So for Years I blogged movies on this Blog. I stopped doing the blog, but I didn't stop doing the movies! So I thought for those of you who remember this lame Movie Blog it would be fun for me to write out the list from 2015. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about. I watch 100 movies that I haven't seen before each year. It's honestly a rough goal that I always end up having to binge watch toward the end of the year. There are only two real rules. one, It has to be a movie and two, It has to be a first time viewing for me.
For this list, I'm not including large reviews just the numbers. I will give a very brief review for the notable movies. The scoring goes from 0-5, 0 being bad (by the way it used to be 1, but then I made myself watch the twilight series.) 5 being amazing. So without further explanation. On to the Movies.
2015 List.
1) Forks and Knives (2011) 4
2) Rustlers Rhapsody (1985) 2
3) Olympus Has Fallen (2013) 3
4) Assault on Arkham (2014) 4
5) Return to Oz (1985) 3
6) Lucy (2014) 4 --- Lots of people skipped this for no reason, it's worth a rent.
7) John Wick (2014) 5-- First Perfect of the 2015 for me, This is hands down one of the best movies you will see if you haven't seen it already go buy it. You will want to see it again and again.
8) VHS Viral (2014) 0--- Way to Kill a Franchise.
9) Tammy (2014) 3
10) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) 5-- That's right I'm not ashamed.
11) Nurse (2013) 2.3
12) Bad Boys of Basketball (2014) 4.1
13) Edge of Tomorrow (2014) 3
14) The Amazing Spider Man 2 (2014) 2.5- Possibly worse than the Third installment of the Toby Series.
15) Someone Marry Barry (2014) 4
16) The Last Stand (2013) 4.3 -- Actually a big surprise.
17) Sin City: A dame to Kill for (2014) 3.9-- would have been higher, but honestly way too much un needed nudity.
18) Paddington (2014) 5-Perfection.
19) Avengers 2: Age Of Ultron (2015) 4.8- Lots of people had a lot of crap to say about this. I liked it, and they know they did too. Stop being picky and just enjoy the fact that we live in an age where this super hero movie is even a thing.
20) The Little shop of Horrors (1986) 0.1- I don't get it apparently.
21) Get Low (2009) 5--- Another huge surprise.
22) Frank (2014) 5-- Not a Surprise, I knew it was going to be great.
23) This is where I leave you (2014) 5
24) The Woman in Black 2 (2014) 4.3
25) The Immitation Game (2014) 3.9
26) Norweigen Ninja (2014) 5--- This movie is amazing. Don't miss it.
27) Killer Legends (2014) 3
28) Miss Meadows (2014) 3
29) Zombeavers (2014) 2.2- I had High hopes.
30) The Ward (2011) 1.2
31) Larry Crowne (2011) 3.6
32) I hate Christian Laettner (2012) 3.5
33) New Nightmare (1994) 0
34) Terminator : New Genesys (2015) 4.5-- Again, Critics are too harsh here.
35) Inside Out (2015) 5- Best kids movie since Frozen
36) Jurassic World (2015) 4.2-- Critics too harsh, but the boss fight at the end ruined this.
37) Hungry for Change (2012) 4.3
38) Intersteller (2015) 4.5
39) Shooter (2007) 2
40) Justice League: Throne of Atlantis (2015) 5
41) Mae Runner (2014) 4.2
42) I'm a Liar (2013) 4.3
43) Antman (2015) 5
44) Birdman (2014) 2.6-- OVER RATED
45) Night Crawler (2014) 3.9
46) Mr. Turner (2013) 2.7
47) Ex Machina (2015) 5- Under rated
48) Kingsman (2014) 3.1
49) The Gift (2015) 3.6
50) Halo: Knightfall (2014) 0.3-- Ugh.
51) Dark Valley (2014) 4.3
52) Avengers Confidential: Black Widow and Punisher (2014) 0.3- probably the worst Anime Superhero film out there.
53) I Frankenstein (2014) 0.3- poop pit
54) Tenure (2008) 4.1
55) A dollar a day (2014) 3- Want to watch some over privileged white Americans pretend to be poor. This is for you.
56) Deli man (2014) 5- Surprisingly AMAZING.
57) Blade Runner (1982) 3.25 I guess I didn't get it.
58) Broken City (2013) 3
59) Back II the Future II (1989) 4.5
60) Room 237 (2012) 4
61) Jokes I wrote at work (2015) 2.7
62) The Search for General TSO (2014) 4.5
63) [*] Rec (2007) 2.1
64) The Sheik (2014) 2.5
65) The Host (2014) 3.6
66) Sharknado (2013) 3.9
67) Spectre ( 2015) 5
68) The Master (2013) 0.1- Absolute crap.
