Ok. So Aquaman Contest. Still only 1 entry. Sad times.
Movie Blog. The Deal: I watch 100 movies a year. The only Qualifications of the movies is that I haven't seen them before. I watch. I rate. The End. Just doing 3 here, plus a small update on Contest news.
(41) Love and Other Drugs. (2010)
Now I realize what most of you are thinking right off the bat here. Brandon watched this because he had heard of all of the Anne Hathaway Nudity and just felt liking getting away with watching a soft core porn. Well. You are mostly right. Not really though. I stayed away from this movie as long as I could. I had heard about all the sex and nudity in the movie and was warned to steer clear. However, after constantly running across the trailer on youtube and getting like 5 emails last year about how certain readers of this pathetic little blog wanted me to watch it because Hathaway is not only naked, but plays the character with outstanding gusto or whatever raunchy uptight term you want to use. Plus, the chemistry between her and Jake Gyllenhaal happened to be on fire through the whole thing, I couldn't miss out. So Anne and I decided to watch. Was there as much sex and Hathaway boob in this as I had previously been told. Yes. How about all that Gyllenhall booty. Yes. I honestly can't say which I enjoyed more. Yes, this movie was what I was warned about. However, what people miss out on that can't look past all the nudity is a Story that will tear you limb from limb piss in your wounds and sew you back up, give you a blood transfusion only to leave the wounds unclean and let you die from infection. It was just such a gut wrenching heartbreaking story that made me so emotional I couldn't go to sleep. I was so torn up by this movie. The way it tells the love story only to set you up for a fatality roller coaster. It touches on disease and how horrific and life shattering it can be. How hope can be found in places less likely to be searched. How unpredictable love can be. The scene where she ran out of medicine and turned to vodka and they were fighting. It made my skin crawl. In a good way. It was meant to make you feel sick on the inside. It went places that NOONE gives it credit for. Of course the side story of Jakes career offers some great comedy relief. Dumpster diving and Sawyer. Not to mention Judy Greer pulling off another sub role. When is Greer going to get her due and become the Superstar we all know she can be. Anyway. The movie had ups and downs and no side bars. It ran long, but like any good movie that does it wasn't noticeable. I have a surprise though. It's not getting a 5. It did have too much sex. 75 percent of the sex. Could have been either toned down, omitted, or done in a non-pornographic way and the movie would have scored a perfect 5. All that nudity just takes away from a great story. Sometimes Nudity in a movie is appropriate. A driving force. The first boob shot in this movie, It was needed. It was a driving force for the story line. A lot of the following nudity. It wasn't. Hey, I'm all for boobs, but it can be overdone. Plus, Honestly sometimes what's left to the imagination is more attractive than just throwing it out there. Modesty can be a key to seduction. I am taking a Full point from the movie for going overboard with the nudity. 4 out of 5.
(42) The Iron Lady (2011)
This one in particular Anne wanted to see and I wasn't excited for. As a husband sometimes you just have to suck it up and watch Meryl Streep prance around so she can collect awards like she needs them to feed. Maybe she does. What if the academy knows that if Streep doesn't get at least one award a year she will get onto a plane to Japan go to the middle of Tokyo Expand into a massive Moth and terrorize the town until Amy Adams shows up and transforms into a Giant Green Lizard and they over act themselves into a estrogen rage of fire and fury and the entire Island goes down in the worst catastrophe in world history only to spill onto the main land until they both freeze to death in the wild Siberian Tundra. Great first I figure out that Obama is an evil alien from apocalypse gh-93 that shoots Barracka beams into his enemies and has stolen the life equation from Darkseid so that he can control the minds of people that look directly at him. Now I Figure out that Streep and Adams are off world monsters disguised as humans. I am so boned. If I die make sure Jimmy gets my guitars. I mean seriously where is the Doctor when you need him. Oh. So the movie. It was about Margaret Thatcher. If you like politics. British politics and want to know more about Thatcher. Read a book. No just kidding the movie wasn't terrible actually other than it being a bit wordy it was pretty dang good. 4 Asian countries destroyed out of 5.
(43) Prometheus (2012)
I have a lot of things to address here so lets hope I don't forget some of them. First off this kind of marked an end to an era for Anne and I. If you browse back through my blogs you will see a reoccurring theme. This theme is I like to watch movies with friends. It just so happens that I watched a lot of movies with a certain tall and handsome man with a cute brother named Justan Slagle. His brother Jimmy and his soon to be wife Shana we all liked to watch movies together. We would get together and watch movies a great deal of the time. There are obvious other friends that I watch a ton of movies with. Dustin, Dane, Cody the list could go on. I haven't known these guys as long as I have Justan. Plus, I still hang out with most of my friends on a constant basis, but with Justan it's a little different. It's hard to to hang out with him anymore, I moved about 6 hours away from him (and everyone else) which means that I can only come in for quick spurts here and there. Due to work restrictions, school and life in general. This felt like the end of the constant movie viewings with the Slagles. Will we see movies in the future together. Yes. Definitely a Yes. As often. No. Justan and I having been going to or sitting down to movies longer than either of our wives have been in our lives. We both realize that life goes on and eventually the slow down in time would come that seeing a movie together won't be a common occurrence but a special occasion. So therefore its the end of an era. A special era. So Justan, James, Shana, Anne and I went to see prometheus. I want to say someone else was there, but I honestly don't remember. Next on my list of things to discuss here was the trailer for this movie. Holly wow its intense. The music itself sends chills up your spine.
