Network was compelling. It was a great story told in quality fashion. The Movie moved at a nice pace, it was a run of the mill Hollywood blockbuster which is what the majority of everyone out there enjoys. Although I enjoy the off kilter movies I also enjoy the Hollywood blockbusters. I know that they are directed toward the masses and that isn't a bad thing, but it's not exactly the type of film I actively like to watch. However this has nothing to do with what I actively thought about the movie.
The Movie was well done, like previously stated it was compelling and the pace was good. The acting was believable, it didn't exactly move me. Fincher did an O.K. Job. Nothing here that stands out as poorly done. It was executed extremely well. The soundtrack was awesome, I liked the nod to Napster and how it was done. This overall internet revolution could spawn a bunch of good true story movies. This one in particular was a great Biography. There is debate about how true this movie actually was. Did they or did they not get the facts straight. My question to you is, Is this a Movie? So, why exactly do you care? People can read the books. It's not that hard. Anyway I actually award this movie a solid 5 out of 5. It's storyline, pace, acting, paneling, and score were great. I have no negative things to say about this movie. Nothing outwardly positive either, but I can't honestly not give it a 5 just because it doesn't stand out amongst the crowd. It was solid on every level.
(13) Black Swan (2010) My Friend Chris Zwart who has become quite the movie buff, told us we had to watch this. So when it came time for the Oscars we did. Anne and I watched it. We actually got into a huge argument over it. I won't share what the argument was about but it involved me commenting on how hot Mila Kunis is. Lets face it, She is dead sexy. Anne might get pissed when she reads this, but it is true. If you don't believe me ask Cody Shafer about Mila Kunis.
Oh yeah so this is a review of the movie, not about how Hot Mila Kunis is. Wait.. let me just prove my point really quickly. And I didn't even post any of the provocative pictures. By the Way all my pictures in all my blogs come from Google Images, just so that that is out there. What are we talking about oh yeah, So Mila Kunis is on that 70's Show, and she is in this movie Extract that I watched last year that i highly recommend for all us Mila fans. .... This is not a Mila Kunis section is it. It's about Black Swan, which has MILA KUNIS in it and she is So very beautiful and talented and man on man is she smoking hot. Plus, she has a lesbian scene with the other person in this movie. It's weird I don't understand why Natalie Portman got all of the hype for this movie, I mean MILA KUNIS is in this.
Ok, so to be serious. This movie was about a transformation into the Crazy zone. Not sure if anything in the movie actually happened or if Portman's character was just going insane. I lean toward the going insane part, but that's to be left up to you as the viewer. Is this as raunchy as they say it is. It's not exactly Pornography, but yes it's pretty raunchy. It has several scenes that Adult only. Especially the Scene that was aforementioned. They did a great job with the transformation and the acting by Portman and Kunis is remarkable. It was a thrill through and through. However, The raunchy part did actually in my opinion take away from the end result of the movie. It could have been left PG and would have gone over better and not caused quite the stir. Lots of people love this movie. I for one thought it was a one time watch. Most movies like this are. It was a good strong showing. Just not the best movie I have seen all year and to be perfectly honest it got going really terribly slow almost to point of falling asleep before the good stuff happens. If Mila Kunis wouldn't have been in it my attention span would have left long before the movie had a chance to show it's brilliance. Plus, no real closure. The Character didn't honestly pay for any of her transgressions. It was a just a crash derby in crazyville away from being a load of horse manure. However, the character losing her mind was the whole story plot, So therefore I give it a 4 Mila! Mila! Mila! out of 5.
(18) All Star Superman (2011) This was a movie make of probably my favorite superman comic to ever be published. I didn't know if it would get the point across of Grant Morrison's epic Superman story. I won't ruin anything for you but it is a real issue for Superman to overcome. He basically gets cancer from all the sun he soaks in to gain his power. He then comes into contact with a lot of vile villains like Luthor and the Black Sun. There are some really good moments and it really shows Superman in the light He has always deserved. Superman is one of those characters who you can't do to much to this character without destroying him. The movie did follow the comic well, and I liked the voices James Denton is a great voice for the Man of Steel. It was good if you are a Superman fan it's a must see, If you aren't into to Super Heroes then this is not for you. Not at all. This is an in depth look at the Man of Steel in an alternate world with lots of nods to Superman's past if you don't geek out over Superman, you won't like this it will have a lot of confusing stuff in it. but for us Superman fans out there. It's a 5 out of 5.
(21) Rubber (2011) This Movie I got really excited for when I saw this on Claire's Facebook. God Bless Claire McDonell and her exquisite taste. I immediately called Dustin and Dane and Chris and we got together and watched this amazing film. Why would they make a movie about a tire going around killing people. No Reason. SO GOOD. Basically This movie is a tip of the hat to bad horror movies. If you don't love the horror genre you probably don't want to see this. Another good thing about this movie was the overall absurdness, it goes beyond what you would think it was. The Filming was great, the plot non existing, the lines so bad they were spectacular. This movie is exactly what I look for in movies. This is just a rubber tire the rubber tire goes around and blows up peoples MINDS. It like basically mind sticky grenades you. So all the policemen run around looking for a tire. Every scene is amazing. It has great one liners, fantastic moments of strife. It has sexy women, great "bad" acting. Plus, a nasty surprise in the middle to drive the movie forward. A solid 5 whitewash out of 5.
(25) Thor (2011) I was pumped about this movie. Wicked Pumped. It was really good. It was surprisingly funny. Hemsworth was fantastic. I liked the nod to Hawkeye, the lead up to the avengers is going great, I think it's actually going to be good. The Sacrifice at the end was great and the Hammer thing on Loki was brilliant. This movie did everything I wanted it to. It covered Thor as the arrogant little boy, It covered Loki's character traits and how the reader (watcher) actually feels bad for the guy even though he is a complete douche. It didn't have enchantress, but that is what Thor 2 is for. THERE BETTER BE A THOR 2!!!!. Some of the best comedy in a Super hero film to date. lines like "does he need Mouth to Mouth, because I totally know CPR" and "Thank You I'll have another" Plus the Car parts and the subtle hints to how sexy Hemsworth is. Then you have the Hammer scenes with Rednecks trying to pull it out with their trucks. So good. Not to mention the great action. How Beast was the Destroyer people. He totally reaked havoc and ..... Destroyed stuff. Subtle Nods to He-Man throughout was appreciated. Odin couldn't have been cast better, and he looked like Norse God should look. Then you add onto all of that the fact that they did an amazing job with Jotunheim and Asgard man they looked great. The Fight at Jotunheim gave me the Thor I wanted to see, then later Thor gives up a good fight with Loki. It down played how powerful Thor is. Which is to be expected. Thor is going to get down played even more in the Avengers, because we all know good and well if you read the comics, He owns the rest of them. I loved one of the newer Thor Story lines where he just man handles Tony right out of the Iron Man Armour. So good. This Movie made me happy, But Surprisingly as good as it was, It isn't the best Super Hero Movie of the Year. There are more to come Young ones. More to Come. Thor gets a 5 Manly piece of Turkey Leg and a mug of Ale out of 5.