69) The Pyramid (2015) 2.5
70) Disney Short Film Collection (2014) 3.2
71) Mr. Homes (2015) 5
72) The Man From U.N. C.L.E. (2015) 5
73) Happy Christmas ( 2013) 0.1
74) The odd Couple (1968) 3.7
75) Divergent (2014) 4.3
76) Insurgent (2015) 2.1
77) Kill me three times (2014) 3.7
78) Dr. No (1963) 3.1
79) The Deadlands (2014) 3
80) The Hunger Games: Mocking Jay pt. 1 (2014) 2.7
81) Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) 4.6-- Critics are way way way too harsh.
82) Joh Mulhaney: The Comeback Kid (2015) 4.1
83) Mission Impossible: V (2015) 5
84) Oculus (2013) 2.7
85) Game Play (2014) 2.7
86) Super (2010) 1.7
87) Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) 4.3
88) Dumb and Dumber to (2013) 2.9
89) Blazing Saddles (1972) SUPER RACIST
90) Alvin and the chipmunks (2007) 3.7
91) Cars 2 (2011) 4.1
92) Stone Heart Asylum (2014) 4.1
93) Being Elmo: A puppeteers Journey (2011) 5- Fantastic
94) Sharknado 2 (2014) 3.1
95) Date night (2014) 5- Super Surprised
96) Dream House (2011) 4.7
97) Fast Furious (4) (2009) 3
98) Fast Five (2011) 2.5
99) The Babadook (2014) 4.3- Legitimate nightmare fuel.
100) Arther and the Invisibles (2006) 3
That was 2015. Maybe I'll do 2014 and 2013 sometime.
Follow me on Twitter @beespray989. Atheism is the only non-profit organization.
Friday, February 26, 2016
Monday, February 22, 2016
WWE Fastlane was a Failure. Why?
This will be brief. I have so many problems with this PPV. WWE Continue to screw over some of there best talents to push HORRIBLE talents or Legends. So here it is WWE Fastlane and what they could have done? What I predict will happen next? Wrestlemania Predictions.
Preshow- Kalisto(C) Vs. Alberto Del Rio- Wait Why the hell was this in the pre-show are they trying to get people to watch the pre-show to watch commercial after commercial that we have seen the exact same damn spots for at least a week now. This entire pre-show format is crap and everyone knows it. Renee Young was hot though. I liked her hair so did my wife. Graves continues to Deliver. The King was there and Booker T. Not too horrible for the commentator table. Now if they just let them.... Commentate instead of set up spot after spot after spot. There's a reason I start watching the pre-show at the beginning ten minutes before the PPV starts. It's so I can freely fast forward through the bull. I listen to the commentators and watch the pre-show match and fast forward through the spot I saw on Raw and Smackdown and Main Event and NXT and Superstars and in my email and during my viewing of 1999 Royal Rumble, etc.
The Match was not too bad. Two out of Three falls wasn't a bad route. Haven't we seen this match at least 25 times now in the last month. Getting pretty sick of this crap. Falls went. Kalisto, Del Rio, Kalisto. Congratulations on the Underdog victory Kalisto. Wait? hasn't he beat Del Rio like twenty out of the twenty five matches. Why exactly? is Kalisto still the underdog. Why exactly? have they killed Del Rio's momentum since coming back. Del Rio should have stayed in Lucha Underground. I think he would have had more in ring success. Money talks. Keep up the great Jobbing work Del Rio. It doesn't suit you, but it's not like WWE gives a flying crap about who wins, what the fans think, or You. Just ask Barret.
Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch vs. Tamina Snuka and Naomi- AKA Underused and should still be in NXT vs. Legends Daughter and Current Wrestlers Wife. or AKA Who honestly gives a flying crap. I have no idea what even happened. I don't even know who won. I watched it. I think. Wait? did I? No clue. Oh well, not like I missed anything. Moving forward. ( not even bothering with a picture, because who cares.) WWE is killing the Divas movement. Pretty soon it'll be back to Bra and panties and Pillow fights with playmates.
Kevin Owens (C) Vs. Dolph Ziggler- Owens still has a little heat. It's about 50/50. Honestly it took a while for these guys to get going. They Delivered. This was one of two matches that actually did that all night. However, it was kind of Generic. These two have met a lot. It was nice to have a little superkick party happening. The Pop up Powerbomb spot at the end was great. Owens Retained. Ziggler did put on a good showing and sold really really well. These guys are both really entertaining. Owens continues to Taunt Cole. I hope something happens where he just Punches Cole in the mouth or something along that lines. Even with the match being good. It wasn't that good. These two just don't have chemistry together. It felt empty somehow.
