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Thursday, January 5, 2012
Movies of 2011! The Reviews of 26-30.
Basically this is the deal. Every year I watch 100 movies that I haven't seen before. Then I entertain myself by writing silly reviews based on a 0-5 scale. That's it. I have done my first 25 in previous blogs. The next 5 are in this blog. Enjoy. Please Comment it would be nice of you to comment.
(26) Skyline (2002) This is the Deal the movie looked awesome. Anne and I were both pumped to see this. TURK is in this movie!!! TURK automatic point so we are at a 1 at least. Here's the plot synapse from the trailer. Aliens invade earth (I'm Listening) They automatically blow up stuff (I'm Listening) Then they start using Tractor type beams to HARVEST humans (I'm LISTENING) So this looks and seems like isn't going to be just simply awesome. But.......... We just kept waiting for awesome to happen but the Characters (except Turk) were just Utter Douche bags. I was routing for the Aliens whom looked very similar to the ones from the Matrix. They kinda looked like the Reepers from The Matrix mated with the Aliens from the recent War of Worlds (Tom Cruise). They weren't great. Not Scary. Big though. I didn't like the girls they were badly placed and the characters just weren't right. Brittany Daniel whom has one of my favorite moments in That 70's Show, and was just breathtaking hot in that episode, Is not good in this. No one was (Except Turk). OH YEAH They totally Kill Turk off early so you are left routing for Eric Balfour who plays a Douchebag loser. Balfour isn't, the Character is. The entire character list was terrible, you have to at least like the characters to route for them to not be decapitated. Side note I'm watching Conan right now and Everlast was on, He got old and fat, just like me. The only cool part of this is when you first see Humans being lifted and harvested into the ships, Other than that it was not good. It's like someone had a Visual and decided to film that then try and fit a story around it. It didn't work. I'll give it a point for Turk being in it. A point for the Movie Poster. A point for the Human Harvesting. Then I'll Take away a point for Killing Turk To Early. So 2 Hey Turk out of 5.
(27) No Strings Attached (2010) Ashton Kutcher is Hilarious there I said it. He just charms and laughs and winks and I think of Kelso and then I remember this is a different thing, but man he is awesome. In this.. Well he was no different. Natalie Portman. Star Wars. Black Swan. Other Movies. All good. In this she is really sexual. That's a good thing. not to mention the 3d glasses section may just be the funniest part in all movies ever. It's a fun Romantic Comedy. The Room mates were really funny. The Story was just interesting enough to not bore me to death. It's getting Light out and I am so tired but just cannot sleep. Tomorrow is going to suck. Unlike this movie which did not suck. I do realize that two movies exactly the same came out the same way. With Mila Kunis. Who is also Hot and Also from that 70's Show. I haven't seen it at this point. So, this movie moved at a great pace, the characters were lovable and you don't feel like anyone is an ass except for the Main guy's dad. Screw his dad old bastard has no idea about the guy code. It was great. 4 WOW Natalie Portman in her skimmy's out of 5
(28) Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011) I must first get some stuff off my chest about these movies. Some of my friends who watch movies regularly hate these films. Will not go to see them, because they saw one of the other films and didn't like it. I don't think they understand what the movies are meant to be. These are made by Disney, and they don't care if you like them because Depp is Silly and the movie is absurd. I have another question to pose. What children's movie isn't. Why is it that everything has to be breathtakingly serious and dark and who cares if Captain Jack is a little annoying, he is supposed to be that's the character. These same people say I don't want to watch this because Depp Plays the Captain Jack character in all of his movies. These are the same people that go out in droves to see actors like I don't know, Michael Cera, Jesse Eisenburg, Mark Wahlburg, and Jason Statham. They all play the exact same character. EXACT same. However, it works for all of the people. It works for Depp, when he dives into the well that is Captain Jack, it's entertaining just like when Cera is uncomfortable, and when Eisenburg copies Cera and When Wahlburg is tough by surprise and Statham is sexy by force. These people make money by being the same character, I can go on and on with the exact same people lets not get into Comedy because Sandler, Reynolds and Especially Ferrell and Carell who are two of the top grossing Comedy people out there do the same character over and over. Carell sometimes steps outside his box. But Not Ferrell. What I am trying to get across is neglecting to watch a movie series because Depp revisits this Jack character is a crappy reason to skip these movies Especially since you are a huge Hippocrates because they watch and love Cera and Ferrell. some of these same people also won't watch the Simpsons because they are immoral, but don't miss an episode of Family Guy or Southpark. Yeah because that makes since. Anyway on to the actual review of this movie.
Anne and I were extremely pumped for this movie. I like the Pirate movies they are a lot of fun. Plus this one has Penelope Cruz who is pretty amazing. Whats not to like about Bringing Blackbeard into this movie series. Plus, there is a lot of Barbosa in this film and he is a great character. The Mermaids were perfectly terrifying and the pirates were hilarious. This movie had everything I expected from the Pirates movies. Fun, Sword fighting, sleight of hand, a Silly monkey and sexual tension. This even through in some surprise betrayal and some great moments with the army and standoffs. There were some epic moments where they actually surprised me with the way out they took. It was a really fun adventure movie, with great jokes, great scares and Yes Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. Eye make up and all. It was really well done. It did get a bit boring in the middle, but it picked up quickly. It was great. I hope they make another one, I will go see it. 4 yo ho ho and a bottle of rum's out of 5.
(29) Nowhere Boy (2010) I was excited about this movie. It is the story of how The Beatles got started. This is basically a John Lennon story. It's quite good. Check out the Trailer. It was fun, It was Brilliant. It was John Lennon. I liked it a lot. I of course am a Beatles fan. No Fanatic, but I think there music is the best of the best. I won't go on a rant on how some of my friends don't like their music, because lets face it, eventually they will. I remember not liking the Beatles in High School. I grew out of that and really started to appreciate that band not for who they were but what they produced. This is a great story told in a classy fashion. If you are a Beatles fan you can't miss this. If you are a fan of great touching movies. You can't miss this. This is one of the most touching stories Told by a movie that I saw all year long. This was just a good quality film. It did die out about 3/4ths of the way through. That really took away from the greatness of this film. It could have been chopped down a little. This however wasn't as bad as even I make it out to sound. It's a great movie. 4 strawberry fields forever out of 5.
(30) Unstoppable (2010) Every now and then it's just time for a good Thrill ride. This movie got me excited because of my families tie to the rail road. I like trains, this is a thrill ride with trains. Chris Pine I like, who doesn't like Denzel, plus Rosario Dawson a cult film favorite. Gotta love her. This movie did start out a little slow. However, like most thrill rides it built up steam and just roared to the finish. I like Thrill movies. Thrill movies have to have several things to work. They have to be moderately believable. This starts with a mistake, and idiots mistake, but a mistake nonetheless. Thrill movies have to be fast, this one started slow but got fast moving quickly. It has to have heroes. It has two. It has to have a bad guy. It gave us Corporate America. It has to have a tragedy in wake. How about a train carrying Explosive chemicals toward a town with an Elementary school near the tracks. Yeah that works. Just like this movie works. It gives you every single thing you need from a thrill movie. All of it. So I give it all the points. Is it a Art filled amazing film that will make you cry and move you to change your life. NO it won't, but was it a thrill a minute ride that got your adrenaline running. Yes it did. A solid 5 out of 5.
That's up to 30. So check back later for the next few.
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