Ok. So Aquaman Contest. Still only 1 entry. Sad times.
Movie Blog. The Deal: I watch 100 movies a year. The only Qualifications of the movies is that I haven't seen them before. I watch. I rate. The End. Just doing 3 here, plus a small update on Contest news.
(41) Love and Other Drugs. (2010)
Now I realize what most of you are thinking right off the bat here. Brandon watched this because he had heard of all of the Anne Hathaway Nudity and just felt liking getting away with watching a soft core porn. Well. You are mostly right. Not really though. I stayed away from this movie as long as I could. I had heard about all the sex and nudity in the movie and was warned to steer clear. However, after constantly running across the trailer on youtube and getting like 5 emails last year about how certain readers of this pathetic little blog wanted me to watch it because Hathaway is not only naked, but plays the character with outstanding gusto or whatever raunchy uptight term you want to use. Plus, the chemistry between her and Jake Gyllenhaal happened to be on fire through the whole thing, I couldn't miss out. So Anne and I decided to watch. Was there as much sex and Hathaway boob in this as I had previously been told. Yes. How about all that Gyllenhall booty. Yes. I honestly can't say which I enjoyed more. Yes, this movie was what I was warned about. However, what people miss out on that can't look past all the nudity is a Story that will tear you limb from limb piss in your wounds and sew you back up, give you a blood transfusion only to leave the wounds unclean and let you die from infection. It was just such a gut wrenching heartbreaking story that made me so emotional I couldn't go to sleep. I was so torn up by this movie. The way it tells the love story only to set you up for a fatality roller coaster. It touches on disease and how horrific and life shattering it can be. How hope can be found in places less likely to be searched. How unpredictable love can be. The scene where she ran out of medicine and turned to vodka and they were fighting. It made my skin crawl. In a good way. It was meant to make you feel sick on the inside. It went places that NOONE gives it credit for. Of course the side story of Jakes career offers some great comedy relief. Dumpster diving and Sawyer. Not to mention Judy Greer pulling off another sub role. When is Greer going to get her due and become the Superstar we all know she can be. Anyway. The movie had ups and downs and no side bars. It ran long, but like any good movie that does it wasn't noticeable. I have a surprise though. It's not getting a 5. It did have too much sex. 75 percent of the sex. Could have been either toned down, omitted, or done in a non-pornographic way and the movie would have scored a perfect 5. All that nudity just takes away from a great story. Sometimes Nudity in a movie is appropriate. A driving force. The first boob shot in this movie, It was needed. It was a driving force for the story line. A lot of the following nudity. It wasn't. Hey, I'm all for boobs, but it can be overdone. Plus, Honestly sometimes what's left to the imagination is more attractive than just throwing it out there. Modesty can be a key to seduction. I am taking a Full point from the movie for going overboard with the nudity. 4 out of 5.
(42) The Iron Lady (2011)
This one in particular Anne wanted to see and I wasn't excited for. As a husband sometimes you just have to suck it up and watch Meryl Streep prance around so she can collect awards like she needs them to feed. Maybe she does. What if the academy knows that if Streep doesn't get at least one award a year she will get onto a plane to Japan go to the middle of Tokyo Expand into a massive Moth and terrorize the town until Amy Adams shows up and transforms into a Giant Green Lizard and they over act themselves into a estrogen rage of fire and fury and the entire Island goes down in the worst catastrophe in world history only to spill onto the main land until they both freeze to death in the wild Siberian Tundra. Great first I figure out that Obama is an evil alien from apocalypse gh-93 that shoots Barracka beams into his enemies and has stolen the life equation from Darkseid so that he can control the minds of people that look directly at him. Now I Figure out that Streep and Adams are off world monsters disguised as humans. I am so boned. If I die make sure Jimmy gets my guitars. I mean seriously where is the Doctor when you need him. Oh. So the movie. It was about Margaret Thatcher. If you like politics. British politics and want to know more about Thatcher. Read a book. No just kidding the movie wasn't terrible actually other than it being a bit wordy it was pretty dang good. 4 Asian countries destroyed out of 5.