Big Show, Ryback, and Kane Vs. The Wyatt family. WHY THE.....? So disappointed I don't even know how to express this. The Wyatts could be so amazing and scary and fear provoking. Instead, they're a joke. WWE is burying them harder than they are the Divas. The land of the Giants? no. The land of the old grandpa's that were wrestling when I was in High School 15 Years ago. Why are they even still here? Why did they win? Pathetic. Just. Just.. ugh. I wish the Writers at WWE would pull their heads out of there rectums for 45 seconds and look at what they are doing with the fantastic gimmicks they have at their disposal. instead they just Dispose of the new gimmicks so Big Show can face turn again. I wonder if he will be a Heel on Raw. Then Face on Smackdown. This is a true travesty I was so excited with the strong showing they gave the wyatts and the thoughts of feeding Lesner to the family was just awe inducing. Who would Lesner get to fight beside him. Think of it Undertaker and Lesner Team up Vs. The Wyatts would have been Grand at Wrestlemania. Instead lets just bury them and forget about one of the best Gimmicks to hit the WWE in 30 years.
Charlotte(C) with Da-Da vs. Brie Bella- Charlotte wins. Poor showing in ring by both of them. OK WWE why? Why is the belt still called the Divas belt? Why is it still a butterfly? Why can't you take womens wrestling seriously. Why is a no talent hack the champ. I would honestly prefer Brie over Charlotte at this point. She is stiff and borderline looks dangerous in the ring. Not in the since of Dominating the opponents, I'm afraid she is going to permanently injure someone or herself. Not one soul believed the ending. Brie wasn't hurt. Just a bull finish to a thrown together match. Horrendous. The Figure 8 is a joke.
WWE needs to do 10 things to this Divas Division in order for the "Revolution" to actually happen.
1) Get RID of Ric.
2) Keep Charlotte but take the belt off of her
3) Call it the Women's division and not the Diva Division
4) Retire the pink Butterfly disgraceful belt and give them a real title belt.
5) Put the belt on someone with actual Skill (Sasha Banks, Paige, Bailey)
6) Break up the factions and make 1 Faction (4 Horsewomen) **They may be doing this
7) Bring up Baile, Asuka, and Emma
8) Get rid of pretty ladies of yesteryear completely.
9) Let them Wrestle.
10) No Face gems.
AJ Styles Vs. Chris Jericho. HOLY CRAP did you know there were people in the stands at this PPV? I had forgot they were there. This match was really really good. however it was overshadowed with 4 crappy matches prior and Two Horrendous finishes with The Wyatts loss and Charlottes Win. The crowd tried to be into this, but after about five minutes they went back to sleep. Not Jericho or Styles fault they performed.
The overall WWE feel is crap right now. So even amazing matches with fantastic spots like one struggles to keep us going because we all know WWE is never giving AJ the push he should get and that they are so pathetic right now it makes us lethargic even during spots where we should be crapping our pants.
Edge and Christian and the new day act like Idiots. By far better than half of what we have seen so far, but just silly really. The new day is amazing and fun. I hope they don't go the way of the Wyatts.
R-Truth Vs. Curtis Axel AKA Someones match didn't go as long as it should have and we now have 5-10 minutes to kill somehow. Do you really care who won? I don't. it was Axel.
Roman Reigns Vs. Dean Ambrose Vs. Brock Lesner Number one Contenders Match. AKA The Winner Vs. the Fall Taker Vs. The star power that might hopefully sale some T shirts and Tickets. AKA We Know he is winning VS. We Know he is loosing VS. Why is he in this again?
Reigns won. We know. Ambrose took the fall. Yeah we know. They both Tagged up on Lesner just enough to make it realistic that he lost. Yeah. We. Know. With Ambrose being dumb this was dumb. Lesner could have crushed them all. The Crowd Jeered so much that it was the first time I remember the Iconic Wrestlemania sign in the background with the belt being boo'ed out of the building. This is going to be a CRAP Wrestlemania.
Undertakers opponent some one who isn't with the company right now. UGh. Another Legend takes a Wrestlemania spot while we all worry the undertaker is going to injure himself permanently.
Several Roster Members NEED TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WWE has become the Retirement agency for Wrestlers of late. They proved it with HHH having the belt, Big Show and Kane beating the Wyatts and the overall smell of Adult Diapers from the Writing Staff.
Preshow- Kalisto(C) Vs. Alberto Del Rio- Wait Why the hell was this in the pre-show are they trying to get people to watch the pre-show to watch commercial after commercial that we have seen the exact same damn spots for at least a week now. This entire pre-show format is crap and everyone knows it. Renee Young was hot though. I liked her hair so did my wife. Graves continues to Deliver. The King was there and Booker T. Not too horrible for the commentator table. Now if they just let them.... Commentate instead of set up spot after spot after spot. There's a reason I start watching the pre-show at the beginning ten minutes before the PPV starts. It's so I can freely fast forward through the bull. I listen to the commentators and watch the pre-show match and fast forward through the spot I saw on Raw and Smackdown and Main Event and NXT and Superstars and in my email and during my viewing of 1999 Royal Rumble, etc.