The high pitch scream like sound will forever ring in my head as one of the best sounds in trailer history. It's intense. So does this movie do what was expected. Did it scare you. Yes. Monsters. Yes. Space ships. Yes. Answer some questions about the Alien movies. Yes. Did it have sexy babes. Yes. Was Charlize Theron one of them. No. She looks like a man people. I bet she can grow a great beard. Did the movie run long. Yes. Did I notice. No. Lots of fun Science fiction. Yes. Did it spawn an entire week of watching the Alien movies and the Alien vs. Predator movies, because Anne claimed she had never seen any of them. Yes. Had I seen them. Of course. So if It had everything I went looking for. It was a complete success right. For the most part. It did have Idris Elba and Guy pearce I love Elba. He is fantastic in everything. Have you seen Luther the TV series. No. Well, you should. Now.... Seriously stop reading this and go watch Luther............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
See I told you it was great. Thanks for coming back to finish. I loved the ending of the first season. Luther is such a Ballsy character. Elba was born to play him. Now to finish about this movie. For the first time in my recorded memory. This movie had a special effect on me. Maybe I am getting to old. Maybe the fast food we had before the movie helped with the situation. Maybe I was sitting wrong and twisted in an odd position. Whatever the case. This movie made me sick. I honestly had tears in my eyes and had to get up and leave the theater. I went into the bathroom for a good 10 minutes. Yes that means I missed some of the film. During this 10 minutes I vomited twice, washed my face, caught my breath and went back in. James, in a dark theater says to me. "You ok dude, you look a little pale." Funny guy. This was after a disturbing scene in a chamber. I can't really give you any detail with out giving you an important plot turn. So, ....... Its the main character and she is doing some really gross stuff to herself. Octopus stuff. It made me queasy to the point of vomiting. Now lets get this straight I watch a lot of horror movies. I have never in my memory gotten sick like this. My friends, Blog readers and otherwise. This is not a bad thing. Wow. It made me puke. That's good work right there. So was it realistic, At times the crashes and space ship work were down right amazing. My first initial rating of this movie was a 3. Mainly because it made me puke. After realizing that I was taking off two points for something the movie may have had little to nothing or absolutely everything to do with. I couldn't take off any points at all. Except my automatic .5 off for having Theron in it. Charlize Theron you ruin everything. 4.5 SHE IS HIDEOUS out of 5.
Seriously she is hard to look at. You know who isn't. This Sexy Guy!!!!!
Wait a Second?!?!?! Yes, Yes he is wearing a sweet T-shirt that he won from this Blog. How, well he participated in a contest. Man I bet you wish I was having a contest right now so you could win stuff. What kind of stuff? Awesome question. How about this stuff?
1) 20.00 Gift card to GAMESTOP.
2) A framed Jim Lee Batman print.
3) 600 Microsoft points
4) X-men Classic second Printing
5) Batman Gotham Knights DVD
6) 20.00 Gift Card to Target
7) A Qwertee.com T Shirt.
8) Secret
9) Secret
10) Secret
BONUS PRIZE!!!!!!!!!!!
Want to get your hands on some of this stuff. It's easy!! Go to a Toy store. Any store. Find something with Aquaman on it. Action figures, comic books, coloring books, Clothing. Anything at all. Then take a picture and send it to me. Want to win the cool prizes. Go all out. Dress up. Go to a sushi bar and fake talking to the fish through the glass. Can't come up with anything with Aquaman on it??? There is this new thing. It's called the Internet. Try this website www.google.com. you type it in the white bar at the top where some sort of jibberish is written. After getting there type in the white bar under the Google logo. Type in Aquaman pictures. Then click on one. Print it. and take a picture with it. Hell, you don't even have to print it. You could win. If someone finds my favorite Aquaman picture I'll give them the bonus prize. What's the Bonus Prize. It's epic. That I'll give you. So it's not hard. Just do it man. Do it.
Follow me on Twitter @beespray989. Atheism is the only non-profit organization.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Movies 34-40. Plus an Update on the Contest.
Ok. Real quick update here. Yes, I am still doing the Aquaman contest. For information on that contest Scroll to the end.
(34) The Last Circus (2010)
The Trailer for this made it look like a lot of fun. It takes place in Spain during and after the Spanish Civil War. It followed a Clown and his life inside and outside the job. He was a sad clown and he fell in love with the bosses girl. Well, that's never good. There were some great moments here. In the beginning, There was a battle in the Spanish Civil War. The Rebels used the clowns from the circus to scare the people they were fighting. It was kind of fun to see clowns charging in with Bayonet's and axes. It was a really fun start to the film. Then. It slowed down. Got creepy and uncomfortable. It kind of gave you that feeling when you get a little to close to someones face that you don't know. Rather it be bumping into them or doing something with them. It was a shock fest gone sour. I love films that go above and beyond, but still give you that satisfaction of craziness and oddness. The Plot line wasn't very good. I couldn't have cared less about the main character. He wasn't likable or sympathetic he was vile and I wanted him to loose. The supporting characters weren't any better. Not at all. This movie just wasn't that good. I was let down. .9 out of 5.
(35) The Descendants (2011)
This was a left over of the Oscar run. I still had not watched it, but really wanted to. It's no secret that I love George Clooney. I mean look at him. How can you not. He is one of the most well rounded actors out there right now. Well, he at least gets interesting rolls. I like him as the clueless father in this. He reaches out to try his best to do right by his daughters in their tragedy. The kids both pull of the characters and you hate the teenager. Mostly because she is a teenager. She does Teenager stuff and offers a chance for the movie to have comedy relief. Without her boyfriend constantly being a clueless little twit this movie would change from the heartfelt drama it was to something of a downer. It's no pick me up movie by any means, but it will at least make you smile and laugh throughout instead of filling your tissues with tears. Speaking of Tissues have them close by. The boyfriend played by Nick Krause was a character you loved to hate. He was a great character and was pulled off perfectly. I cried at least at four different points. Maybe I was in touch with my feminine side I don't know, but maybe it was that this movie was truly touching. 5 out of 5.
(36) Men In Black III (2012)
Anne really wanted to see this. I thought the first two were alright so I didn't argue. I went in expecting a mediocre film. It's the first time I had seen Will Smith in a new movie in a while. At least since Hancock, which I thought was okay. I haven't seen a knock out effort from him since Happyness. I did however get a surprise by Jemaine Clement. His portrayal of Boris was amazing. Lots of fun with Brolin being the young K it was really fun and had lots of laughs and some great action and trip ups through time. They made fun of themselves like they always do. Large Guns, Gross Aliens, aliens that look like humans, great one liners and fun cars. It wasn't bad. It wasn't that great either. I won't knock your socks off. It is exactly what you expect from a Men in Black movie. The down sides of the movie basic drawn out plot changes. Trying to add to much to a film to make it appeal to to many people. Lots of low brow humor that is meant to make kids laugh. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I feel like sometimes it's overdone, and not needed. This movie was funny enough where it could have kept out the gaseous stuff and it would have been just as good. 4.1 out of 5.