(30) Unstoppable (2010) Every now and then it's just time for a good Thrill ride. This movie got me excited because of my families tie to the rail road. I like trains, this is a thrill ride with trains. Chris Pine I like, who doesn't like Denzel, plus Rosario Dawson a cult film favorite. Gotta love her. This movie did start out a little slow. However, like most thrill rides it built up steam and just roared to the finish. I like Thrill movies. Thrill movies have to have several things to work. They have to be moderately believable. This starts with a mistake, and idiots mistake, but a mistake nonetheless. Thrill movies have to be fast, this one started slow but got fast moving quickly. It has to have heroes. It has two. It has to have a bad guy. It gave us Corporate America. It has to have a tragedy in wake. How about a train carrying Explosive chemicals toward a town with an Elementary school near the tracks. Yeah that works. Just like this movie works. It gives you every single thing you need from a thrill movie. All of it. So I give it all the points. Is it a Art filled amazing film that will make you cry and move you to change your life. NO it won't, but was it a thrill a minute ride that got your adrenaline running. Yes it did. A solid 5 out of 5.
(35) Troll Hunter (2011) This is a Norwegian film that Chris Zwart and Tom Lomax told me not to miss. So I called the guys up and they brought their people and we enjoyed the Hell out of this one. Anne even loved it. Jeremy John watched it with us. It was simply one of the best films I have seen in quite a while. It may have been the best movie of the year for me. It's scary, It's animation is terrific. The story line is so good. It's a brilliant plot. Bear Killings spawn a huge Government Conspiracy. This film is a must see. It's terrifying in places, funny in others and it's just so great. This movie is flawless. I know it doesn't sound amazing, but Troll Hunter is bar none one of the greatest films I have ever seen. Everyone enjoyed this one. 5 TROLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL out of 5. Watch the Trailer.
Anne and I went on a Movie day. We saw a bunch of movies together. Anne picked some I picked some, We watched them all in one day. Those are fun days. The first movie.
(36) Bridesmaids (2011) First movie of the day. It was hilarious. Do girls talk that way. It really was a Hangover with women in it. It was Raunchy. I liked it. Poop jokes and all. I laughed so hard I cried. some of the jokes are just over the top funny and everyone of the actresses pulls it off. Just perfectly. Perfectly. Kristin Wiig. FANTASTIC front lady. Maya Rudolph no one else in the world would ever be able to pull off the dress in the middle of the street like she did. Ellie Kemper from the office was also fantastic. However, Melissa McCarthy Stole. The. Show. She was amazing. From start to finish. She was like a dirty Guy Fieri. So wonderful all the way around. So good. Charming. Even the soundtrack was great. Jokes were well thought out and pulled off great. The movie was perfectly paced. It was just spot on. 5 penis jokes on a plane out of 5.
(37) X-Men Origins: First Class (2011) This is movie number two of Anne and Brandon's Movie day out. Let me just put something out there. This movie with Marvel couldn't have been more inaccurate in the X men time line It couldn't have been more inaccurate than half of the movies Marvel puts out. From Emma Frost being the same age as Magneto, to Banchee and Havok I just don't get it at all. Not at all. Period. However, even with grave inaccuracies I am willing to look past it if they do a good job with the movie. Finally. Even with all the inaccuracies and an ugly Mystique They got this perfect. Kevin Bacon was amazing as Shaw. The Hellfire club was perfectly represented. The fights were perfectly displayed. Beast was well represented. James McAvory was Brilliant as the young Charles Xavier. The Young Magneto was great, thanks to a stellar performance of Michale Fassbender. The Plot line was actually ok. I enjoyed the Recruiting scenes where you got to me lots of mutants. Even Wolverine was in there with the only foul language in the entire movie. Thanks to Hugh Jackman for showing up in it. It pulled it together well. Even with the movies themselves not corroborating because Emma Frost was in both the last X men movies. In First Class which Time Line wise took place years and years before Wolverine Origins Emma was an Adult. In Wolverine Origins she was a Teenager. How does that work. Anyway. This movie was really good. It was paced well, I thought it was over a bit to quickly, Just Action packed. The turn to evil for Magneto was Cinematic Genius. 5 teenage mutant non ninja humans out of 5.
(38) Super 8 (2011) Anne and I's third movie of the day. It did not disappoint. I had heard several put down's before I went to see it, but none of them stood up against it. I really enjoyed it. It was loveable. Scary. Plus, the kids in this were great. Who thought Elle Fanning would out do her sister. It was really quite well done. From the Monster's real goal to the rescue trips to the story telling. The unrelenting director in the film, not of the film, but in the film. The effects Breathtaking. The cinematography amazing. the Setting oh my the setting made it feel like i was in the time period watching a movie in that time period. Details were spot on wonderful to picture frames and wardrobe. So good. It did however have some slow spots that felt redundant and useless. It could have been cleaned up a little. Plus, making an 9 year old the attractive one in the film was a bit uncomfortable. By no means is it borderline pedophilia it's just that she was the object of the 7 and 8 year old boys, 7 and 8 year old boys are supposed to look at 9 year old girls, I just didn't want to. With all of that being said. Abrams hits on all cylinders again delivering a movie that I can't wait to watch with my kids. It really was this generation's E.T. So fun. The best part was there wasn't any Evil in this movie, just misunderstanding. 4 Spaceships in the sky out of 5.
(43) Whip It (2009) In Juno, I had a feeling about Ellen Page, In Inception it was more than just a feeling, In Whip It it was confirmed Ellen Page is DEAD SEXY. This Movie was packed full of Awesome People Drew Barrymore, Kristen Wiig, Zoe Bell, and Jimmy Fallon. Juliette Lewis is in this. I don't care for her too much, Something about her reminds me of someone who lives in a trailer park and doesn't shower, and more concerned about her cigarettes than her 5 children of 5 different races. Now that I have pumped up this movie, lets talk about it. It's about a young woman coming into her own. It's full of laughs, hot chicks and funny moments. It's a riot. There are a lot of slow moments that build the characters, some of it is worth it some of it not. Lewis's character is a real douche, she pulls a douche off pretty well. Kristen Wiig is amazing, super sexy and funny. Where has she been?!?!?! She should be a superstar, I hope she becomes one soon. Ellen Page is her normal quirky self, she is like the Michael Cera of chicks, except she sometimes can be super Sexy and Super awkward. I just like her because she is funny, just like how I like Cera. No matter how many times he plays the same role, he is still really funny. Even if it gets old. The story is fun and inventive. It's not too over presumptuous about being one of the best movies, it sticks to its silliness even with the plot. The father was great, the mother was fun. I loved the premiss and the even greater delivery. Other than a little bit of boring where they develop plot, this movie is just constant giggles. 4 ow I bet that hurt out of 5.
