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Sunday, February 19, 2012
Movies 46-60
Um... If you don't know the deal by now, then you should read the next few sentences. If you do know the deal, then skip to the first movie on the post.
Ok, so here we go. I watch 100 movies I haven't seen before as a yearly goal. Then I rate them from zero to five. Zero is BAD. FIVE is GOOD. So here we go.
(46) Into the Woods (1995) Anne loves this musical so I decided I would sit down and watch it with her. We watched the version on Netflix from 1995. I have to say it was a load of fun. I love it when classic characters are meshed together. The music was great, the dancing superb and the laughs were amazing. The production value was a bit scaled down, It was 1995, you can't expect something over 10 years old to stand up to current standards like Wicked. Even with that in mind it was still exceptional. If you are a fan of Musicals this is a nice way to pass the time. 4 out of 5
(47) Killers (2010) Ashton Kutcher as a Contract Killer not to much of a stretch for him, Katherine Heigl as a pretty girl, not too much of a stretch for her. The Movie was a lot of fun, Great fun. Basic Plot overview, nothing you can't get from the trailer. Basically, Kutcher is out killing some dude and meets Heigl they go on a date, they get married, then Everyone they know starts to try and Kill them. Because everyone almost is a Secret Agent. It's really close to Mr. and Mrs. Smith except one of the two isn't a secret agent and is freaking out. Lots of good action, the scenes are solid and funny. It's really close to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, but a whole lot funnier. So if you want to have a good date night movie to rent and laugh at, this is the one for you. 4 out of 5.
(48) Captain America (2011) It's needless to say how much I looked forward to this. So I won't. I enjoyed the cinematography, The nod to the Howling Commandos and how Duggan was in it. There was everything A Captain America movie should have had. Bucky was there, the Red Skull, the super natural components and the Shield. The action was spot on amazing. Plus, there were great nods throughout to who Steve Rodgers really is. I liked the beginning when he was a puny little twit, but with courage and guts. Then the transformation was flawless it looked good, it wasn't over cheesy it was just what I expected. Then the overall flow of the movie was good. I don't typically like the shot forward before the movie starts, but in this case it was warranted given the History of Cap. That was the great part of this film. They stayed true to the overall feel of the comic and to the reason why this character is with the likes of Iron Man and the Others. It set up the Avengers Movie perfectly. I also loved the feel they gave Cap when he escaped the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. They put almost everything you could want from a Captain America movie in the Captain America Movie, Well except some quality Adolf Bashing. I got that a few weeks later when River did it anyway, HA Hitler is locked in the Closet. Fun Stuff. Anyway Back to the Cap Movie. The Shield Wielding, Dancing and Go Go girls were fun too. 5 SHIELD SLASH out of 5.
(49) Old Boy (2003) Here is the Deal. Chris Zwart swore by this movie. Chris said it was the best movie he had seen in a very long time. I have to agree it's a great film and I love Japanese movies. However, It isn't everything Chris said it was. There are a ton of great stuff through this movie. ESPECIALLY the storyline. A total mind blower. The fighting in this is just remarkable. Then comes the overall feel of revenge that you get from this movie. It's really well done. The Villain in this is truly evil. If you like Japanese movies this is a must see. If you don't like Violence and Ultra violence you should skip this. It's a bit over the top, that's the reason it makes it good. I only take away a point due to the long breathed entrapment at the beginning, they could have shortened it and gotten the same effect across. So 4 out of 5.
(50) Catfish (2010) Justan and Shana recommended this to us. I watched it. It's great and really really sad. Really sad. I don't want to give anything away. It's a tug on the heart strings, It almost pisses you off, but then again you feel really sad and upset for the people involved. The guys are hilarious throughout and the fact that it is a documentary and in real time makes it even more intriguing. If you are fan of strange and dependent documentaries, this is a must see. The editing is great, the feel and flow is strict and it carries you along well. The twist along the way will blow your mind. The Catfish story is meaningful and it has a life lesson you can learn. If you like your movies for fun and enjoyment this has both, and suspense. It's quite the film. 4 out of 5.
(51) I am Comic (2010) This is another Documentary. I watched it solely because it had Chris Hardwick in it. He was in it for like 15 seconds. It had some stand up action, but not enough to make it actually funny. It was a look to the inside of the Stand up comedy business. It's a hard long road that nobody just walks into and becomes famous. People work for years to just show up on Conan or Jimmy. This takes a look at the hard road people have to follow and gives you advice if you are looking into a career as a Stand up Comedian. It's more or less boring. 2 out of 5.
(52) How to Train Your Dragon (2010) This movie had gotten such good reviews I had to watch it I love Children's movies. This one was a little shotty, I thought the animation was polished enough. The voice acting was pretty terrible. The story was a little absurd but it was cute. The Dragon stuff was fun, but the overall movie wasn't to terrible I just have a lot to say about it. It wasn't that great. It had few laughs if any and in a children's movie that should be part of the game. It should also have some stuff in the movie that covers at least a little lesson along the way or something like that, but This is all lesson and no real fun. The most fun in the movie was when he was flying with the dragon. There wasn't any real action throughout, there were some fun moments when they were fighting dragons in the training arena, but overall it wasn't exactly what I wanted nor what I expected. Unless you have children this is a skip. 1 out of 5.
(53) The Machinist (2004) Are you in the mood for a movie, a good movie a mind numbing experience with a great plot, and overall a completely messed up main character who doesn't have a clue what is going on in the real world. Man this movie was good. Throughout you changed your mind about what was really going on. In the end you are just blown away that you had no idea what was really happening. Bale again shows that he is legit, not just a person to put into batman suit. This movie is worth checking out just to see the extreme that Bale will go through for his roles. He is sickly and it's disturbing. That and the fact that there is really something wrong with this character. When you find out how sick he really is not just on the outside you begin to understand how upsetting this movie becomes. It's a good movie from beginning to end. It has some moments where you really worry for everyone around. Then you have hope that he is going to have a real hope that the character is going to pull through. It's well laid out. 4 out of 5.