(37) The Adventures of Tintin (2011)
Another left over from the Oscars. Anne and I wanted to see this. I wasn't exactly brought up on Tin Tin. I was more of a Bernstein Bears kid. However, that didn't stop me from wanting to experience it. Steven Spielberg directed it, so It had lots of things going for it. The animation was top notch and well rounded. It was a interesting animation. Not intricate but not the animation of your typical children's movie. The Plot was intense, and naturally good hearted. Lots of near misses and crashes and explosions. Twist, turns, and mysteries. All leads to a long running movie that doesn't offer any real emotion and a low entertainment value. Yes it offered up a mystery, but not one it made you care about. It was run of the mill. Simon Peggs voice over was great. At best. 3 out of 5.
(38) Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2012)
I like the Mission Impossible series. I like Cruise. I like Pegg. Add those together. Boom Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol. Add Jeremy Renner from Hurt Locker and The Avengers. This has potential to. Well. BOMB. However, it didn't the good guys being hunted by the other good guys is a great concept and sometimes it is done right. This time they pull it off. I like the slip ups along the way. The Gadgets are awesome. Pegg is a great as usual. I like how he always freaks out in a calm way. Cruise was great as well, the usual twists and turns you get from the mission impossible series are there to muck up the plot until they explain it out for you. Lots of great action including a great scene with Cruise climbing up the wall with suction gloves. That is in the trailer and the entire scene is really remarkable. Josh Holloway made an appearance. The long drawn out set ups are fun to watch. I like these movies. I understand that some people don't. That's okay. I also understand that people ignore movies once they get into the fourth movie and that it's a given that the sequels get worse as they go along, however, I liked this one much more than the 3rd one. 4 out of 5.
(39) Rum Diary (2011)
Johnny Depp delivers a sub par performance. The story line wasn't the best, but the performance of the supporting cast blew this one up for me. Well, kind of. It ran a little long. It went a little astray of the general plot that it followed. I'll break it down for you. Guy is in the dumps. Moves for a job. Job isn't great. Meets interesting people he is friends with. Gets in trouble. meets a woman. The woman is the bad guys girl. Guy tries to upset bad guy and put him away. Insane stuff happens and blah blah blah blah. Aaron Eckhart is a great bad guy he doesn't pull that role out of his hat often but when he does, he knocks it out of the park. Amber Heard is amazing and so very sexy throughout the entire movie. She plays a great Lady in Red. A few scenes throughout the movie where great. The back road restaurant, the constant insane ramblings by Giovanni Ribisi. How awesome is Giovanni Ribisi by the way. Have you seen "My name is Earl." Its amazing. I have never seen Ribisi in anything he was bad in. Nothing. Murderer. He pulls it off. Porn fiend. Pulls it off. Classy snob from upstate. Pulls it off. Redneck trailer park trash. Pulls it off. Michael Rispoli was great in this too. Boom. 2.3 out of 5.
(40) Sunken Treasure Live. (2006)
This is a great Musical DVD following around Jeff Tweedy of Wilco. One of my Favorite bands, artist and music. I love almost everything by this band. Tweedy is hilarious in this. I taped alot of the stuff on my phone. I may have even watched them repeatedly When I am not feeling to bad about myself. Tweedy is great. This was great. 5 out of 5.
Ok, Aquaman Contest. I have one Entry. Britt Goan brings it with a T-shirt featuring an aquaman that obviously is near a shark that just had some food at a buffet in the gulf of Mexico. he looks like the Shark may have even had a little too much sour cream. This was a great entry and Thank you Brittany for participating. So to intrigue you people into doing this. I will let you in on some of the prizes.
1) 20.00 Gift card to GAMESTOP.
2) A framed Jim Lee Batman print.
3) 600 Microsoft points
4) X-men Classic second Printing
5) Batman Gotham Knights DVD
6) 20.00 Gift Card to Target
7) A Qwertee.com T Shirt.
8) Secret
9) Secret
10) Secret
So if you don't want Brittany to win them all. I suggest you send in your Aquaman stuff.
Movies. Here is the deal of this blog. I watch 100 movies a year. The only qualifications behind these movies is that I haven't seen them before. I do take request. I like comments. Thanks. On with the movies.
(34) The Last Circus (2010)

(35) The Descendants (2011)
This was a left over of the Oscar run. I still had not watched it, but really wanted to. It's no secret that I love George Clooney. I mean look at him. How can you not. He is one of the most well rounded actors out there right now. Well, he at least gets interesting rolls. I like him as the clueless father in this. He reaches out to try his best to do right by his daughters in their tragedy. The kids both pull of the characters and you hate the teenager. Mostly because she is a teenager. She does Teenager stuff and offers a chance for the movie to have comedy relief. Without her boyfriend constantly being a clueless little twit this movie would change from the heartfelt drama it was to something of a downer. It's no pick me up movie by any means, but it will at least make you smile and laugh throughout instead of filling your tissues with tears. Speaking of Tissues have them close by. The boyfriend played by Nick Krause was a character you loved to hate. He was a great character and was pulled off perfectly. I cried at least at four different points. Maybe I was in touch with my feminine side I don't know, but maybe it was that this movie was truly touching. 5 out of 5.
(36) Men In Black III (2012)
Anne really wanted to see this. I thought the first two were alright so I didn't argue. I went in expecting a mediocre film. It's the first time I had seen Will Smith in a new movie in a while. At least since Hancock, which I thought was okay. I haven't seen a knock out effort from him since Happyness. I did however get a surprise by Jemaine Clement. His portrayal of Boris was amazing. Lots of fun with Brolin being the young K it was really fun and had lots of laughs and some great action and trip ups through time. They made fun of themselves like they always do. Large Guns, Gross Aliens, aliens that look like humans, great one liners and fun cars. It wasn't bad. It wasn't that great either. I won't knock your socks off. It is exactly what you expect from a Men in Black movie. The down sides of the movie basic drawn out plot changes. Trying to add to much to a film to make it appeal to to many people. Lots of low brow humor that is meant to make kids laugh. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I feel like sometimes it's overdone, and not needed. This movie was funny enough where it could have kept out the gaseous stuff and it would have been just as good. 4.1 out of 5.