(43) Prometheus (2012)
I have a lot of things to address here so lets hope I don't forget some of them. First off this kind of marked an end to an era for Anne and I. If you browse back through my blogs you will see a reoccurring theme. This theme is I like to watch movies with friends. It just so happens that I watched a lot of movies with a certain tall and handsome man with a cute brother named Justan Slagle. His brother Jimmy and his soon to be wife Shana we all liked to watch movies together. We would get together and watch movies a great deal of the time. There are obvious other friends that I watch a ton of movies with. Dustin, Dane, Cody the list could go on. I haven't known these guys as long as I have Justan. Plus, I still hang out with most of my friends on a constant basis, but with Justan it's a little different. It's hard to to hang out with him anymore, I moved about 6 hours away from him (and everyone else) which means that I can only come in for quick spurts here and there. Due to work restrictions, school and life in general. This felt like the end of the constant movie viewings with the Slagles. Will we see movies in the future together. Yes. Definitely a Yes. As often. No. Justan and I having been going to or sitting down to movies longer than either of our wives have been in our lives. We both realize that life goes on and eventually the slow down in time would come that seeing a movie together won't be a common occurrence but a special occasion. So therefore its the end of an era. A special era. So Justan, James, Shana, Anne and I went to see prometheus. I want to say someone else was there, but I honestly don't remember. Next on my list of things to discuss here was the trailer for this movie. Holly wow its intense. The music itself sends chills up your spine.
The high pitch scream like sound will forever ring in my head as one of the best sounds in trailer history. It's intense. So does this movie do what was expected. Did it scare you. Yes. Monsters. Yes. Space ships. Yes. Answer some questions about the Alien movies. Yes. Did it have sexy babes. Yes. Was Charlize Theron one of them. No. She looks like a man people. I bet she can grow a great beard. Did the movie run long. Yes. Did I notice. No. Lots of fun Science fiction. Yes. Did it spawn an entire week of watching the Alien movies and the Alien vs. Predator movies, because Anne claimed she had never seen any of them. Yes. Had I seen them. Of course. So if It had everything I went looking for. It was a complete success right. For the most part. It did have Idris Elba and Guy pearce I love Elba. He is fantastic in everything. Have you seen Luther the TV series. No. Well, you should. Now.... Seriously stop reading this and go watch Luther............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
See I told you it was great. Thanks for coming back to finish. I loved the ending of the first season. Luther is such a Ballsy character. Elba was born to play him. Now to finish about this movie. For the first time in my recorded memory. This movie had a special effect on me. Maybe I am getting to old. Maybe the fast food we had before the movie helped with the situation. Maybe I was sitting wrong and twisted in an odd position. Whatever the case. This movie made me sick. I honestly had tears in my eyes and had to get up and leave the theater. I went into the bathroom for a good 10 minutes. Yes that means I missed some of the film. During this 10 minutes I vomited twice, washed my face, caught my breath and went back in. James, in a dark theater says to me. "You ok dude, you look a little pale." Funny guy. This was after a disturbing scene in a chamber. I can't really give you any detail with out giving you an important plot turn. So, ....... Its the main character and she is doing some really gross stuff to herself. Octopus stuff. It made me queasy to the point of vomiting. Now lets get this straight I watch a lot of horror movies. I have never in my memory gotten sick like this. My friends, Blog readers and otherwise. This is not a bad thing. Wow. It made me puke. That's good work right there. So was it realistic, At times the crashes and space ship work were down right amazing. My first initial rating of this movie was a 3. Mainly because it made me puke. After realizing that I was taking off two points for something the movie may have had little to nothing or absolutely everything to do with. I couldn't take off any points at all. Except my automatic .5 off for having Theron in it. Charlize Theron you ruin everything. 4.5 SHE IS HIDEOUS out of 5.
Seriously she is hard to look at. You know who isn't. This Sexy Guy!!!!!
Wait a Second?!?!?! Yes, Yes he is wearing a sweet T-shirt that he won from this Blog. How, well he participated in a contest. Man I bet you wish I was having a contest right now so you could win stuff. What kind of stuff? Awesome question. How about this stuff?
1) 20.00 Gift card to GAMESTOP.
2) A framed Jim Lee Batman print.
3) 600 Microsoft points
4) X-men Classic second Printing
5) Batman Gotham Knights DVD
6) 20.00 Gift Card to Target
7) A Qwertee.com T Shirt.
8) Secret
9) Secret
10) Secret
BONUS PRIZE!!!!!!!!!!!
Want to get your hands on some of this stuff. It's easy!! Go to a Toy store. Any store. Find something with Aquaman on it. Action figures, comic books, coloring books, Clothing. Anything at all. Then take a picture and send it to me. Want to win the cool prizes. Go all out. Dress up. Go to a sushi bar and fake talking to the fish through the glass. Can't come up with anything with Aquaman on it??? There is this new thing. It's called the Internet. Try this website www.google.com. you type it in the white bar at the top where some sort of jibberish is written. After getting there type in the white bar under the Google logo. Type in Aquaman pictures. Then click on one. Print it. and take a picture with it. Hell, you don't even have to print it. You could win. If someone finds my favorite Aquaman picture I'll give them the bonus prize. What's the Bonus Prize. It's epic. That I'll give you. So it's not hard. Just do it man. Do it.