(54)Cowboys and Aliens (2011) Favreau pulled this off, I have not read the comic and I must say that some of the most important movies of the year for me were comic book movies. This one didn't let up or let me down, if anything I went in thinking it was only going to be so so and came out blown away. This was one of the best of the summer. Here is a look at the trailer. Daniel Craig delivers again, he is one of the best action stars out there. The character development throughout the film was well drawn out. Harrison Ford pulls of the Bad guy/ Good guy character, I like Fords take on Old age. He just keeps getting better. Olivia Wilde is just drop out of the sky gorgeous throughout the movie, She is breathtaking. It's a really good western movie with a nice spin. The story isn't believable but lets face it you give that up when you read the title. This movie was a knock down drag out action film. It has wonderful Horse Chase action and it grows into a western between individuals and bandits and the aliens are terrifying and they are experimenting. This is a fun action film. Favreau nails it. 5 HOLY CRAP melty gold out of 5.
(55) Rise of the planet of the Apes (2011) I wasn't really looking forward to this but it looked Ok it didn't want it to pass me by, and i didn't have anything to do that particular day. So for lunch I did the movie thing. It was a descent movie a poor performance from James Franco and questionable special effects. set this movie behind. The flow of the movie was slow. I Felt like it took forever. Forever. There were some really good moments and the movie's climax moment where the apes escape and the movie gets some quality action. There is some stuff that really makes this movie a can't miss. Then there is this long drawn out part that makes you want to go get a sandwich and come back when the movie decides to get on with it. It just drug out way to much. There were moments when I thought, do we need this part to make the movie progress forward. The basic overall storyline was good, there were things that made this movie great like seeing Draco Malfoy get beat up by a monkey. other than that it's really hard to say this movie stood out among the rest, is it worth checking out. Yes, the development of the Ceasar and the progression of his role in the monkey zoo or whatever it was, made the movie palatable. It is the weakest of the Planet of the Apes movies. Not that any of them except the original is any good either, but this is the worst of the three that I have seen. 2 out of 5.
(56) Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon (2011) I can't stand Shia LeBeouf I think his acting is worse than anyone else s out there. Completely horrid. So to say that this movie relied solely on LeBeouf's performance is sad. The Special effects were horrible, Bay's budget for this must have been really low. It wasn't anywhere near as good as I hoped it would be. Plus, No Megan Fox. At least Fox was something to oogle over. The story line was terrible. Terrible. So so bad. This was by far an embarrassment to the Transformers name. Even the little comedy relief robots weren't funny. Horrible overall. Even the Transformers can't overcome this steaming pile of crap. 0 out of 5.
(57) Priest (2011) I watched this over the Summer during my nieces Birthday visit. I watched it with Ben and Beau. Who both fell fast asleep during the first five minutes. It wasn't too bad, I didn't expect much from this considering I had not been pumped up for it and the trailer didn't look to great. So going in my expectations were low. It wasn't that great, The special effects were O.K. and the overall storyline was O.K. I didn't mind it, there were some awesome parts that made you respect the movie. I have read some of the comics and they weren't that great, but the movie did them justice. The acting wasn't half bad, the Vampires were perfectly terrifying. Not bad. 3 out of 5.
(58) Green Lantern: Emerald Knights (2011) This is a collection of stories from the Green lantern corps. It was quickly produced, processed and sent on it's way and it was all done really well. Lots of fun stories here like Mogo and Sinestro and some great Voice acting by Rowdy Roddy Piper and Nathan Fillion. Not to mention the perfectly voiced Kilowog by Henry Rollins. This was well done. I enjoyed it and don't want to give anything away. The animation was really good for a quick at home DVD before the main movie made it to theaters. So overall a solid performance nothing to run out after, but it was great for Green Lantern fans. 4 out of 5, better than the big budget film and better casted.
(59) Conan the Barbarian (2011) I really wanted to see this after recently checking out the original. It wasn't that great. The new one, the original was pretty dang good. This one was nothing but shiny muscles and boobs. lots of boobs. I am ok with nudity when it is appropriate but sometimes there is no point in it. This time there is no point in it. The story line was good and Rose Mcgowan was amazing. Some of the fight scenes were great like the sand demons, but overall this movie is largely a pass, It was a descent action film, if you are a Rose McGowan fan you can't skip this. 3 out of 5
(60) Our Idiot Brother (2011) Hands down one of the best Films of the Year for me. So amazing from start to finish. It was hilarious. Plus, Zooey was in it which is always a good thing. Paul Rudd gives his best performance since Anchorman they even make fun of Anchorman in it. The acting is great and some of the performances are top notch. Adam Scott is great in this. T.J. Miller stood out second only to Paul Rudd. Elizabeth Banks was sexy and furious. This movie was simply one of the best comedy films of all time. It was just so positive and laugh out loud fun. Nedd Rudd's character was the best written and performed character I have seen in a long time. I have seen it twice and it was just as good the second time. Plus Zooey and Rashida Jones make out a little which is enough to give any self respecting nerd a heart attack. Emily Mortimor gives a great performance and looks truly strung out at times and the kid was funny too. Nothing beats Paul Rudd's performance for me out of the first 60 movies I have reviewed for the year, and looking into the future of the last few, no one gets close. If you haven't seen this you need to. Now. 5 we are just two guys enjoying each others company and making candles out of 5.
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