(44) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Pt 2 (2011) The Finale to a great 8 Film set. One of the most popular Franchises in History. I can't wait to watch the reboots which will come soon I am sure. No way do they leave this alone. Was this movie great. Lots of people don't think so. I admit some areas are more than inaccurate. Moments that had me closing the book walking to the bathroom for a nice hard cry in the sink, where just skimmed over and not made the big deal that they should have been. It was a little over dramatic at times. However, It doesn't mean that it wasn't a good close to this movie series. If it would have been perfect it wouldn't have been part of this Series. In my opinion the only perfect movie in this Series was pt. 1. Again that is just my opinion. I liked this movie. It was perfectly scary. The scenes at Hogwarts are fantastic, Well other than obvious things that should be there being left out. I like Neville making the 'Man Up' Call that was great. The Potter taking Voldemort off the side of the castle was obscene. Some of the other great things in this movie was action along with the battle at the castle. MRS. WEASLEY. enough said. Some of the best Potter moments of all time happen here. Overall as the last installment of this series. I have no choice but to give it a 5 out of 5, Only because it is a Potter movie and it wasn't a massive disappointment. At least not in my eyes. I can't wait for the Reboots.
(47) Killers (2010) Ashton Kutcher as a Contract Killer not to much of a stretch for him, Katherine Heigl as a pretty girl, not too much of a stretch for her. The Movie was a lot of fun, Great fun. Basic Plot overview, nothing you can't get from the trailer. Basically, Kutcher is out killing some dude and meets Heigl they go on a date, they get married, then Everyone they know starts to try and Kill them. Because everyone almost is a Secret Agent. It's really close to Mr. and Mrs. Smith except one of the two isn't a secret agent and is freaking out. Lots of good action, the scenes are solid and funny. It's really close to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, but a whole lot funnier. So if you want to have a good date night movie to rent and laugh at, this is the one for you. 4 out of 5.
(48) Captain America (2011) It's needless to say how much I looked forward to this. So I won't. I enjoyed the cinematography, The nod to the Howling Commandos and how Duggan was in it. There was everything A Captain America movie should have had. Bucky was there, the Red Skull, the super natural components and the Shield. The action was spot on amazing. Plus, there were great nods throughout to who Steve Rodgers really is. I liked the beginning when he was a puny little twit, but with courage and guts. Then the transformation was flawless it looked good, it wasn't over cheesy it was just what I expected. Then the overall flow of the movie was good. I don't typically like the shot forward before the movie starts, but in this case it was warranted given the History of Cap. That was the great part of this film. They stayed true to the overall feel of the comic and to the reason why this character is with the likes of Iron Man and the Others. It set up the Avengers Movie perfectly. I also loved the feel they gave Cap when he escaped the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. They put almost everything you could want from a Captain America movie in the Captain America Movie, Well except some quality Adolf Bashing. I got that a few weeks later when River did it anyway, HA Hitler is locked in the Closet. Fun Stuff. Anyway Back to the Cap Movie. The Shield Wielding, Dancing and Go Go girls were fun too. 5 SHIELD SLASH out of 5.
(49) Old Boy (2003) Here is the Deal. Chris Zwart swore by this movie. Chris said it was the best movie he had seen in a very long time. I have to agree it's a great film and I love Japanese movies. However, It isn't everything Chris said it was. There are a ton of great stuff through this movie. ESPECIALLY the storyline. A total mind blower. The fighting in this is just remarkable. Then comes the overall feel of revenge that you get from this movie. It's really well done. The Villain in this is truly evil. If you like Japanese movies this is a must see. If you don't like Violence and Ultra violence you should skip this. It's a bit over the top, that's the reason it makes it good. I only take away a point due to the long breathed entrapment at the beginning, they could have shortened it and gotten the same effect across. So 4 out of 5.
(50) Catfish (2010) Justan and Shana recommended this to us. I watched it. It's great and really really sad. Really sad. I don't want to give anything away. It's a tug on the heart strings, It almost pisses you off, but then again you feel really sad and upset for the people involved. The guys are hilarious throughout and the fact that it is a documentary and in real time makes it even more intriguing. If you are fan of strange and dependent documentaries, this is a must see. The editing is great, the feel and flow is strict and it carries you along well. The twist along the way will blow your mind. The Catfish story is meaningful and it has a life lesson you can learn. If you like your movies for fun and enjoyment this has both, and suspense. It's quite the film. 4 out of 5.
(54)Cowboys and Aliens (2011) Favreau pulled this off, I have not read the comic and I must say that some of the most important movies of the year for me were comic book movies. This one didn't let up or let me down, if anything I went in thinking it was only going to be so so and came out blown away. This was one of the best of the summer. Here is a look at the trailer. Daniel Craig delivers again, he is one of the best action stars out there. The character development throughout the film was well drawn out. Harrison Ford pulls of the Bad guy/ Good guy character, I like Fords take on Old age. He just keeps getting better. Olivia Wilde is just drop out of the sky gorgeous throughout the movie, She is breathtaking. It's a really good western movie with a nice spin. The story isn't believable but lets face it you give that up when you read the title. This movie was a knock down drag out action film. It has wonderful Horse Chase action and it grows into a western between individuals and bandits and the aliens are terrifying and they are experimenting. This is a fun action film. Favreau nails it. 5 HOLY CRAP melty gold out of 5.
(60) Our Idiot Brother (2011) Hands down one of the best Films of the Year for me. So amazing from start to finish. It was hilarious. Plus, Zooey was in it which is always a good thing. Paul Rudd gives his best performance since Anchorman they even make fun of Anchorman in it. The acting is great and some of the performances are top notch. Adam Scott is great in this. T.J. Miller stood out second only to Paul Rudd. Elizabeth Banks was sexy and furious. This movie was simply one of the best comedy films of all time. It was just so positive and laugh out loud fun. Nedd Rudd's character was the best written and performed character I have seen in a long time. I have seen it twice and it was just as good the second time. Plus Zooey and Rashida Jones make out a little which is enough to give any self respecting nerd a heart attack. Emily Mortimor gives a great performance and looks truly strung out at times and the kid was funny too. Nothing beats Paul Rudd's performance for me out of the first 60 movies I have reviewed for the year, and looking into the future of the last few, no one gets close. If you haven't seen this you need to. Now. 5 we are just two guys enjoying each others company and making candles out of 5.
(63) Ben Harper: Pleasure and Pain (2001) This is a great Documentary of Ben Harper. I learned a lot about Harper than ever before, following him on tour, listening to his music and meeting his family. His Grandfather owns a antique music store where Ben grew up and learned to play tons of instruments. Ben's Mother is also an amazing Musician. There is a scene where they are playing together in her living room and it is one of the most moving moments of the year for me. Lots of the reasons behind watching this movie for me was Harper tends to touch on moments that are priceless. Not only in this movie, but also in his music. If you aren't a Ben Harper fan you should be, unless you just don't like that type of music then maybe you shouldn't be, but really Harper covers such a very wide range that maybe you can find something you like. 5 out of 5.