Follow me on Twitter @beespray989. Atheism is the only non-profit organization.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Movies 34-40. Plus an Update on the Contest.
Ok. Real quick update here. Yes, I am still doing the Aquaman contest. For information on that contest Scroll to the end.
(34) The Last Circus (2010)
The Trailer for this made it look like a lot of fun. It takes place in Spain during and after the Spanish Civil War. It followed a Clown and his life inside and outside the job. He was a sad clown and he fell in love with the bosses girl. Well, that's never good. There were some great moments here. In the beginning, There was a battle in the Spanish Civil War. The Rebels used the clowns from the circus to scare the people they were fighting. It was kind of fun to see clowns charging in with Bayonet's and axes. It was a really fun start to the film. Then. It slowed down. Got creepy and uncomfortable. It kind of gave you that feeling when you get a little to close to someones face that you don't know. Rather it be bumping into them or doing something with them. It was a shock fest gone sour. I love films that go above and beyond, but still give you that satisfaction of craziness and oddness. The Plot line wasn't very good. I couldn't have cared less about the main character. He wasn't likable or sympathetic he was vile and I wanted him to loose. The supporting characters weren't any better. Not at all. This movie just wasn't that good. I was let down. .9 out of 5.
(35) The Descendants (2011)
This was a left over of the Oscar run. I still had not watched it, but really wanted to. It's no secret that I love George Clooney. I mean look at him. How can you not. He is one of the most well rounded actors out there right now. Well, he at least gets interesting rolls. I like him as the clueless father in this. He reaches out to try his best to do right by his daughters in their tragedy. The kids both pull of the characters and you hate the teenager. Mostly because she is a teenager. She does Teenager stuff and offers a chance for the movie to have comedy relief. Without her boyfriend constantly being a clueless little twit this movie would change from the heartfelt drama it was to something of a downer. It's no pick me up movie by any means, but it will at least make you smile and laugh throughout instead of filling your tissues with tears. Speaking of Tissues have them close by. The boyfriend played by Nick Krause was a character you loved to hate. He was a great character and was pulled off perfectly. I cried at least at four different points. Maybe I was in touch with my feminine side I don't know, but maybe it was that this movie was truly touching. 5 out of 5.
(36) Men In Black III (2012)
Anne really wanted to see this. I thought the first two were alright so I didn't argue. I went in expecting a mediocre film. It's the first time I had seen Will Smith in a new movie in a while. At least since Hancock, which I thought was okay. I haven't seen a knock out effort from him since Happyness. I did however get a surprise by Jemaine Clement. His portrayal of Boris was amazing. Lots of fun with Brolin being the young K it was really fun and had lots of laughs and some great action and trip ups through time. They made fun of themselves like they always do. Large Guns, Gross Aliens, aliens that look like humans, great one liners and fun cars. It wasn't bad. It wasn't that great either. I won't knock your socks off. It is exactly what you expect from a Men in Black movie. The down sides of the movie basic drawn out plot changes. Trying to add to much to a film to make it appeal to to many people. Lots of low brow humor that is meant to make kids laugh. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I feel like sometimes it's overdone, and not needed. This movie was funny enough where it could have kept out the gaseous stuff and it would have been just as good. 4.1 out of 5.
(37) The Adventures of Tintin (2011)
Another left over from the Oscars. Anne and I wanted to see this. I wasn't exactly brought up on Tin Tin. I was more of a Bernstein Bears kid. However, that didn't stop me from wanting to experience it. Steven Spielberg directed it, so It had lots of things going for it. The animation was top notch and well rounded. It was a interesting animation. Not intricate but not the animation of your typical children's movie. The Plot was intense, and naturally good hearted. Lots of near misses and crashes and explosions. Twist, turns, and mysteries. All leads to a long running movie that doesn't offer any real emotion and a low entertainment value. Yes it offered up a mystery, but not one it made you care about. It was run of the mill. Simon Peggs voice over was great. At best. 3 out of 5.