(37) The Adventures of Tintin (2011)
Another left over from the Oscars. Anne and I wanted to see this. I wasn't exactly brought up on Tin Tin. I was more of a Bernstein Bears kid. However, that didn't stop me from wanting to experience it. Steven Spielberg directed it, so It had lots of things going for it. The animation was top notch and well rounded. It was a interesting animation. Not intricate but not the animation of your typical children's movie. The Plot was intense, and naturally good hearted. Lots of near misses and crashes and explosions. Twist, turns, and mysteries. All leads to a long running movie that doesn't offer any real emotion and a low entertainment value. Yes it offered up a mystery, but not one it made you care about. It was run of the mill. Simon Peggs voice over was great. At best. 3 out of 5.
(38) Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2012)
I like the Mission Impossible series. I like Cruise. I like Pegg. Add those together. Boom Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol. Add Jeremy Renner from Hurt Locker and The Avengers. This has potential to. Well. BOMB. However, it didn't the good guys being hunted by the other good guys is a great concept and sometimes it is done right. This time they pull it off. I like the slip ups along the way. The Gadgets are awesome. Pegg is a great as usual. I like how he always freaks out in a calm way. Cruise was great as well, the usual twists and turns you get from the mission impossible series are there to muck up the plot until they explain it out for you. Lots of great action including a great scene with Cruise climbing up the wall with suction gloves. That is in the trailer and the entire scene is really remarkable. Josh Holloway made an appearance. The long drawn out set ups are fun to watch. I like these movies. I understand that some people don't. That's okay. I also understand that people ignore movies once they get into the fourth movie and that it's a given that the sequels get worse as they go along, however, I liked this one much more than the 3rd one. 4 out of 5.
(39) Rum Diary (2011)
Johnny Depp delivers a sub par performance. The story line wasn't the best, but the performance of the supporting cast blew this one up for me. Well, kind of. It ran a little long. It went a little astray of the general plot that it followed. I'll break it down for you. Guy is in the dumps. Moves for a job. Job isn't great. Meets interesting people he is friends with. Gets in trouble. meets a woman. The woman is the bad guys girl. Guy tries to upset bad guy and put him away. Insane stuff happens and blah blah blah blah. Aaron Eckhart is a great bad guy he doesn't pull that role out of his hat often but when he does, he knocks it out of the park. Amber Heard is amazing and so very sexy throughout the entire movie. She plays a great Lady in Red. A few scenes throughout the movie where great. The back road restaurant, the constant insane ramblings by Giovanni Ribisi. How awesome is Giovanni Ribisi by the way. Have you seen "My name is Earl." Its amazing. I have never seen Ribisi in anything he was bad in. Nothing. Murderer. He pulls it off. Porn fiend. Pulls it off. Classy snob from upstate. Pulls it off. Redneck trailer park trash. Pulls it off. Michael Rispoli was great in this too. Boom. 2.3 out of 5.
(40) Sunken Treasure Live. (2006)
This is a great Musical DVD following around Jeff Tweedy of Wilco. One of my Favorite bands, artist and music. I love almost everything by this band. Tweedy is hilarious in this. I taped alot of the stuff on my phone. I may have even watched them repeatedly When I am not feeling to bad about myself. Tweedy is great. This was great. 5 out of 5.
Ok, Aquaman Contest. I have one Entry. Britt Goan brings it with a T-shirt featuring an aquaman that obviously is near a shark that just had some food at a buffet in the gulf of Mexico. he looks like the Shark may have even had a little too much sour cream. This was a great entry and Thank you Brittany for participating. So to intrigue you people into doing this. I will let you in on some of the prizes.
1) 20.00 Gift card to GAMESTOP.
2) A framed Jim Lee Batman print.
3) 600 Microsoft points
4) X-men Classic second Printing
5) Batman Gotham Knights DVD
6) 20.00 Gift Card to Target
7) A Qwertee.com T Shirt.
8) Secret
9) Secret
10) Secret
So if you don't want Brittany to win them all. I suggest you send in your Aquaman stuff.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Quick Movie Blog. New Movies. 31-33. Twilight Saga Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. Plus A Circus.
This Blog is an exciting blog. Not really. I haven't received a single thing when it comes to the Aquaman challenge. To be honest, I'm a little let down. Anyway.
Movies. The Deal. I watch 100 movies I haven't seen before, each year. They are randomly picked. Sometimes they will be suggestions or critically acclaimed or just super popular. For example This blog has the Twilight Saga movies "Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn." So enough of this opening mumbo Jumbo.
(31) Eclipse (2010)
Well this is the least disappointing of the series for me. Some nice sequences throughout all of the series. It is the most interesting of them all. The Plot is actually kind of interesting. In the Previous movies A Vampire group of Three comes along Bella and wants her dead. Edward Killed the Leader and the other two remained. The Girlfriend of the opposing Vampire Clan has gone a bit crazy throughout this one and has turned a bunch of people to Vampires to Attack Edward and his family. This brings in the "Agency" or whatever it's basically the Government of Vampires. So now that there are actual Vampires involved. Well that was stretching it. Real Vampires. I make myself laugh. It's Dakota Fanning in a hood. Anyway, There is a big bad battle between Edwards Family of Vampires and Victoria and her massive Clan of newbies. Considering they were grossly outnumbered they reluctantly let the Werewolves under Jacobs family from the same area help them out. The Battle by far took on some of the most demanding special effects of the series and they weren't bad at all. By the Standards of the actual Twilight Saga. This movie was by far a 5. By normal standards. The Love story still will make you vomit out of your nose and wish you weren't born with eyes or ears. However, This movie overall with the extra Vampire plot wasn't horrible. If you want a real feel for the Twilight movies without watching them all. I suggest giving this one the shot. It's by far the best. Plus, it's the highest rated on my list with a solid 3.
(32) Breaking Dawn (2011)
This is the first part of the last book. The Relationship between Bella and Edward comes to fruition. The Love Triangle is over. What do I think about it.....................................................................................................................
A wise little Rabbit once said
"If you can't same something nice, Don't say nothing at all" That Little Rabbit "Thumper"
0 out of 5.