(72) Bitiful (2010) Another Spanish Movie on my list whats this make.... 1. yeah... HAHA, Second European movie in this blog post though. so that's not bad. I suck at this. Anyway, this movie was great. I cried oh how I cried. This father tries so hard to get his life in order because he is so sick and then bad thing after horrible thing after worse thing happens. He tries to do something good for people and Oh my gosh did I cry. This is a modern day Job character. So much goes wrong and he just keeps trying and it oh man. I cried. Javier is just breath taking in this. His love for his children, he is tough on the streets and he is smart and bad luck just keeps smacking him around. Then Maricel Alvarez just knocks her role out of the park, It's like she is that character in real life. She is only in like four things so she might actually be, I'm not sure, but man oh man was it a great performance from all who were involved. So good, from start to finish. 5 YUM JAVIER's out of 5. That's right I have a crush on him, so what did you see him in Eat, Pray, Love. What a MAN!!!! HAHAHA.
(76) Tucker and Dale VS. EVIL. (2011) This movie is in the running for the best Film I saw all year long. It was Hilarious, it had great acting even from the sub characters. Tyler Labine came out of nowhere for me, This is the first movie that I honestly can say he stuck out in. He was in other stuff, Like Zakk and Miri and some other films, but he made his presence known here. Alan Tudyk who is great in everything he touches from Firefly to dodgeball to death at a funeral, he is an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. Then out of nowhere the ditsy chick from 30 rock, nails the horror chick in distress/ love interest. Way to go Katrina Bowden. The movie was clever. The movie showed the opposite points of views perfectly. They nailed the awkwardness. They Nailed the Accident's. Was is scary? No. Was it supposed to be scary? No. Was it Fun and funny? yes. Was it one of the best movies I have seen in a very long time? Yes. Was it in the theaters? no. Should it have been? Yes. One thing that I don't understand about Magnet, Yes this was another one of theirs. The fourth in 2011. I can't help it, it's good stuff. There will be more from Magnet to come. Just be ready for it. I don't understand why people aren't going in droves to witness some of the lower budget blockbuster hits like Tucker and Dale and Troll Hunter. Okay so I understand not everyone wants to watch Rubber or Hobo with a Shotgun or Black Death or the Last Circus. You should want to, but if you don't whatever, I am telling you now. DO NOT MISS THIS MOVIE. DON'T. You will laugh. You will cry. (from laughing) you will call your friends afterwards and tell them to watch this. Then you will tell your friends to subscribe to my blog then you will get together with your friends and watch Troll Hunter, then they will tell their friends to subscribe to my blog. Then I will have like 3 people subscribed to my blog and that will be awesome, but you know what's better than subscribing to my blog. Not that Anything can actually be better than subscribing to my Blog, have you done that by the way? because if you haven't you should. It's fun. It has prizes. Like I'll send you a cupcake. I will. My niece Isabella makes awesome cupcakes just ask Anne about them. she made them on Christmas for us, I promise they don't taste like stale toothpaste. Anyway, Whats better than subscribing to my blog which you should totally do. Tucker and Dale VS. EVIL is better, Magnet Movies are better. Don't believe me. HA Told YOU. So Tucker and Dale. Was it the perfect movie for what it was looking to achieve. By gosh yes it was. 5 he must a been allergic or something because he was running like a bat outta Hell. out of 5. 5 these kids must be in some sorta suicide pact. out of 5. 5 we have the girl she's in my bedroom out of 5. 5 why are you not heading to Wal Mart, FYI,, or netflix to watch this. right the heck now out of 5. Seriously get on it. By the way the poster means GIVE UP. Just so you know.
(81) Monsters (2010) Another Magnet Movie. Imagine that. This one is in a world that Monsters have shown up on Earth, Imagine District 9 but actually really good. The Monster's are very much like Octopus and Squid. They are shown only a few times and when they are shown it is wonderful. You get a feel that the reaction to the Monsters would be exactly how America and the rest of the world would actually act. Instead of studying them and figuring out exactly what they want or need they pull out their guns and shoot. This movie Follows characters trying to buy their way out of Mexico and around the infected Zone which I am assuming is part of Mexico and part of Texas. They are 2 twenty somethings and it ends up being a semi-love story and it plays out well. It's a shorter film not exactly lengthy, but it's well done. The filming and the pace are stunning the special effects were top notch, considering I assume they had a small budget. The best part of the film was definitely the setting. they took close care to make it not only feel like they were actually in a damaged world, but the overall absence of extras in the background really put the point across. It was a world in repair. The Wall was a basic wall. nothing special, but it still put the point across that America will do anything to protect itself even kill everyone and everything in it's own country to protect the few important people that they feel are more important. It's not an Anti-America film. Not even an anti-government film. It is just a really specific way of saying that in a pinch America probably wouldn't do the right thing. Everything in this movie is done really well. The Story line lacks a solid plot other than getting to where they are going. Some of the important things are lost along the way. They also don't explain the things of how this came to be and how it was so swiftly contained and why some people just are content in living with the monsters. Some of it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. The Trees and shrubs are very cool. 4 out of 5.
(88) The Devils Double (2011) This Film I was looking forward to watching. It covers the life of Uday Hussein and his body double Latif. The same actor plays each person. I found that out afterwards which tells me that the makeup in this was good enough to make me feel like it was actually different people. It was good. The Actor Dominic Cooper was truly Snubbed and should have won awards for this. Such good acting. The story was intriguing and man oh man was Uday completely off his rocker. Things continued to escalate and man oh man was it intense. Action, it had it. Good Pacing oh yeah. thrill ride. The plot was perfect. It was superb in every way. They could have made the main female a little less whorish. This is in the Running for the best Film I watched all year. So very good. The point behind this movie was carried throughout and you were transformed into the movie with Latif and you were just as scared for him as he was for himself. I liked the transformation scenes and sometimes I just wonder why he didn't go along with it and have some fun. 5 out 5.