(38) Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2012)
I like the Mission Impossible series. I like Cruise. I like Pegg. Add those together. Boom Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol. Add Jeremy Renner from Hurt Locker and The Avengers. This has potential to. Well. BOMB. However, it didn't the good guys being hunted by the other good guys is a great concept and sometimes it is done right. This time they pull it off. I like the slip ups along the way. The Gadgets are awesome. Pegg is a great as usual. I like how he always freaks out in a calm way. Cruise was great as well, the usual twists and turns you get from the mission impossible series are there to muck up the plot until they explain it out for you. Lots of great action including a great scene with Cruise climbing up the wall with suction gloves. That is in the trailer and the entire scene is really remarkable. Josh Holloway made an appearance. The long drawn out set ups are fun to watch. I like these movies. I understand that some people don't. That's okay. I also understand that people ignore movies once they get into the fourth movie and that it's a given that the sequels get worse as they go along, however, I liked this one much more than the 3rd one. 4 out of 5.
(39) Rum Diary (2011)
Johnny Depp delivers a sub par performance. The story line wasn't the best, but the performance of the supporting cast blew this one up for me. Well, kind of. It ran a little long. It went a little astray of the general plot that it followed. I'll break it down for you. Guy is in the dumps. Moves for a job. Job isn't great. Meets interesting people he is friends with. Gets in trouble. meets a woman. The woman is the bad guys girl. Guy tries to upset bad guy and put him away. Insane stuff happens and blah blah blah blah. Aaron Eckhart is a great bad guy he doesn't pull that role out of his hat often but when he does, he knocks it out of the park. Amber Heard is amazing and so very sexy throughout the entire movie. She plays a great Lady in Red. A few scenes throughout the movie where great. The back road restaurant, the constant insane ramblings by Giovanni Ribisi. How awesome is Giovanni Ribisi by the way. Have you seen "My name is Earl." Its amazing. I have never seen Ribisi in anything he was bad in. Nothing. Murderer. He pulls it off. Porn fiend. Pulls it off. Classy snob from upstate. Pulls it off. Redneck trailer park trash. Pulls it off. Michael Rispoli was great in this too. Boom. 2.3 out of 5.
(40) Sunken Treasure Live. (2006)
This is a great Musical DVD following around Jeff Tweedy of Wilco. One of my Favorite bands, artist and music. I love almost everything by this band. Tweedy is hilarious in this. I taped alot of the stuff on my phone. I may have even watched them repeatedly When I am not feeling to bad about myself. Tweedy is great. This was great. 5 out of 5.
Ok, Aquaman Contest. I have one Entry. Britt Goan brings it with a T-shirt featuring an aquaman that obviously is near a shark that just had some food at a buffet in the gulf of Mexico. he looks like the Shark may have even had a little too much sour cream. This was a great entry and Thank you Brittany for participating. So to intrigue you people into doing this. I will let you in on some of the prizes.
1) 20.00 Gift card to GAMESTOP.
2) A framed Jim Lee Batman print.
3) 600 Microsoft points
4) X-men Classic second Printing
5) Batman Gotham Knights DVD
6) 20.00 Gift Card to Target
7) A Qwertee.com T Shirt.
8) Secret
9) Secret
10) Secret
So if you don't want Brittany to win them all. I suggest you send in your Aquaman stuff.
Movies. Here is the deal of this blog. I watch 100 movies a year. The only qualifications behind these movies is that I haven't seen them before. I do take request. I like comments. Thanks. On with the movies.
(34) The Last Circus (2010)

(35) The Descendants (2011)
This was a left over of the Oscar run. I still had not watched it, but really wanted to. It's no secret that I love George Clooney. I mean look at him. How can you not. He is one of the most well rounded actors out there right now. Well, he at least gets interesting rolls. I like him as the clueless father in this. He reaches out to try his best to do right by his daughters in their tragedy. The kids both pull of the characters and you hate the teenager. Mostly because she is a teenager. She does Teenager stuff and offers a chance for the movie to have comedy relief. Without her boyfriend constantly being a clueless little twit this movie would change from the heartfelt drama it was to something of a downer. It's no pick me up movie by any means, but it will at least make you smile and laugh throughout instead of filling your tissues with tears. Speaking of Tissues have them close by. The boyfriend played by Nick Krause was a character you loved to hate. He was a great character and was pulled off perfectly. I cried at least at four different points. Maybe I was in touch with my feminine side I don't know, but maybe it was that this movie was truly touching. 5 out of 5.