The Match was not too bad. Two out of Three falls wasn't a bad route. Haven't we seen this match at least 25 times now in the last month. Getting pretty sick of this crap. Falls went. Kalisto, Del Rio, Kalisto. Congratulations on the Underdog victory Kalisto. Wait? hasn't he beat Del Rio like twenty out of the twenty five matches. Why exactly? is Kalisto still the underdog. Why exactly? have they killed Del Rio's momentum since coming back. Del Rio should have stayed in Lucha Underground. I think he would have had more in ring success. Money talks. Keep up the great Jobbing work Del Rio. It doesn't suit you, but it's not like WWE gives a flying crap about who wins, what the fans think, or You. Just ask Barret.
Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch vs. Tamina Snuka and Naomi- AKA Underused and should still be in NXT vs. Legends Daughter and Current Wrestlers Wife. or AKA Who honestly gives a flying crap. I have no idea what even happened. I don't even know who won. I watched it. I think. Wait? did I? No clue. Oh well, not like I missed anything. Moving forward. ( not even bothering with a picture, because who cares.) WWE is killing the Divas movement. Pretty soon it'll be back to Bra and panties and Pillow fights with playmates.
Kevin Owens (C) Vs. Dolph Ziggler- Owens still has a little heat. It's about 50/50. Honestly it took a while for these guys to get going. They Delivered. This was one of two matches that actually did that all night. However, it was kind of Generic. These two have met a lot. It was nice to have a little superkick party happening. The Pop up Powerbomb spot at the end was great. Owens Retained. Ziggler did put on a good showing and sold really really well. These guys are both really entertaining. Owens continues to Taunt Cole. I hope something happens where he just Punches Cole in the mouth or something along that lines. Even with the match being good. It wasn't that good. These two just don't have chemistry together. It felt empty somehow.
Big Show, Ryback, and Kane Vs. The Wyatt family. WHY THE.....? So disappointed I don't even know how to express this. The Wyatts could be so amazing and scary and fear provoking. Instead, they're a joke. WWE is burying them harder than they are the Divas. The land of the Giants? no. The land of the old grandpa's that were wrestling when I was in High School 15 Years ago. Why are they even still here? Why did they win? Pathetic. Just. Just.. ugh. I wish the Writers at WWE would pull their heads out of there rectums for 45 seconds and look at what they are doing with the fantastic gimmicks they have at their disposal. instead they just Dispose of the new gimmicks so Big Show can face turn again. I wonder if he will be a Heel on Raw. Then Face on Smackdown. This is a true travesty I was so excited with the strong showing they gave the wyatts and the thoughts of feeding Lesner to the family was just awe inducing. Who would Lesner get to fight beside him. Think of it Undertaker and Lesner Team up Vs. The Wyatts would have been Grand at Wrestlemania. Instead lets just bury them and forget about one of the best Gimmicks to hit the WWE in 30 years.
Charlotte(C) with Da-Da vs. Brie Bella- Charlotte wins. Poor showing in ring by both of them. OK WWE why? Why is the belt still called the Divas belt? Why is it still a butterfly? Why can't you take womens wrestling seriously. Why is a no talent hack the champ. I would honestly prefer Brie over Charlotte at this point. She is stiff and borderline looks dangerous in the ring. Not in the since of Dominating the opponents, I'm afraid she is going to permanently injure someone or herself. Not one soul believed the ending. Brie wasn't hurt. Just a bull finish to a thrown together match. Horrendous. The Figure 8 is a joke.
WWE needs to do 10 things to this Divas Division in order for the "Revolution" to actually happen.
1) Get RID of Ric.
2) Keep Charlotte but take the belt off of her
3) Call it the Women's division and not the Diva Division
4) Retire the pink Butterfly disgraceful belt and give them a real title belt.
5) Put the belt on someone with actual Skill (Sasha Banks, Paige, Bailey)
6) Break up the factions and make 1 Faction (4 Horsewomen) **They may be doing this
7) Bring up Baile, Asuka, and Emma
8) Get rid of pretty ladies of yesteryear completely.
9) Let them Wrestle.
10) No Face gems.
AJ Styles Vs. Chris Jericho. HOLY CRAP did you know there were people in the stands at this PPV? I had forgot they were there. This match was really really good. however it was overshadowed with 4 crappy matches prior and Two Horrendous finishes with The Wyatts loss and Charlottes Win. The crowd tried to be into this, but after about five minutes they went back to sleep. Not Jericho or Styles fault they performed.
The overall WWE feel is crap right now. So even amazing matches with fantastic spots like one struggles to keep us going because we all know WWE is never giving AJ the push he should get and that they are so pathetic right now it makes us lethargic even during spots where we should be crapping our pants.