(94) The Blind Side (2010) For Christmas we went down to visit Many, Izzy and Beau and Ben. Ben loves to watch movies and that's what we do when the girls play catch up time and barbies with Izzy. So Ben put this in knowing I haven't seen it. Ben and I have a "guy you barely know" relationship and it's not exactly proper to cry in front of someone you have a relationship like that with. Thankfully Ben fell asleep, otherwise he would have saw me weeping like a scorned child. This movie was powerful. It was well acted. People delivered performances that I didn't know they had in them. Bullock was outstanding. McGraw of all people a guy who sings trashy Country songs and sappy Country songs delivers a solid performance, this guy actually has it. Weird. Kind of like when you see Rowdy Roddy Piper in a movie and Anne is like I like this actor he is really good who is he again. You laugh and remind her that it's a pro Wrestler. Quinton Aaron delivers a knock out performance. Jae Head and Lily Collins are amazing in this. Kathy Bates, Ray Mckinnen it just brought the best out of the people playing the roles. By the way this is a true story. Such a strong story. A real life Rags to Riches. The fact that the lady reaches out like that is unheard of. I'm tearing up thinking it over. I can't write about it anymore because if i do I'll cry again 5 out of 5
(95) The Black Death (2010) Yes another Magnet film. Sorry if you hate them. You shouldn't by the way. Sean Bean is the man here. So many people along the way in this one. It's really quite well done. The story is perfectly diabolical. It takes place during the years of the Plague and they are Knights of god trying to find the Devil who they fear is behind the Plague, because this Plague is not of their God. It feels like a real life movie and not a supernatural movie at first then you get to the weird place and things go wicked down hill quick. Witches, Zombies, and uneasy executions. It had a wonderful plot. It did run long. The character development was good. The Violence brutal, the message amazing. It's never everyday you feel the spirit while watching a Horror movie. I don't think they meant to do it though, I think it's a weird coincidence. That's all. It's not exactly the best of all time when it comes to plague movies, but its a real close to getting a 5, but it does get a 4 out of 5.
(96) The Fog (1980) This was a movie that I was not excited see. I was just in the mood for an older movie. About mid way through my attitude changed. It was perfectly intense. The special effects were a little goofy but it was 1980 and I can see how that would have been super scary in 1980, because I have to be honest it was kind of scary in general which lends it self to the actual movie. It was acted out well. Adrienne Barbeau and Jamie Lee Curtis Knock this movie out. It was well done on every level. Pacing was great. Story was really carried out well. The plot was great, people died, things went wrong when it was supposed to go wrong. I just really enjoyed this, it was perfect horror film. It was funny, it didn't take itself to seriously and it delivered on what it wanted to. The Screams hurt my ears and the nail biting was at an all time high. I normally don't like to just throw out 5's but when you can't find a single flaw and you were truly entertained and the movie gave you everything, what else can you do but give it a solid 5 out of 5.
(100) The Help (2011) I was excited to see this because Anne had said such good things about the book. I after watching this, read the book and liked it just as much as the movie. Btw Auto Point notice 1 point for Emma Stone. She however did not stand out as the best of the movie. Jessica Chastain however did. She played Cecila Foote. She stole the show for me. So perky and perfect for the part. It was really fun. If you haven't read the book or seen the movie. Do it. Viola Davis was amazing in this as well. The way she presented the Aibileen character astonished me. It was just perfect in every way. The Actresses in this was outstanding. Bryce Dallas Howard Nailed Hilly. The Drunken slur of a mess she becomes and the Pie. OH my lord the Pie. Octavia Spencer was just mind blowing funny and her attitude she spit out in the face of the camera. It was a great movie. I laughed so hard I cried. Then I pooted. It was seriously that good. Allison Janney was so very very good. Her ranting and sadness she did well. It was one of the best times I have had with the movies. I like to end my year on a high note and this was a high note. 5 out of 5.
now that you have read all of the best movies It's time Ladies and Gents. For the Best movie Watched with friends.
It was a cold a dreary night. I think. It was about to be one of the best nights I have experienced.(to the tune of a christmas song) There were Nachos, Tacos, Chips and Dip. Reeses pieces M&M's and Liquorish whips. Dane was there, Dustin and Anne too. Cody, Jeremy John, and Indy to boot. What was it you say that made us all cheer so loud. TROLL HUNTER and Violence and weird smelling fart cloud. We ate we cheered we gritted our teeth, we cried from fear and peed in our seats, it was terrifying and violent and Christians got eaten. We all feared for the guy who had more screws loose that Fredrick Bailey Deeming. It was fun, it was Glorious we played with action figures. We didn't however roll in the grass for fear of the chiggers. Anne liked the movie which to me it was a surprise. Once everyone left tears rose up in my eyes.
The next section is my surprise movie of the year. Yes indeed a pleasant surprise it was. It's great when you go to a movie and it passes all expectations it was number (60) My Idiot Brother. A must see. Just drop my jaw amazing from start to finish.
The Best of the Fours. There are some good fours in here. The Social Network, The Black Swan, The Black Death, Whip It, Monsters, Catfish, Oldboy, Super 8 and Killers. The Best of the Fours is...... The Black Swan. It's really quite good and the performance by Portman is outstanding.
The best part of watching movies is the hot chicks that are actresses, but who is the hottest of the hot. I'll give you the five of the year in the movies I watched. Natalie Portman didn't make the list although she was the most featured actress this year.
1)Olivia Wilde (Cowboys and Aliens, Tron: Legacy)
2) Mila Kunis (The Black Swan)
3) Mary Elizabeth Winstead (Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World)
4)Emma Stone (Easy A, The Help)
5)Zooey Deschanel (My Idiot Brother, Your Highness)
This is what you have been waiting for Brandon's Choice for Best Movie of the Year. Anne is going to be So PISSED OFF. I know I know it's going to be bad. However the movies are great Tangled, The Devils Double, Troll Hunter, Thor, All Star Superman, Captain America, Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil, Rubber, Plus The King's Speech and The Help. So Who wins.......
That's right my pick for the picture of the Year is number (35) Troll Hunter!!!! I know Anne is going to be pissed because I didn't pick Kings Speech, It was good, but just as good as Troll Hunter. Go buy it. Now. Well, not right now, Subscribe to my blog then go buy it.
So here we are. The End of another Year of Movies. Just Ten to Go. I would like to take this time to officially go over what exactly this blog is. If you are tired of reading that skip the next paragraph. If you want to read it. Who am I to tell you not to. If you would like to read my other blogs feel free to go over the Archives. Don't forget to check out the "Best for Brandon in 2011" section. It's where I will re-post the Fives and the really good Fours and then let you know my (insert off beat drum roll imagine a drum roll from a high school band, I couldn't afford a good drummer) BRANDON'S MOVIE OF THE YEAR!!!!! bum bum buuuuaaaauuuaaauum. (I couldn't afford for the kid to do both.) O.K. so there we go.
The Deal. I watch 100 movies a year. These movies are movies I haven't seen before. There is no real rhyme or reason behind which movies are chosen just that I haven't seen them before. Then after I watch said movies, I turn around and blog about them. Sometimes I go on rants that have absolutely nothing to do with anything, then I rate them. The rating scale is on a zero to five scale. If you are wondering which is better. Then the five is better. Zero in this case is not the hero. So 0=Oh My god it was not only bad it killed brain cells 1= it at least had a hot chick in it. 2= It had some redeeming quality's kind of like a burnt cookie, you don't really want to eat it, but you also can't throw it away, you can't just let it set there so you should just go ahead and eat it. Then you aren't exactly positive that was a good idea, but a burnt chocolate chip is still a chocolate chip. 3= Middle of the road, neither bad nor good. I don't necessarily recommend it, but i don't not recommend it either the movie is more or less esoteric. 4=Really quite good, it had a few things wrong along the way, but you should rent it at least. 5= what are you waiting for the mayo to yellow in your Tuna Salad get up and get going and watch this. So now that you know what the rating system is, I know what you are asking. Didn't your previous blogs rate from 1-5. My answer is yes. This was before I saw a few movies and realized, 1 just wasn't a low enough score for those piles of steaming crap finger nail clippings. So I added the zero.