(33) 127 Hours (2010)
I decided to give this one a go. I ran across it during this past years Oscars and thought I would really like to see it. Anne didn't feel the same way. I thought it was great. I loved the opening scenes with the two girls and the fun of going hiking in the canyons. Then. He Fell. It went over the mistakes he made like not telling anyone where he was going and not leaving notes and not packing certain things that would help him out of his situation. It showed every possible thing he could do and what he was willing and did do to survive the incident. The part at the end not to spoil anything. Where he was doing what he had to do. It was tough to watch and so well done. I really liked it overall and I don't actually have anything to say about it except that if you like these kind of personal tragedies stories you will thoroughly enjoy this one. Franco does a really good job. A great part of this film is how well they pull of the character being helpless, but not giving up and going through stages. The music stood out as amazing and the overall cinematography was well done for this type of movie. It was awesome for what it was 5 out of 5.
Movies. The Deal. I watch 100 movies I haven't seen before, each year. They are randomly picked. Sometimes they will be suggestions or critically acclaimed or just super popular. For example This blog has the Twilight Saga movies "Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn." So enough of this opening mumbo Jumbo.
(31) Eclipse (2010)
Well this is the least disappointing of the series for me. Some nice sequences throughout all of the series. It is the most interesting of them all. The Plot is actually kind of interesting. In the Previous movies A Vampire group of Three comes along Bella and wants her dead. Edward Killed the Leader and the other two remained. The Girlfriend of the opposing Vampire Clan has gone a bit crazy throughout this one and has turned a bunch of people to Vampires to Attack Edward and his family. This brings in the "Agency" or whatever it's basically the Government of Vampires. So now that there are actual Vampires involved. Well that was stretching it. Real Vampires. I make myself laugh. It's Dakota Fanning in a hood. Anyway, There is a big bad battle between Edwards Family of Vampires and Victoria and her massive Clan of newbies. Considering they were grossly outnumbered they reluctantly let the Werewolves under Jacobs family from the same area help them out. The Battle by far took on some of the most demanding special effects of the series and they weren't bad at all. By the Standards of the actual Twilight Saga. This movie was by far a 5. By normal standards. The Love story still will make you vomit out of your nose and wish you weren't born with eyes or ears. However, This movie overall with the extra Vampire plot wasn't horrible. If you want a real feel for the Twilight movies without watching them all. I suggest giving this one the shot. It's by far the best. Plus, it's the highest rated on my list with a solid 3.
(32) Breaking Dawn (2011)
This is the first part of the last book. The Relationship between Bella and Edward comes to fruition. The Love Triangle is over. What do I think about it.....................................................................................................................
A wise little Rabbit once said
"If you can't same something nice, Don't say nothing at all" That Little Rabbit "Thumper"
0 out of 5.
(33) 127 Hours (2010)
I decided to give this one a go. I ran across it during this past years Oscars and thought I would really like to see it. Anne didn't feel the same way. I thought it was great. I loved the opening scenes with the two girls and the fun of going hiking in the canyons. Then. He Fell. It went over the mistakes he made like not telling anyone where he was going and not leaving notes and not packing certain things that would help him out of his situation. It showed every possible thing he could do and what he was willing and did do to survive the incident. The part at the end not to spoil anything. Where he was doing what he had to do. It was tough to watch and so well done. I really liked it overall and I don't actually have anything to say about it except that if you like these kind of personal tragedies stories you will thoroughly enjoy this one. Franco does a really good job. A great part of this film is how well they pull of the character being helpless, but not giving up and going through stages. The music stood out as amazing and the overall cinematography was well done for this type of movie. It was awesome for what it was 5 out of 5.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Movies 2012. 26-30. THE FIRST TWILIGHT MOVIES.
Ok, first. Yes the Title is correct. I did watch the Twilight movies. I felt it was important to do so. Also, I have a few things to add to the blog. Some nods of the head and such. Plus, some contest winners.
First this blog is brought to you by me. I'm important to myself, so support that by clicking on an Ad on the side.
Second, I have sponsorship by a few groups. So do these few things for me. PLEASE. Just you know take a second and make a few clicks, open in new tabs whatever.
THE UNICORN GUILD. like us on Facebook.
Christian Edge. like it on Facebook, visit the website http://www.christianedgeclothing.com/#!home/mainPage
Plus feel free to buy clothing, get stickers and browse around. I would like you to at least visit the website and like these on facebook as a show of support for my blog. Just a few quick clicks means a lot. You could always go spend a 1000 bucks there too. The T-shirts and Logos are pretty sweet. Plus, there are free stickers there.
I'm bad at this.
Ok, I posted a few blogs and asked people to comment and they could win some stuff. I had a T-shirt blog and asked people to comment to win. The Winner.
Rachel Adams. Rachel. Did you get your shirts? If not, CODY SHAFER!!! Give Rachel her shirts please. Cody had them if you don't have them. If you do. Send me a picture on Facebook or post one in the comment box. Through them on and show some pride.
The second blog I just slipped a note in the middle and told them to comment and the first person to comment won. The Winner.
Cody Richards. So what did Cody win. Well... I waited to see who won to determine what to get them. I thought about giving him a Gamestop card. A video game. Something like that. Maybe even a album, but instead I sent him a FULL YEAR SUBSCRIPTION to SEVENTEEN MAGAZINE.............................
I get to Troll him once a month without even trying. He was a good sport though and sent me a picture of the first Issue. If you would like to win something from me. Keep Reading I have a little something for you all to do at the bottom. This one will be fun. Really fun. Plus, the more people that post on the blog the better so comment people. Pass this blog on so that people can read it and be aware of the Challenge at the bottom the more the merrier.
Lastly. Sorry it's been forever, busy busy busy. Ok, now The deal with this blog in a nutshell. Every year I watch 100 movies I haven't seen before. Those movies could be from any time period. Any genre anything is up for grabs as long as its a movie and I feel like watching it. In this blog. I watched a few I didn't really want to watch, but some people wanted me too, so I did. Feel free to leave a comment with a movie you want me to watch. If I have watched it I'll tell you which blog it was in or maybe I'll mention it in passing.I watch the movies, rate them on a 0-5 scale. Zero is bad 5 is Amazing. Also, I am now doing video games and random stuff. I will be doing a big one on the Christian Edge company and everything they are about. I'll keep you posted on that stuff. Ok. Enough is enough. On with the movies.