(36) Men In Black III (2012)
Anne really wanted to see this. I thought the first two were alright so I didn't argue. I went in expecting a mediocre film. It's the first time I had seen Will Smith in a new movie in a while. At least since Hancock, which I thought was okay. I haven't seen a knock out effort from him since Happyness. I did however get a surprise by Jemaine Clement. His portrayal of Boris was amazing. Lots of fun with Brolin being the young K it was really fun and had lots of laughs and some great action and trip ups through time. They made fun of themselves like they always do. Large Guns, Gross Aliens, aliens that look like humans, great one liners and fun cars. It wasn't bad. It wasn't that great either. I won't knock your socks off. It is exactly what you expect from a Men in Black movie. The down sides of the movie basic drawn out plot changes. Trying to add to much to a film to make it appeal to to many people. Lots of low brow humor that is meant to make kids laugh. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I feel like sometimes it's overdone, and not needed. This movie was funny enough where it could have kept out the gaseous stuff and it would have been just as good. 4.1 out of 5.
(37) The Adventures of Tintin (2011)
Another left over from the Oscars. Anne and I wanted to see this. I wasn't exactly brought up on Tin Tin. I was more of a Bernstein Bears kid. However, that didn't stop me from wanting to experience it. Steven Spielberg directed it, so It had lots of things going for it. The animation was top notch and well rounded. It was a interesting animation. Not intricate but not the animation of your typical children's movie. The Plot was intense, and naturally good hearted. Lots of near misses and crashes and explosions. Twist, turns, and mysteries. All leads to a long running movie that doesn't offer any real emotion and a low entertainment value. Yes it offered up a mystery, but not one it made you care about. It was run of the mill. Simon Peggs voice over was great. At best. 3 out of 5.
(38) Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2012)
I like the Mission Impossible series. I like Cruise. I like Pegg. Add those together. Boom Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol. Add Jeremy Renner from Hurt Locker and The Avengers. This has potential to. Well. BOMB. However, it didn't the good guys being hunted by the other good guys is a great concept and sometimes it is done right. This time they pull it off. I like the slip ups along the way. The Gadgets are awesome. Pegg is a great as usual. I like how he always freaks out in a calm way. Cruise was great as well, the usual twists and turns you get from the mission impossible series are there to muck up the plot until they explain it out for you. Lots of great action including a great scene with Cruise climbing up the wall with suction gloves. That is in the trailer and the entire scene is really remarkable. Josh Holloway made an appearance. The long drawn out set ups are fun to watch. I like these movies. I understand that some people don't. That's okay. I also understand that people ignore movies once they get into the fourth movie and that it's a given that the sequels get worse as they go along, however, I liked this one much more than the 3rd one. 4 out of 5.
(39) Rum Diary (2011)
Johnny Depp delivers a sub par performance. The story line wasn't the best, but the performance of the supporting cast blew this one up for me. Well, kind of. It ran a little long. It went a little astray of the general plot that it followed. I'll break it down for you. Guy is in the dumps. Moves for a job. Job isn't great. Meets interesting people he is friends with. Gets in trouble. meets a woman. The woman is the bad guys girl. Guy tries to upset bad guy and put him away. Insane stuff happens and blah blah blah blah. Aaron Eckhart is a great bad guy he doesn't pull that role out of his hat often but when he does, he knocks it out of the park. Amber Heard is amazing and so very sexy throughout the entire movie. She plays a great Lady in Red. A few scenes throughout the movie where great. The back road restaurant, the constant insane ramblings by Giovanni Ribisi. How awesome is Giovanni Ribisi by the way. Have you seen "My name is Earl." Its amazing. I have never seen Ribisi in anything he was bad in. Nothing. Murderer. He pulls it off. Porn fiend. Pulls it off. Classy snob from upstate. Pulls it off. Redneck trailer park trash. Pulls it off. Michael Rispoli was great in this too. Boom. 2.3 out of 5.
(40) Sunken Treasure Live. (2006)
This is a great Musical DVD following around Jeff Tweedy of Wilco. One of my Favorite bands, artist and music. I love almost everything by this band. Tweedy is hilarious in this. I taped alot of the stuff on my phone. I may have even watched them repeatedly When I am not feeling to bad about myself. Tweedy is great. This was great. 5 out of 5.
Ok, Aquaman Contest. I have one Entry. Britt Goan brings it with a T-shirt featuring an aquaman that obviously is near a shark that just had some food at a buffet in the gulf of Mexico. he looks like the Shark may have even had a little too much sour cream. This was a great entry and Thank you Brittany for participating. So to intrigue you people into doing this. I will let you in on some of the prizes.
1) 20.00 Gift card to GAMESTOP.
2) A framed Jim Lee Batman print.
3) 600 Microsoft points
4) X-men Classic second Printing
5) Batman Gotham Knights DVD
6) 20.00 Gift Card to Target
7) A Qwertee.com T Shirt.
8) Secret
9) Secret
10) Secret
So if you don't want Brittany to win them all. I suggest you send in your Aquaman stuff.
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