DONT FORGET. If you suggest a movie to be rated, or you answer questions by emailing me I might have a gift waiting to be sent out. I'm not saying you are going to be happy with the gift. I'm not even saying it's worth your time, but you never know. Plus I don't think people are taking me serious on the whole subscribe to my blog thing. So how about doing that now. Why are you still reading you should be subscribing to my blog. Plus, if you Email me movies I have already watched I'll give them a quick hit rating. My Email is Email me your suggestions or quick hit ratings there. Don't be afraid to email them, I may be missing out on something amazing.
Speaking of quick hits. Here are a few from emails I have received. The Punisher (2004) 5. Boondock Saints (1999) 5. Interview with a Vampire (1994) Slither I haven't seen it. Misery I haven't seen It Overboard (1987) 4 The James Bond Films. I can't remember which ones I have seen I will get a list going and fit them in next year. I know I have seen quite a few but they do kind of blur together some were really good, some weren't. So I may have to re watch them to give an accurate rating, which I am not above doing.
So on to this Blog.
(91) The Amazing Screw on Head (2006) This is from the genius behind Hellboy. The Comic won an Eisner Award and this is more of a collection of short films than a full feature. You can actually watch all of these on Youtube. It's a very quirky look at characters like Vampires, Abraham Lincoln and others. The amazing screw on head is a agent for Abraham Lincolns task force. It's pretty good. Speaking of Abraham Lincoln I am pretty pumped for Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter which will be coming out this summer. This was an animated feature, the animation had a distinct feel too it and it was done really well. It was a fun story, with fantastic one liners. I had not read the comic before but after watching the short film which it's running time is under a half an hour, I look forward to spending time with the comic. This world could be expanded on. I hope in the future we see more of this. I actually haven't done my homework, so there might be. This however do mainly to it length and it's inability to be one hundred percent coherent must loose at least one point. So therefore I give it a 4 out of 5.
(92) Your Highness (2010) Anne and I watched this because I do have a fondness for Stoner movies, and after be sorely let down by Dazed and confused I wanted to find redemption. I thought Natalie Portman and James Franco could help me with this. They didn't It had great points it did, some of the awkward sexy moments with Portman weren't bad, Zooey Deschanel was great as a clueless horny virgin damsel in distress. I just don't like Danny Mcbrides Humor, It's a little to vulgar and childish. even for me, I am the one who laughed hysterically at a puppet turkey smoking a cigar comments on how big the girls boobs were. This was worse humor. The fight scenes weren't bad though. The overall plot was really bad, the lines that meant to be funny didn't carry. It wasn't funny, it wasn't good. It wasn't terrible, I mean Portman was good in this. Kind of. I can't say it's worth watching 2 out of 5.
(93) A Christmas Carol (2009) This is one of my favorite most favorite Christmas stories, I really enjoy this story. Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol makes me cry almost every year. The redemption the character goes through is moving. I have seen so very many renditions of this and have wanted to see this for a long time. I can't watch Christmas movies outside of the season. It feel weird. So as Christmas came near. I geared up sit down with some Hot cocoa with the wife and we watched what Jim Carrey did with this. He did well. The animation I didn't care for, I don't enjoy this splotchy oily and clayish like animation. It just doesn't do it for me. The flying around was pretty good, It was super close to the Mickey's Christmas Carol. Which I don't mind. Not at all. I liked Mickey's Christmas Carol. The animation really bothered me. Plus it was a bit Jittery. Carrey was good. I liked his deliverance. This is however something that is special and would have to be done perfectly to surprise you. It wasn't perfect, mostly do to the animation. 3 out of 5.
(94) The Blind Side (2010) For Christmas we went down to visit Many, Izzy and Beau and Ben. Ben loves to watch movies and that's what we do when the girls play catch up time and barbies with Izzy. So Ben put this in knowing I haven't seen it. Ben and I have a "guy you barely know" relationship and it's not exactly proper to cry in front of someone you have a relationship like that with. Thankfully Ben fell asleep, otherwise he would have saw me weeping like a scorned child. This movie was powerful. It was well acted. People delivered performances that I didn't know they had in them. Bullock was outstanding. McGraw of all people a guy who sings trashy Country songs and sappy Country songs delivers a solid performance, this guy actually has it. Weird. Kind of like when you see Rowdy Roddy Piper in a movie and Anne is like I like this actor he is really good who is he again. You laugh and remind her that it's a pro Wrestler. Quinton Aaron delivers a knock out performance. Jae Head and Lily Collins are amazing in this. Kathy Bates, Ray Mckinnen it just brought the best out of the people playing the roles. By the way this is a true story. Such a strong story. A real life Rags to Riches. The fact that the lady reaches out like that is unheard of. I'm tearing up thinking it over. I can't write about it anymore because if i do I'll cry again 5 out of 5
(95) The Black Death (2010) Yes another Magnet film. Sorry if you hate them. You shouldn't by the way. Sean Bean is the man here. So many people along the way in this one. It's really quite well done. The story is perfectly diabolical. It takes place during the years of the Plague and they are Knights of god trying to find the Devil who they fear is behind the Plague, because this Plague is not of their God. It feels like a real life movie and not a supernatural movie at first then you get to the weird place and things go wicked down hill quick. Witches, Zombies, and uneasy executions. It had a wonderful plot. It did run long. The character development was good. The Violence brutal, the message amazing. It's never everyday you feel the spirit while watching a Horror movie. I don't think they meant to do it though, I think it's a weird coincidence. That's all. It's not exactly the best of all time when it comes to plague movies, but its a real close to getting a 5, but it does get a 4 out of 5.
(96) The Fog (1980) This was a movie that I was not excited see. I was just in the mood for an older movie. About mid way through my attitude changed. It was perfectly intense. The special effects were a little goofy but it was 1980 and I can see how that would have been super scary in 1980, because I have to be honest it was kind of scary in general which lends it self to the actual movie. It was acted out well. Adrienne Barbeau and Jamie Lee Curtis Knock this movie out. It was well done on every level. Pacing was great. Story was really carried out well. The plot was great, people died, things went wrong when it was supposed to go wrong. I just really enjoyed this, it was perfect horror film. It was funny, it didn't take itself to seriously and it delivered on what it wanted to. The Screams hurt my ears and the nail biting was at an all time high. I normally don't like to just throw out 5's but when you can't find a single flaw and you were truly entertained and the movie gave you everything, what else can you do but give it a solid 5 out of 5.