Edge and Christian and the new day act like Idiots. By far better than half of what we have seen so far, but just silly really. The new day is amazing and fun. I hope they don't go the way of the Wyatts.
R-Truth Vs. Curtis Axel AKA Someones match didn't go as long as it should have and we now have 5-10 minutes to kill somehow. Do you really care who won? I don't. it was Axel.
Roman Reigns Vs. Dean Ambrose Vs. Brock Lesner Number one Contenders Match. AKA The Winner Vs. the Fall Taker Vs. The star power that might hopefully sale some T shirts and Tickets. AKA We Know he is winning VS. We Know he is loosing VS. Why is he in this again?
Reigns won. We know. Ambrose took the fall. Yeah we know. They both Tagged up on Lesner just enough to make it realistic that he lost. Yeah. We. Know. With Ambrose being dumb this was dumb. Lesner could have crushed them all. The Crowd Jeered so much that it was the first time I remember the Iconic Wrestlemania sign in the background with the belt being boo'ed out of the building. This is going to be a CRAP Wrestlemania.
Undertakers opponent some one who isn't with the company right now. UGh. Another Legend takes a Wrestlemania spot while we all worry the undertaker is going to injure himself permanently.
Several Roster Members NEED TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WWE has become the Retirement agency for Wrestlers of late. They proved it with HHH having the belt, Big Show and Kane beating the Wyatts and the overall smell of Adult Diapers from the Writing Staff.
5 Wrestlers WWE has that would do better in the Indies.
No need to beat around the bush here, I think the Title says it all. However, With Wade Barrett just giving WWE the finger and walking away, I thought this list would be a good list to break down. This is 5 Current Roster (Feb. 2016) Wrestlers that would do better in the Indies than in WWE. This isn't a finical decision by the way, I'm talking belts on wastes, drawing power and popularity.
5) Ryback. there is no secret that I personally don't care for this gimmick or his in ring work. Obviously I don't know him on a face to face level, but judging from his in ring work over the last few years I think he stinks. OH!! and by the way he has a new look. Riding somebody's coat tales with this look. It's not enough the crowd chants his name when you come out, because we all know you're a piss poor copy of his gimmick, but now you're just blatant about it. check out this link to see what I'm talking about.
So lets talk Ryback. I don't know his History and this Blog isn't a history lesson by any means It's more why he doesn't work where he is, why he won't last and why he would be awesome elsewhere. So the first time I remember seeing this piece of trash he was one of the Nexus tearing down a ring and even then I looked around and thought holy crap that guy isn't going to be good at all compared to those others. Most of whom has already wised up and took their ball and went elsewhere. I'm looking at you Justin Gabriel. Who by the way was a product of WWE not knowing what the fuck they had in their hands. Then like a flame in the Wind "the Big guy" was gone. I'm not %100 here but I think it was an injury. Surprise Surprise Surprise. He is always injured. Why? my guess, I think his supplements (NOT throwing steroid accusations here) make his bones and muscles brittle.
Ryback came back later and had a few good runs. Punks Feud which caused lots of controversy with the Podcast where Punk accused Ryback of intentionally hurting people or at least hurting people because he was a terrible wrestler. Ryback shot back at him, but in the end we will never know. However, its weird that even main event superstars somehow end up injured for long periods of time because they wrestled Ryback. For instance. Wade Barrett has a back seat role in the League of Nations because he is injured. BY RYBACK. right?! I didn't fact check this. So I admit it could have been a different match, but I'm like %80 sure it was by Ryback. He had some Shield, Cena, Henry action at some point. He had the Paul Heyman run and then tagged with Curtis Axel. Then he won the Intercontinental Championship. Injured. Again. Lost it. Now he just kind of wavers in and out for small pops. So why doesn't he work. His Bully Angle was awful. He doesn't work the Mic well. So he's a big guy, that's what we are told. He comes out. prances around and losses. Listen, Big Guy's don't work as Jobbers. I mean they do, but it's not believable. He doesn't work in the WWE, because lets face it they are kind of the cream of the crop. There are way too many talented guys in the Indies that WWE will sign soon that are better than "The Big Guy." How? Well, in NXT you have Crews who is a better Wrestler, more likable, better on the Mic and overall a better fit for the middle card Big Guy. How long do you think Apollo is going to stay in NXT? My guess, not long. In ROH Moose is up and coming and it won't be long until WWE takes notice. Plus, you have tons of Tag Team action there that has big guys. This is why he isn't built to last. Throw in the fact that he is largely injury prone and he just doesn't have the star power to hold a long career in WWE. All of this being said. It's not like Ryback doesn't have his small fanboy crowd. People like the Big Guy. His in ring moves aren't the worst out there (I'm looking at you Roman) and he delivers strong Impact and isn't afraid to get beaten up and take a loss. Several promotions would benefit greatly with the Big Guy on their roster and I can see several large companies putting their main belts on Ryback. Global Force and TNA would really do well with Ryback and he would thrive there. TNA especially would use Ryback in a way that would really elevate Ryback to main event status in the Indie circuit. I think some good quality matches could transpire out of Ryback and Current TNA superstars such as Bram, EC3, and Abyss. I think he could help those companies rise and succeed and become part of something great.