(26) Pirate Radio 2009
The Boat that Rocked is the original title. I like Pirate Radio better. I like Philip Seymour Hoffman. Especially when he isn't trying to act and he just is. In this he does a great job. This was a really cool story that followed a young man on his journey to get to know his dad. Charlie Rowe played James
who is this kid who goes on a boat for the summer that broadcast Rock N Roll off the Coast of England. Why do they broadcast from the coast. Well, because its illegal to do so on the Island. The boat is full of characters great characters. For Instance Philip Seymour Hoffman's character "The Count" he is a back stabbing, oddly relaxed fun and really obsessive. The more I look through the cast, the less memorable they are. Bill Nighy is in this he play Quentin who was the pimp of the group. Chris O'Dowd was amazing as he usually is in everything, especially The IT crowd. If you haven't watched The IT crowd. Speaking of the IT Crowd Katherine Parkinson also drops in.You should. Kenneth Branagh made a great appearance. Plus one of my favorite actors who hail from the Isle Nick Frost is in this and is so great. If you love Rock N Roll. Love Britain and are in for a good laugh, you might want to check this out. The story line or plot if you will was straight forward. Nick Frost offered plenty of relief throughout and Chris O'Dowd helped push the envelope when the movie started to go sour. The important Chris O'Dowd story line felt out of place. It almost felt like Filler. Filler in a movie isn't a good thing. The feeling the crew had to the Radio station was great. The ending was one of the best and most appreciated endings in all of movies. It was a beautiful ending. Sad, unsuspectingly sad. It was disturbingly upsetting. However, it was really good. the ending was impressive. The entire movie with the exception of the Chris O'Dowd story line made perfect sense and was brilliant build up to the end. I loved the music. If you don't love Brittish Rock N Roll and can't tell me the difference between The Who and The Beatles, maybe this isn't for you, but if you can pick songs off the radio and tell me that hey that was The Kinks or Cream or Led Zepplin or The Yardbirds. Then this; you may like. It did slow down quite some bit throughout. There was a great scene at the end with how important the music really was to these people. To a lot of people. I have friends who would react the same way. The record box part was so sad. It did have it's issues though. I felt like it was scattered. Straight forward plot with side stories that were told in the middle. Almost like a burn out was telling the story and strayed off on occasion and had to be reminded about the story they were trying to tell. The off shoots were funny. However, not exactly..... necessary and I honestly felt like there were two or three parts that were just 100% there to take up time, because there wasn't enough story here to make a full movie. It was a good story to tell and should be told, I was glad I heard it, but it was spastic. For that reason. It only gets a 3.2 out of 5. If you like Old classic Brittish Rock like The Stones and the the aforementioned bands. It might be a must see.
(27) Twilight (2008)
Someone pointed out to me that I needed to watch the Twilight Saga. I'll have you know as I am writing this I have not seen the last movie. As a matter of fact it hasn't come out yet. I did watch all of the others. I know the people who read this blog expect me to bash this series so hard that I'll be sneezing glitter for weeks. Well. You may not get what you want. I watched them objectively and tried to forget the prejudice I went in with. Well. Lets do this. First off. The Plot was terrible. Just really bad. Bratty little snot of a Teenage girl moves in with her dad and does nothing but under appreciate him and disrespect him. Then she craps on the people who have befriended her and catches the eye of the cute guy. By the Way. Those of you who think Kristen Stewart is amazing and is the best actress to grace Hollywood in years. You can stop reading this blog. She isn't. Even though it's not like she didn't have a lot to work with when it comes to the script I saw her in "Adventureland" She wasn't good. I heard she stunk it up in "Snow White and the Huntsman" as well. I can't say for sure, because I haven't bothered to watch that. I will I'm sure. Stewart, I don't like her. Bella is a terrible, horrible, vomit inducing character. The fact that she is a role model for young girls makes me sick. Yes, she waited until she was married to have sex. That is admirable especially since most characters in movies and TV through out their V card like it's dirty cat litter. I guess she has that going for her. The Vampires. Fast. Strong. Can come out during daylight????? Sparkle in the sunlight?????? I don't like that. I thought, hey I'll give it a chance. Super powered, Super fast vampires that sounds great right. Well, it isn't. Not really. They are very Wolf Pack like. That is OK in my book. The Glitter thing. Unacceptable. Awful. The Love story with Bella and Edward. Very early teen. Very unbelievable. A Vampire as old as Edward wouldn't put up with it, no matter how good she smells. This{ I Love you, I love you too. I can't be with you. You need to stay away from me. Never leave me. } So So terrible. I can't even begin to tell you how bad the story itself is. I couldn't handle it. I could however see why people do. If you are a lovesick individual who can't take real horror films, but can enjoy something that could be scary. Then I can see how you like it. Basically young girls or maybe someone who went through a tough break up or who is in general sappy. Here's the thing about this, I can't say its the worst thing ever. I have seen much worse. Much worse. It isn't for everyone. It just isn't. I didn't like it. The Movies make Billions people. Billions. It may be marketing to people who aren't like me. Who I would have little to nothing in common with. It does have something going for it though. It's almost like I feel like I could take this story. Break it down. Then make it better. It has potential. It's almost like it's a first draft of a story that has potential to be great. Instead of working on it however you just printed it out and turned it in. The Family of Vampires switching from town to town over hundreds of years. That's a great plot. A Vampire falling in Love with a human. Potentially great. Twilight. Does not pull this off. At all. Not at all. Bella crying back and forth about make me a vampire not don't. How indecisive can one character be. I hate that character so much. I read on IMDB someone called her "Kind Hearted" LADYN1 on IMDB. You are wrong. So wrong. She's a spoiled little brat who is selfish and does nothing if it doesn't interest her. How about special effects? Actually outstanding. Top notch. Which is depressing. I wanted to hate them, but the dashing and overall imaging were done really well. As a matter of fact the overall feel of gray and silver throughout meant that someone out there was paying attention to what they were doing. I felt like the movie studio hired some pro's to do a TV movie. I honestly can't comprehend how it makes the money that it does. I don't get it. Oh yeah. Acting in General is just God awful. So bad. It's like the actors have teleprompters and were told to act like the kids from 90210. Which is sorely outdated. Ready for that rating?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! It's not going to be what you expect. The first movie. well. The ending scene with the Vampires battling it out James and Edward it was not bad. Not bad at all. The Final scene actual earned a point. So final Rating 1.9 out of 5. Not as bad as you expected.