(97) WWE: The Greatest Cage Matches of All Time (2011) This was another Wrestling Documentary. Feel free to skip. I wish I did. I hate the people behind the WWE stuff they do such a piss poor job. I could do so much better. It's really badly done. Why do i keep watching them. It's just Shawn Michaels this Shawn Michaels that. This was no different. It did give you a really nice Ric Flair and Lex Lugar from the 80's with the Four Horseman and Sting. It didn't give you any of the massive war's in cages in WCW that they were famous for. Like the Three story cages. The two rings hooked together. with Teams coming in one at a time. they didn't give you any of that instead it was All WWF stuff. Not even there good stuff either. They just promoted their already famous stars. How can the best of all time take place between a three year period, I guess it can if you just want to showcase a select few wrestlers. 2 out of 5.
(98)Hot Tub Time Machine (2010) I watched this by my self, I thought premise was absolutely ridiculous. This means I was excited. I thought i would really like it. It had its good points. Cusack was terrible. horribly awful, what has gotten into him. He had just started to suffer from suckanitus. He has been more than terrible in the four or five movies I have seen him in. For some reason I can't handle him anymore. He has just become too pretentious for me to understand why he still gets roles. Thinking back I liked him in like one film. Clark Duke was outstanding as well as Rob Corddry. Lyndsey Fonseca is growing on me as one of the sexiest people in movies I mean look at her in this and in Kick Ass I drool a little. She should be famous soon, she will have to get out of crap movies like this. The plot was fun. Chase was wonderful. the girls and the attention to detail about how people dressed and acted. The movie was way to long and too complicated for it to be any good. The acting was terrible. The plot wasn't carried out the way I hoped. Chevy Chase an up and coming actor, and one hottie can't make this turd into gold. 2 out of 5.
(99) Aeon Flux (2005) Ok, let me start by saying I watched the animation stuff on MtV back in the day. So in preparation for this movie I watched the entire series so that I could catch all the whimsical nods to the program. That being said I am an Aeon Flux fan. I am not a fan of this movie. Much like I give automatic points to movies with Ashton Kutcher, Gerard Butler, Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis, Nathan Fillion and others I take away a point for Charlize Theron. OH MY GOD. What is wrong with America. The Media says someone is attractive and everyone jumps on board. Ok, I'll give you the tall slender body part, but have you ever noticed how she has a weird pudginess around her back muscles and a really terrible backside, her backside is actually a back slide, because it looks like her back slide into where her butt is supposed to be. She isn't sexy people. She's not. Her nose looks like she got punched in the face too much as a child, it's like pink nose on a cat, it's freaking gross. Her lips are always pushed too hard together like she is trying to cover up something OH YEAH her teeth, they look worse that a chain saw chain drug through metal clippings of robot hearts as they break watching her movies where she is supposed to be believable in, but since she is so horrible the robots can't handle it and their hearts break. Lets not get into her High as crap cheek bones. She looks like someone honestly hit her in the face with a shovel. Her nose got broke and her cheeks swelled up. With all the sexy babes out there, why are we still wasting our time on this AWFUL looking bad horror film of an actress. So Aeon Flux loses a point for using her. Plus Aeon is supposed to be boney. Not sexy. Which Trust me Theron couldn't pull off sexy in a porno. She hasn't been boney since she grew her skeleton in the womb either. She was terrible as Flux on every level. The nods to the original series and Johnny Lee Miller's performance are the only thing that gains this the two points it deserves. Let it be noted that it could have had a 3 if it didn't have Theron in it. I'll give it to Theron, She isn't as ugly as Cameron Diaz. I have seen sexier Zombies than those two broads. 2 out of 5.
(100) The Help (2011) I was excited to see this because Anne had said such good things about the book. I after watching this, read the book and liked it just as much as the movie. Btw Auto Point notice 1 point for Emma Stone. She however did not stand out as the best of the movie. Jessica Chastain however did. She played Cecila Foote. She stole the show for me. So perky and perfect for the part. It was really fun. If you haven't read the book or seen the movie. Do it. Viola Davis was amazing in this as well. The way she presented the Aibileen character astonished me. It was just perfect in every way. The Actresses in this was outstanding. Bryce Dallas Howard Nailed Hilly. The Drunken slur of a mess she becomes and the Pie. OH my lord the Pie. Octavia Spencer was just mind blowing funny and her attitude she spit out in the face of the camera. It was a great movie. I laughed so hard I cried. Then I pooted. It was seriously that good. Allison Janney was so very very good. Her ranting and sadness she did well. It was one of the best times I have had with the movies. I like to end my year on a high note and this was a high note. 5 out of 5.
Don't forget to check back for the Brandon's movie of the year Blog. Plus, seriously I need you to do me a favor and subscribe and comment. It's not hard take the minute. for me. your lowly blogger. NOW.
0 bad 5 good. End of story. Feel Free to look back through the blogs for further inquires on How I go about this all. How I choose so on and so forth.
(81) Monsters (2010) Another Magnet Movie. Imagine that. This one is in a world that Monsters have shown up on Earth, Imagine District 9 but actually really good. The Monster's are very much like Octopus and Squid. They are shown only a few times and when they are shown it is wonderful. You get a feel that the reaction to the Monsters would be exactly how America and the rest of the world would actually act. Instead of studying them and figuring out exactly what they want or need they pull out their guns and shoot. This movie Follows characters trying to buy their way out of Mexico and around the infected Zone which I am assuming is part of Mexico and part of Texas. They are 2 twenty somethings and it ends up being a semi-love story and it plays out well. It's a shorter film not exactly lengthy, but it's well done. The filming and the pace are stunning the special effects were top notch, considering I assume they had a small budget. The best part of the film was definitely the setting. they took close care to make it not only feel like they were actually in a damaged world, but the overall absence of extras in the background really put the point across. It was a world in repair. The Wall was a basic wall. nothing special, but it still put the point across that America will do anything to protect itself even kill everyone and everything in it's own country to protect the few important people that they feel are more important. It's not an Anti-America film. Not even an anti-government film. It is just a really specific way of saying that in a pinch America probably wouldn't do the right thing. Everything in this movie is done really well. The Story line lacks a solid plot other than getting to where they are going. Some of the important things are lost along the way. They also don't explain the things of how this came to be and how it was so swiftly contained and why some people just are content in living with the monsters. Some of it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. The Trees and shrubs are very cool.
(82) Rock N Rolla (2008) A guy Ritchie film, Gerard Butler is an Automatic Point given, It's just how it works. This however was a straight forward Guy Ritchie Film. It's confusing until they reveal the inner working later. Also, they decide to do something and make it funny. They do that well. It is a run of the mill Ritchie film and lets face it once you have seen one, you know the other. Another important thing to remember even though I just wrote the previous sentence is that Guy Ritchie is really good. This being said, Rock N Rolla has some outstanding points, for a Ritchie film, It's really funny. Thandie Newton is slowing becoming a Action movie Goddess. Mark Strong Delivers again, why is he not a major role player. Bottom line this movie is another thrill ride that you will have trouble keeping up with when it comes to the plot. You will just have to watch it several times if you absolutely need to understand it. I however, never re-watch them because I don't really care about the little details along the way. 3 out of 5.
