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Monday, February 27, 2012
quick Hit Movie Blog 61-65. And your questions and comments. Plus other stuff.
So I am going to start this Blog a little Differently. I have been asked by a few people to Review certain Movies. I will Answer this request with a short explanation. I Can't do that in this Blog. This is a review of the Movies that I watched during 2011. The Movies requested are as Follows.
1) Moneyball 2)Drive 3) Star Wars (all 6) 4) The Dark Knight 6) Twilight Saga 7) The Tree of Life 8) The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
A Short hit on those can't be in this Blog, but I will tell you When or If you can expect them in this Blog.
MoneyBall, and The Tree of Life I did not See in 2011. I did recently watch them which means they will be in the 100 Movies of 2012.
Drive and The Twilight Saga Movies I have not seen at all. I will try and fit those in this year so that you can read about them soon.
Star Wars I have seen already and had seen them before I started this Blog. Therefore I apologize but you wont' get a full review. I'll give you a number review here. 1.) The Phantom Menace 4 out 5 2.) Attack of the Clones 5 out of 5 3.) Revenge of the Sith 3 out of 5 4.) A New Hope (original Star Wars for those who don't know) 5 out of 5 5.) Empire Strikes Back 5 out of 5 6.) Return of the Jedi 5 out of 5
Remember my Motto on this, If you don't like it. I Don't Care.
The Dark Knight 5 out 5. The Lord of the Rings All three movies get a 5 out 5.
So a quick review of exactly What I do here. Every Year for the past few years I have a goal to watch 100 movies I haven't seen before. Then to torture my friends I write quick reviews and give my worthless opinion and sometimes tell stories that involve when I saw them. The movies aren't 100 new movies released in the year of the Blog, It's just movies I haven't seen before. Then sometimes I get preachy about how pretentious people can be about stuff like I don't know Star Wars. Blah Blah Blah I'm more knowledgeable than you when it comes to science fiction. How dare the creator take liberties with his own stuff that he created. How can Yoda use a light saber I know he is a Jedi but it's not character related. I can't believe there are actual clones in a movie that called attack of the clones. Why would he create new characters for new movies that doesn't make any since. How can people watch movies that were created by the same creator when he didn't collaborate with me. Why would there be a love story involved in a movie that ultimately involves two characters having children, Maybe the Father should just rape her and get her pregnant instead of a good old fashion romance. Plus how dare them show the character the entire series is wrapped around on the special edition instead of the characters that I like more. Yeah People like that don't bother to comment on my blogs or send me emails, because your are pretentious and worse than the people you go on and on about being horrible. For example. Me, I have an opinion. I share it here, If you don't like it, I'm pretty sure there is a button at the top of the page that says next Blog. So move along jerkface meaniepants I don't want to hear from you. By the way if you read this and take offense, feel free to delete me from your Facebook friends, because trust me I don't care. That being said. I watch movies and documentaries that I want to see. If you want me to watch something or you are looking for a particular movie send me a message at or leave a comment requesting a movie. I'll watch it and blog it later, if I have blogged it, I'll send you a link. So the first movie in this Blog is a great example of what I might be interested in that you may not be, and that's cool. Don't sweat it. If you don't care about the movie being reviewed simply skip that review. I won't tell if you don't.
(61) WCW Nitros Greatest Hits. (2011) Here is WWF's version of the Greatest moments of WCW. Obviously, they didn't touch on Sting or any other people who decided not to ever work for WWF. So this cuts down on some of the better moments. Like anything involving the Champion over the Span of WCW's time. It mostly Covered NWO and Goldberg and some of the lesser moments. Plus, it was kind of biased and really only showed stuff that made WCW look foolish and focused on WWF buying it in the end. It didn't cover a lot of things Nitro did that was awesome, like cage matches on the fly and Some of the more famous people to come through Nitro and they never even showed some of the best ruckus when they attacked WWF. Like having Wrestler's show up on Nitro which was Live On Monday's when they were Wrestling on WWF the week before when there show was being taped. They also spent a full month telling you the end of RAW at the beginning of Nitro so you didn't have to watch. HAHAHAHA burn. That stuff was barely mentioned in passing, but it was brilliantly cut-throat. Since WWF eventually won they spend their time releasing old footage and making fun of WCW, when in fact WWF almost lost and did loose for a long long long long time. 2 stinger splashes, torture rack, figure fours and spears out of 5.