(28) Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009)
Yes, I watched this one next. I actually powered through these relatively fast I think I got through them all in like a week. Not because they were that good, but because I just wanted to get it over with. It was like work. I did work for you people. which reminds me. I don't get paid for this. You should at least do me the favor of going to Facebook and liking the pages I mentioned earlier and go on by the Christain edge page. Already done it. Well do it again. It won't hurt anyone. Ok. New Moon. Terrible Awful vomit inducing love story turns in too even worse bowl movement inducing Love Triangle. Add another Terrible actor to the movie. Yes I am aware that Taylor Lautner was in the first movie, but not nearly as much as he was here. We get to see him become one of the pack. What's happening to him, Becoming a Werewolf. Logical to think that Werewolves are in the same world as Vampires. I was cool with that. The transitions were actually stellar another nod to the people behind the scene with these films. special effects aren't horrific. At least not as bad as the actual Plot. Bella. Still Spoiled and pathetic. Edward still a sparkly Vampire. Jacob is the one who is going through change and he is dragging Bella along with him. Now it's more I love you No I don't's. Plot still horrible. Edward left after the attack by James in the last movie, which is where Jacob had the chance to move in on the Sad, lonely depressed Bella. Who just can't seem to have any respect WHATSOEVER for her father. This leads to Edward who left her to form up some quality Alpha male aggression/douchebaggery. Enter more people trying to Kill Bella. Too bad they don't succeed. I give this a 2 out of 5. I said the majority of what I have to say about these craptacular characters. The special effects and staging are the stars here.
(29) Daredevil Vs. Spiderman (1996)
This is a compilation of stories from the Spiderman hit television series from the 90's on FOX. The Amazing Spiderman Vs. The Man Without Fear. Whats not to like. It was run of the mill however. Of course the boxey characters will never be forgotten to those of us who were fortunate enough to experience this as it aired. What a great time to be alive and young in the 90's. We not only had this Spiderman series but we had X-men. Batman the Animated series which spawned Superman, The Justice League and The Justice League Unlimited, and Batman Beyond. We also got a short stint from the Silver Surfer, Fantastic Four and Iron man. There was a Hulk too, but I didn't get see that one as it aired and still haven't seen it. These series introduced us to characters we all loved in the marvel universe. Everyone made an appearance it felt like. I tuned in just to see who was going to show up next. Punisher, Iron Man, Warmachine, Alternate spidermans, Which Villain would show. Carnage, Venom, Doc Ock, Who??? It wasn't bad not at all. If you feel nostalgic to relive any of those moments or you want a feel for what they really offered. Well. This is a great storyline and it covers all the bases. It gives you a great introduction to who Daredevil is. Then gives you a nice long team up with the two superstars in the Marvel universe. This series is what it is. The art isn't stand out. The lines throughout can be cheesy. It was Saturday morning cartoons people. Not exactly award winning. Good however 3 Thwips!!! out of 5.
(30) Get Him To The Greek (2010)
Anne and I set down to watch this. We have slowly become Russel Brand fans. He is really funny. So we decided to watch the movie that made him. Jonah Hill is in it. Russel Brand. It can't be bad right. It's gotta be stellar. NOPE. Little to no funny sections in a comedy. More of it was uncomfortable and absurd. I just didn't get it I guess. It was loud and full of Drugs and bad sex jokes and P. Diddy or whatever he wants to be called. The rude and mean song that was the song that ruined the career of the rockstar made me uneasy and it just got worse as it went forward. Brand was annoying and Hill was worse. Hill tried to pull of Micheal Cera. It didn't work for him. This is utterly skipable. 0.9 out of 5.
Ok so what is this Challenge I spoke of Earlier. If you haven't noticed my theme its very. Aquamanish. Thats on purpose and there is a story behind that. I love Aquaman, Arthur is the man, but it has more to do with my friends than it does anything. We all played Call of Duty 4 together and formed a group that we goofed off with. We called ourselves the Justice League and all took names of DC comic characters. I picked Aquaman because he wasn't that great of a character, I wasn't that great of a gamer. I still am not. We still rock our individual characters. So in support of me. This Blog and friends in General. What Do I want you to do. I want you to take pictures of yourself with an Aquaman. Tshirts, Toys, anything. You don't have to own it. Just hit the toy section. Batman the Brave and the Bold has been popular of late. Take a snap shot of you with Aquaman and send it to me. Ill put it in my blog. My Top 10 by March 31st 2013 will get rewards. Good rewards. Not joke rewards like Cody's 17 magazine. I will get you something really great. OUTRAGEOUS even. So find some Aquaman gear. Suit Up. Send in the Pictures and Win. You could get all 10 prizes, just because you get one doesn't mean you can't win them all. Be creative.
There are some ground Rules to my Aquaman contest:
1) To enter you must actually send me your pictures in some form. I have to get them digitally or in hand. Facebook is good for this. Blogger is good. Email is great. For those of you who have my number text it to me. Brandon.Entsminger@gmail.com is my email.
2) It has to be in good taste. No nudity.
3) It has to be Aquaman orientated. Just because Batman and Aquaman are in the same company doesn't mean I want a bunch of Batman pics or Superman pics. Mera, Aqualad and Black Manta among all others are all fair game. You can also have Batman or Superman with Aquaman that is ok.
4) Lastly, Have fun. Be creative. If you see a cool pitch fork and want to paint it gold and shove it in some fish feel free. Want to through on a red wig and look sexy. go ahead. Keep it classy though. Want to dress your baby up as a fish and Have and Aquaman figure boss him around. Thats cool. 10 prizes for the 10 best. Stuff like Video Games, CD's and Gift Cards are up for grabs.
Look forward to seeing the Aquaman Pics.
First this blog is brought to you by me. I'm important to myself, so support that by clicking on an Ad on the side.
Second, I have sponsorship by a few groups. So do these few things for me. PLEASE. Just you know take a second and make a few clicks, open in new tabs whatever.
THE UNICORN GUILD. like us on Facebook.
Christian Edge. like it on Facebook, visit the website http://www.christianedgeclothing.com/#!home/mainPage
Plus feel free to buy clothing, get stickers and browse around. I would like you to at least visit the website and like these on facebook as a show of support for my blog. Just a few quick clicks means a lot. You could always go spend a 1000 bucks there too. The T-shirts and Logos are pretty sweet. Plus, there are free stickers there.
I'm bad at this.