(83) Hart and Soul (2010) This is another Wrestling Documentary its about the Hart Foundation. The Hart Family has either been personally there during most of the big events in Pro Wrestling or they have trained the Wrestlers that were there. Some of the most famous Pro Wrestlers are part of the Hart Dungeon tradition. Ok, It's called the Hart Dungeon because it's actually a training facility in the Basement of the Hart family. Their real last name is Hart. The dad was a Canadian and North American promoter and started his own company. His children mostly all became Wrestler's or Married Wrestlers. These kids and the family that was married into worked for the WWF. Stu. The Dad. Trained wrestlers for careers in the WWF, WCW, ECW and NWA. This of course earned him a legacy of Famous people and now his son's that weren't big starts continue to train in the styling of their father. Famous wrestlers from the hart tradition are Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Jim Neidhart, The Brittish Bulldog, Brian Pillman, Chris Jericho, Andre the Giant, Junkyard Dog, Greg Valentine, Billy Graham, Edge, Chris Beniot, etc. This was just a fun look at the successful family. It had lots of really fun stuff talking with family members that weren't in the lime light, it covered the ups and the downs. Tragedies and more. It was pretty good. It was really long. Well done, they used a lot of the same pictures what the hell really you can't go out and google more pictures. What the crap. You can't go through tons and tons of footage to actually put forth more than the exact same scenes over and over. The best parts of this was the story, the actual footage, cropping, production, music and overall film making was horrible. they better be glad they had a good story to work with, because it would be unwatchable. Really terrible. I mean where do they get these terrible people to do these films. I could do a better job putting together a documentary, drunk, high and dead. The story and the characters were the stars here. The bad score was with the bad production not the Hart Family. 2 out of 5.
(84) Conan O'Brien Can't Stop (2011) I like Conan, Always have I have watched more of Conans stuff than all of the other people combined. I wanted to watch this because this is a documentary of his tour "Legally prohibited to not be funny on Television Tour" So i wanted to catch some footage because, I never got a way to get a ticket, and when I finally had time to get tickets they were so freaking expense I couldn't see actually spending the money on the Ticket. So I still wanted to see kinda of what was going on. Boom a documentary. too bad this documentary just makes Conan look like a complete Douche. This is a terrible view to look at Conan. He did just get crushed by NBC. It was a little weird following him around why he whined about how tired he was and so on and so forth. It never really touched on anything either. It just wasn't that good. The footage behind the scenes was interesting. So I give it to them on that count. 2 out of 5.
(85) Arthur (2011) Anne loves Russell Brand. He is funny. I love his Manly acts along with his girlish tone. Helen Mirren stole the show here. This is a remake of a beloved story. It was great. I think they took on something that may just be impossible with the trying to make Jennifer Garner not sexy. You could cover her in Mayo and maple syrup and she would still be kinda sexy. slimy but kinda sexy. It wasn't too bad. Funny. Fun. and mostly entertaining. There were lots of fun nerdy stuff throughout the movie. like the Darth Vadar Helmet. The Anti gravity bed. Plus lots of other fun stuff like the Bat mobile. It was fun. really funny. Brand is laugh out loud superstar material.4 out of 5
(86) Red Riding 1976 (2009) Anne put this on the ol' netflix. It was not good. SO VERY LONG. IMDB gives it a 7.1 I give it a 1. So bad I don't have words. Don't watch this pile of filth. It's worse than watching most other crappy movies on netflix that they put up when there is a film closely related out in theaters. Frozen Vomit on a stick this was bad. Have you subscribed to my blog. If you subscribe to my blog and send me an email with your address I will send you a gift. I'm not saying it's going to be a melted Vomit Popsicle, but it could be. Or it could be a free DVD of something awesome. Not this movie. Anyway, subscribe. Email. boom free something. In case you missed it. 1 out of 5.
(87) Babies (2010) If you are looking for something fun to watch. I dare you to watch this and not smile or say GROSS. or say woah that is a boob. Not in a pornographic way of course. This movie was beautiful. Funny. The babies are mischievous and fun. They cover a large area of the earth and represent several sectors, races, and lifestyles. I will say the American baby makes American's look in sane. Which we are. Anyway, it's a really cute movie with really good production value. I really liked this, I can understand why someone wouldn't want to watch a documentary about Babies. So there for I must say that this movie may not be appealing to most of friends, but if you like to be entertained by straight cuteness then you should watch this.
(88) The Devils Double (2011) This Film I was looking forward to watching. It covers the life of Uday Hussein and his body double Latif. The same actor plays each person. I found that out afterwards which tells me that the makeup in this was good enough to make me feel like it was actually different people. It was good. The Actor Dominic Cooper was truly Snubbed and should have won awards for this. Such good acting. The story was intriguing and man oh man was Uday completely off his rocker. Things continued to escalate and man oh man was it intense. Action, it had it. Good Pacing oh yeah. thrill ride. The plot was perfect. It was superb in every way. They could have made the main female a little less whorish. This is in the Running for the best Film I watched all year. So very good. The point behind this movie was carried throughout and you were transformed into the movie with Latif and you were just as scared for him as he was for himself. I liked the transformation scenes and sometimes I just wonder why he didn't go along with it and have some fun. 5 out 5.
(89) Red State (2011) A Kevin Smith Movie with a nice Kevin Smith ending. It was perfectly violent and crazy. Smith is getting better with time. Red State is a nice solid action film with a crazy plot that it engaging. An All Star cast includes the likes of John Goodman, Kevin Pollack, Stephan Root, Matt L. Jones(breaking bad), and Michale Parks. Plus a who's who of Young actors. It's a really good Plot with a nice disturbing twist that is relatively relevant to our current culture. The Plot twist at the end that I can't give away is just amazing. So very amazing. Then how it is explained to have happened, Laugh out loud hilarious. Goodman is fantastic in this and you feel like he wanted this role. I liked it. Smith did a wonderful job with this film. It's on Netflix so check it out. However I do have one gripe that carries the film down a bit. They could have done a little better costume design and some of the character building wasn't necessary. So with a little wasted time I give this a 4 Apocalypse rants out of 5.
(90)Tron: Legacy (2010) This is the Big Disney picture of the year and of the next few years and it was carried by pretty dang good special effects and some good head nods to the old one. Bridges was outstanding and usual. Garrett Hedlund wasn't too bad. I don't enjoy new people, but with time comes new heart throbs for the American ladies. I don't think that Hedlund will become the top Heart Throb, but he will certainly become famous if he keeps getting really good roles like this one. Olivia Wilde is gorgeous again. Man, did she ruin Megan Fox's career by cornering that sexy look that fox had. Plus, Wilde can actually give a good performance in a movie, so Fox falls short on every category when it comes to Olivia Wilde. So the movie carried it's own weight to be honest which was a surprise, It was pleasant. 4 out of 5.