4) Adam Rose- AKA Leo Kruger- Why is this guy such a joke in WWE? why are they using him as a bottom of pile guy? Sure social outcasts is actually elevating a few of them, but I think ultimately it will be Bo Dallas that comes out on top of this pairing. WWE has put so much effort into him you think they would try and make him a top guy. the Kruger gimmick was good, I'm not sure why they ditched it. The Rose Gimmick had me excited at first. That Initial NXT debut was phenomenal I'm talking one of the best Gimmick debuts of all time. That "WOOOO" at the end of the music was just so much fun. Then, WWE went super dumb and took the "wooo" away why? Flair didn't like it. He thought that it was too much like his "Wooo" Hey you old piece of shit! I realize your ancient and tone deaf so let me point out that the tone was different, inflection was different, mooding, etc. However NOPE, Flair gets what Flair wants. I realize he made this business what it is, and I've been known to have 4 horsemen and Flair shirts in the past. However, taking Adam Rose's WOOOO away just pissed me straight off. Then they basically killed the Adam Rose Gimmick altogether in 2015. Why doesn't he work? Well, who the hell knows. The Crowds erupted when he came out, everyone men, women and children jumped out of their seats and danced. People thought his in ring shenanigans and uncomfortable uber sexual approach was great. Maybe, PG-13 Era ate another Dynamite Gimmick. Why he won't last, well WWE is flooding the market right now and too many wrestlers are coming into the Roster. They could make it work, they could bring in another title (TV Title, European championship, etc.) this would give the mid cards something to feud over. however, here is the problem. Not a problem WWE has had for very long either. They have this reoccurring showing by a few superstars during their programming. Not like they used too either. Sometimes in the Attitude Era you would see DX or Stone Cold a few times a show, but they would all be building the main story line. Recently, you have been seeing Ambrose or Reigns a few times a night and it's just separate showings. Give others a chance for TV time and watch your ratings increase. People still need to see Roman and Ambrose and Owens and Lesner, but not 3-4 times a night in 3-4 segments a night. Widdle it down to two. A backstage confrontation, leads to a match later type deal. Rose can't make it in WWE without a push, and I don't see them pushing him. You know who would push him. NJPW, ROH, or ICPW. they would all revitalize the Rosebud movement and really give it what it deserves. A party. Some Championships and an honest chance.
3) Jack Swagger. WE THE PEOPLE. have lost all faith in Jack, because..... (wait for it) He has.... Lost..... his..... (here it comes) Swagger. Wait, I'm pretty sure the only time Swagger sold T Shirts or Merch was when he was paired with Cesaro. Yeah I know he held the ECW title and then was World Champion but wasn't he just a less convincing much weaker copy of the Kurt Angle well.. angle. To me Swagger never had it. He was a bottom of the card guy who for some unknown reason got pushed. His in ring work is stiff. His mic skills suck and when he did dominate in the ring it wasn't believable. Basically, what I'm saying is he was a no talent hack when it came to roster that surrounded him. apparently somebody high up liked him. I wonder if his family has connections to the McMahon family, then it would make since why this idiot got pushed. He is still holding onto this "We the People" thing. It died when Cesaro left you buddy. Get over it. Then leave the WWE. Why? Even though he is pretty terrible, some of the lower laying companies could use the start power he was falsely given by the WWE. namely I think he would be HUGE. I'm talking MASSIVE in NJPW. Could you imagine Swagger with his American Flag running to the ring in NJPW. Man he would get massive heat. Swagger can Sale as well and he isn't past his prime which means he could probably give a beating and really throw in his amateur wrestling skills and make a lot of good matches with the guys in NJPW. How about he takes his clean cut Super patriot act down to JCW and mix in with all their crazy. There would be some absolutely EPIC encounters in both of those companies. He would get extraordinary heat. I'm talking Roman Reigns level heat and it would really be a great way to go instead of jobbing to newcomers like he does in WWE.