(62) Gulliver's Travels (2010) I watched this with Anne at Jared and Scarlet Arny's. I spent a few weeks with the Arny's trying to find work and a home In Greensboro North Carolina. That didn't pan out, but I had fun with the Arny's, who doesn't love them. I love Jack Black, most of his movies are fantastic and make me laugh so hard. He is just really funny his slap stick, childish and sometime vulgar comedy just speaks to my soul. This is a remake of a really old tale with a Modern Jack Black Spin. This could be one of the greatest of times I spend with a movie. It didn't let down. It was really funny, It was a great rendition of a classic story, Black was perfect. Peet was gorgeous. However, it wasn't over the top amazing. Jason Segel is becoming a Super Star, I am dang cool with that plus Katherine Tate was in it. It's a good time, it's not artful, it's not long, it's not arrogant and it is what it is, and it ultimately does a great job with that. When a movie sets out to be a run of the Mill comedy and it's a run of the Mill Comedy then it's a success. and this is. It's just fun. 4 out of 5.
(63) Ben Harper: Pleasure and Pain (2001) This is a great Documentary of Ben Harper. I learned a lot about Harper than ever before, following him on tour, listening to his music and meeting his family. His Grandfather owns a antique music store where Ben grew up and learned to play tons of instruments. Ben's Mother is also an amazing Musician. There is a scene where they are playing together in her living room and it is one of the most moving moments of the year for me. Lots of the reasons behind watching this movie for me was Harper tends to touch on moments that are priceless. Not only in this movie, but also in his music. If you aren't a Ben Harper fan you should be, unless you just don't like that type of music then maybe you shouldn't be, but really Harper covers such a very wide range that maybe you can find something you like. 5 out of 5.
(64) Take me Home Tonight (2011) The Brother of the Chick from the Scary Movie series is the Eric from that 70's show that played Venom, He is in love with Bella from Twilight and they do it on a trampoline. It's not bad. It's not funny at all though. They tried with the guy from the Ping pong movie, but it didn't work, didn't even get close to working. It had some fun moments, it was sexy and gross at times. It wasn't exactly terrible, which I can't believe, but I can't recommend it to be honest. It's not that it doesn't work and it doesn't deliver on what it promises.... Oh wait that's exactly what it is. It promises to be a laugh out loud comedy, but it turns out being a story of a pretty depressed guy who is down on his luck for no reason and is looking for a way to get out of his rut. It wasn't funny it was depressing, then it was rewarding somehow. Terrible message. Go out party get drunk be irresponsible and not only will you land a dream job, have sex with your dream girl, but you won't have to pay any consequences. Saying that, it had its fun awkward moments that pushed to movie through. Plus the Soundtrack was a non-stop thrill. It's almost worth watching to hear the music. So 3 coke fueled rages out of 5.
(65) Dylan Dog (2011) I was pumped to see this man the trailer looks SO GOOD!!! Don't you agree that looks good. The makeup and special effects aren't very good, but that lends itself to the fun of this movie. I thought this looked great. A Zombie support group, trying to help his friend who got himself killed and turned into a Zombie. Come on, going to a swap Shop for Human parts, So funny. It didn't work though. I wanted it too, I love these not so serious movies that make fun of the horror genre and then turn a movie into a parody of itself. This has a solid ground of a back story to stand, it just didn't work. It just didn't. They took it too serious, Not the acting it was great for a film like this, but overall the producers or Director or someone along the line lost the point of what this could have been. It could have been a fantastic spiff movie that everyone should run out and see instead it's a failed spiff movie that you shouldn't even spend a dollar on at your closest Red Box. Skip it. 1 out of 5.
That's it. Join me next time for 66-70ish I guess.
By the Way Justin Brooks is a god among men. It's true. Just ask his Father Zeus.
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