2) Emma. I love Emma. Let me just throw that out there. Her in Ring work especially with Paige around 2014 was what the Divas revolution was built upon. The fact that they have put the Divas belt on Charlotte makes me fucking sick. (see my review for anything especially fastlane if you want more) Emma was fun, energetic and sexy in a weird girl type of way. Then. Santino happened. I'm in no way going to blame Santino for her WWE failure. It was hilarious and actually a good spot, but after he got hurt and decided to retire they killed her character. Why is she not in the Diva Revolution? Why has WWE buried Emma. how about a few months ago when Paige was getting cheated and couldn't find help on the Roster they give her Emma and they even the score with the Bella twins. Opportunity missed there. Now, Paige is down and out. Why are the not feeding her to Charlotte. She has mic Skills, good looks, fun personality and way better in ring skills than that joke of a diva Charlotte could ever even hope to have. The only thing Charlotte has going for her is her daddy dearest, Her daddy dearest quirks, and flexibility. Shes not sexy, shes not good on the mic, her voice cracks constantly because she is nervous, and her moves are boring, stale, non creatively named and poorly executed. Emma on the other hand. Her own Quirks, flexibility, shes sexy, great mic skills, calm cool and collected during promos, Exciting moves, fresh moves, creative names (emmamite sandwhich) and fantastic execution. Her finishing move looks way more painful than the figure 8 (lets just do a bridge and by doing that it will somehow put more pressure and then lets just double the 4 to make it sound cool) Plus, it's so fluid that it looks natural. She would be better off leaving just to go wrestle anywhere. She would be a great TNA Knockout. Jarrett would use her well in Global. PCW, etc. anywhere but the WWE so that she could succeed. I have no idea why they buried her. They deserve to loose her talent. The bad Emma works as well. She can Face or Heel who cares. Have her show up in TNA put her on TV and let her Shoot on the Diva Division in WWE.
1) R- Truth. Truth should be Champion somewhere. The little Jimmy thing was great. his antics are hilarious. Lets face it. HE STOLE THE SHOW AT THE ROYAL RUMBLE. You know he did. He still has great in ring talent and they use him in a worthless way. It's embarrassing to him and his noteworthy career. He should give the WWE the finger and go perform in ROH under the house of Truth.
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5) Ryback. there is no secret that I personally don't care for this gimmick or his in ring work. Obviously I don't know him on a face to face level, but judging from his in ring work over the last few years I think he stinks. OH!! and by the way he has a new look. Riding somebody's coat tales with this look. It's not enough the crowd chants his name when you come out, because we all know you're a piss poor copy of his gimmick, but now you're just blatant about it. check out this link to see what I'm talking about.
So lets talk Ryback. I don't know his History and this Blog isn't a history lesson by any means It's more why he doesn't work where he is, why he won't last and why he would be awesome elsewhere. So the first time I remember seeing this piece of trash he was one of the Nexus tearing down a ring and even then I looked around and thought holy crap that guy isn't going to be good at all compared to those others. Most of whom has already wised up and took their ball and went elsewhere. I'm looking at you Justin Gabriel. Who by the way was a product of WWE not knowing what the fuck they had in their hands. Then like a flame in the Wind "the Big guy" was gone. I'm not %100 here but I think it was an injury. Surprise Surprise Surprise. He is always injured. Why? my guess, I think his supplements (NOT throwing steroid accusations here) make his bones and muscles brittle.
Ryback came back later and had a few good runs. Punks Feud which caused lots of controversy with the Podcast where Punk accused Ryback of intentionally hurting people or at least hurting people because he was a terrible wrestler. Ryback shot back at him, but in the end we will never know. However, its weird that even main event superstars somehow end up injured for long periods of time because they wrestled Ryback. For instance. Wade Barrett has a back seat role in the League of Nations because he is injured. BY RYBACK. right?! I didn't fact check this. So I admit it could have been a different match, but I'm like %80 sure it was by Ryback. He had some Shield, Cena, Henry action at some point. He had the Paul Heyman run and then tagged with Curtis Axel. Then he won the Intercontinental Championship. Injured. Again. Lost it. Now he just kind of wavers in and out for small pops. So why doesn't he work. His Bully Angle was awful. He doesn't work the Mic well. So he's a big guy, that's what we are told. He comes out. prances around and losses. Listen, Big Guy's don't work as Jobbers. I mean they do, but it's not believable. He doesn't work in the WWE, because lets face it they are kind of the cream of the crop. There are way too many talented guys in the Indies that WWE will sign soon that are better than "The Big Guy." How? Well, in NXT you have Crews who is a better Wrestler, more likable, better on the Mic and overall a better fit for the middle card Big Guy. How long do you think Apollo is going to stay in NXT? My guess, not long. In ROH Moose is up and coming and it won't be long until WWE takes notice. Plus, you have tons of Tag Team action there that has big guys. This is why he isn't built to last. Throw in the fact that he is largely injury prone and he just doesn't have the star power to hold a long career in WWE. All of this being said. It's not like Ryback doesn't have his small fanboy crowd. People like the Big Guy. His in ring moves aren't the worst out there (I'm looking at you Roman) and he delivers strong Impact and isn't afraid to get beaten up and take a loss. Several promotions would benefit greatly with the Big Guy on their roster and I can see several large companies putting their main belts on Ryback. Global Force and TNA would really do well with Ryback and he would thrive there. TNA especially would use Ryback in a way that would really elevate Ryback to main event status in the Indie circuit. I think some good quality matches could transpire out of Ryback and Current TNA superstars such as Bram, EC3, and Abyss. I think he could help those companies rise and succeed and become part of something great.
4) Adam Rose- AKA Leo Kruger- Why is this guy such a joke in WWE? why are they using him as a bottom of pile guy? Sure social outcasts is actually elevating a few of them, but I think ultimately it will be Bo Dallas that comes out on top of this pairing. WWE has put so much effort into him you think they would try and make him a top guy. the Kruger gimmick was good, I'm not sure why they ditched it. The Rose Gimmick had me excited at first. That Initial NXT debut was phenomenal I'm talking one of the best Gimmick debuts of all time. That "WOOOO" at the end of the music was just so much fun. Then, WWE went super dumb and took the "wooo" away why? Flair didn't like it. He thought that it was too much like his "Wooo" Hey you old piece of shit! I realize your ancient and tone deaf so let me point out that the tone was different, inflection was different, mooding, etc. However NOPE, Flair gets what Flair wants. I realize he made this business what it is, and I've been known to have 4 horsemen and Flair shirts in the past. However, taking Adam Rose's WOOOO away just pissed me straight off. Then they basically killed the Adam Rose Gimmick altogether in 2015. Why doesn't he work? Well, who the hell knows. The Crowds erupted when he came out, everyone men, women and children jumped out of their seats and danced. People thought his in ring shenanigans and uncomfortable uber sexual approach was great. Maybe, PG-13 Era ate another Dynamite Gimmick. Why he won't last, well WWE is flooding the market right now and too many wrestlers are coming into the Roster. They could make it work, they could bring in another title (TV Title, European championship, etc.) this would give the mid cards something to feud over. however, here is the problem. Not a problem WWE has had for very long either. They have this reoccurring showing by a few superstars during their programming. Not like they used too either. Sometimes in the Attitude Era you would see DX or Stone Cold a few times a show, but they would all be building the main story line. Recently, you have been seeing Ambrose or Reigns a few times a night and it's just separate showings. Give others a chance for TV time and watch your ratings increase. People still need to see Roman and Ambrose and Owens and Lesner, but not 3-4 times a night in 3-4 segments a night. Widdle it down to two. A backstage confrontation, leads to a match later type deal. Rose can't make it in WWE without a push, and I don't see them pushing him. You know who would push him. NJPW, ROH, or ICPW. they would all revitalize the Rosebud movement and really give it what it deserves. A party. Some Championships and an honest chance.
3) Jack Swagger. WE THE PEOPLE. have lost all faith in Jack, because..... (wait for it) He has.... Lost..... his..... (here it comes) Swagger. Wait, I'm pretty sure the only time Swagger sold T Shirts or Merch was when he was paired with Cesaro. Yeah I know he held the ECW title and then was World Champion but wasn't he just a less convincing much weaker copy of the Kurt Angle well.. angle. To me Swagger never had it. He was a bottom of the card guy who for some unknown reason got pushed. His in ring work is stiff. His mic skills suck and when he did dominate in the ring it wasn't believable. Basically, what I'm saying is he was a no talent hack when it came to roster that surrounded him. apparently somebody high up liked him. I wonder if his family has connections to the McMahon family, then it would make since why this idiot got pushed. He is still holding onto this "We the People" thing. It died when Cesaro left you buddy. Get over it. Then leave the WWE. Why? Even though he is pretty terrible, some of the lower laying companies could use the start power he was falsely given by the WWE. namely I think he would be HUGE. I'm talking MASSIVE in NJPW. Could you imagine Swagger with his American Flag running to the ring in NJPW. Man he would get massive heat. Swagger can Sale as well and he isn't past his prime which means he could probably give a beating and really throw in his amateur wrestling skills and make a lot of good matches with the guys in NJPW. How about he takes his clean cut Super patriot act down to JCW and mix in with all their crazy. There would be some absolutely EPIC encounters in both of those companies. He would get extraordinary heat. I'm talking Roman Reigns level heat and it would really be a great way to go instead of jobbing to newcomers like he does in WWE.

1) R- Truth. Truth should be Champion somewhere. The little Jimmy thing was great. his antics are hilarious. Lets face it. HE STOLE THE SHOW AT THE ROYAL RUMBLE. You know he did. He still has great in ring talent and they use him in a worthless way. It's embarrassing to him and his noteworthy career. He should give the WWE the finger and go perform in ROH under the house of Truth.
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