Ok, I posted a few blogs and asked people to comment and they could win some stuff. I had a T-shirt blog and asked people to comment to win. The Winner.
Rachel Adams. Rachel. Did you get your shirts? If not, CODY SHAFER!!! Give Rachel her shirts please. Cody had them if you don't have them. If you do. Send me a picture on Facebook or post one in the comment box. Through them on and show some pride.
The second blog I just slipped a note in the middle and told them to comment and the first person to comment won. The Winner.
Cody Richards. So what did Cody win. Well... I waited to see who won to determine what to get them. I thought about giving him a Gamestop card. A video game. Something like that. Maybe even a album, but instead I sent him a FULL YEAR SUBSCRIPTION to SEVENTEEN MAGAZINE.............................
I get to Troll him once a month without even trying. He was a good sport though and sent me a picture of the first Issue. If you would like to win something from me. Keep Reading I have a little something for you all to do at the bottom. This one will be fun. Really fun. Plus, the more people that post on the blog the better so comment people. Pass this blog on so that people can read it and be aware of the Challenge at the bottom the more the merrier.
Lastly. Sorry it's been forever, busy busy busy. Ok, now The deal with this blog in a nutshell. Every year I watch 100 movies I haven't seen before. Those movies could be from any time period. Any genre anything is up for grabs as long as its a movie and I feel like watching it. In this blog. I watched a few I didn't really want to watch, but some people wanted me too, so I did. Feel free to leave a comment with a movie you want me to watch. If I have watched it I'll tell you which blog it was in or maybe I'll mention it in passing.I watch the movies, rate them on a 0-5 scale. Zero is bad 5 is Amazing. Also, I am now doing video games and random stuff. I will be doing a big one on the Christian Edge company and everything they are about. I'll keep you posted on that stuff. Ok. Enough is enough. On with the movies.
(26) Pirate Radio 2009
The Boat that Rocked is the original title. I like Pirate Radio better. I like Philip Seymour Hoffman. Especially when he isn't trying to act and he just is. In this he does a great job. This was a really cool story that followed a young man on his journey to get to know his dad. Charlie Rowe played James
who is this kid who goes on a boat for the summer that broadcast Rock N Roll off the Coast of England. Why do they broadcast from the coast. Well, because its illegal to do so on the Island. The boat is full of characters great characters. For Instance Philip Seymour Hoffman's character "The Count" he is a back stabbing, oddly relaxed fun and really obsessive. The more I look through the cast, the less memorable they are. Bill Nighy is in this he play Quentin who was the pimp of the group. Chris O'Dowd was amazing as he usually is in everything, especially The IT crowd. If you haven't watched The IT crowd. Speaking of the IT Crowd Katherine Parkinson also drops in.You should. Kenneth Branagh made a great appearance. Plus one of my favorite actors who hail from the Isle Nick Frost is in this and is so great. If you love Rock N Roll. Love Britain and are in for a good laugh, you might want to check this out. The story line or plot if you will was straight forward. Nick Frost offered plenty of relief throughout and Chris O'Dowd helped push the envelope when the movie started to go sour. The important Chris O'Dowd story line felt out of place. It almost felt like Filler. Filler in a movie isn't a good thing. The feeling the crew had to the Radio station was great. The ending was one of the best and most appreciated endings in all of movies. It was a beautiful ending. Sad, unsuspectingly sad. It was disturbingly upsetting. However, it was really good. the ending was impressive. The entire movie with the exception of the Chris O'Dowd story line made perfect sense and was brilliant build up to the end. I loved the music. If you don't love Brittish Rock N Roll and can't tell me the difference between The Who and The Beatles, maybe this isn't for you, but if you can pick songs off the radio and tell me that hey that was The Kinks or Cream or Led Zepplin or The Yardbirds. Then this; you may like. It did slow down quite some bit throughout. There was a great scene at the end with how important the music really was to these people. To a lot of people. I have friends who would react the same way. The record box part was so sad. It did have it's issues though. I felt like it was scattered. Straight forward plot with side stories that were told in the middle. Almost like a burn out was telling the story and strayed off on occasion and had to be reminded about the story they were trying to tell. The off shoots were funny. However, not exactly..... necessary and I honestly felt like there were two or three parts that were just 100% there to take up time, because there wasn't enough story here to make a full movie. It was a good story to tell and should be told, I was glad I heard it, but it was spastic. For that reason. It only gets a 3.2 out of 5. If you like Old classic Brittish Rock like The Stones and the the aforementioned bands. It might be a must see.
(27) Twilight (2008)
Someone pointed out to me that I needed to watch the Twilight Saga. I'll have you know as I am writing this I have not seen the last movie. As a matter of fact it hasn't come out yet. I did watch all of the others. I know the people who read this blog expect me to bash this series so hard that I'll be sneezing glitter for weeks. Well. You may not get what you want. I watched them objectively and tried to forget the prejudice I went in with. Well. Lets do this. First off. The Plot was terrible. Just really bad. Bratty little snot of a Teenage girl moves in with her dad and does nothing but under appreciate him and disrespect him. Then she craps on the people who have befriended her and catches the eye of the cute guy. By the Way. Those of you who think Kristen Stewart is amazing and is the best actress to grace Hollywood in years. You can stop reading this blog. She isn't. Even though it's not like she didn't have a lot to work with when it comes to the script I saw her in "Adventureland" She wasn't good. I heard she stunk it up in "Snow White and the Huntsman" as well. I can't say for sure, because I haven't bothered to watch that. I will I'm sure. Stewart, I don't like her. Bella is a terrible, horrible, vomit inducing character. The fact that she is a role model for young girls makes me sick. Yes, she waited until she was married to have sex. That is admirable especially since most characters in movies and TV through out their V card like it's dirty cat litter. I guess she has that going for her. The Vampires. Fast. Strong. Can come out during daylight????? Sparkle in the sunlight?????? I don't like that. I thought, hey I'll give it a chance. Super powered, Super fast vampires that sounds great right. Well, it isn't. Not really. They are very Wolf Pack like. That is OK in my book. The Glitter thing. Unacceptable. Awful. The Love story with Bella and Edward. Very early teen. Very unbelievable. A Vampire as old as Edward wouldn't put up with it, no matter how good she smells. This{ I Love you, I love you too. I can't be with you. You need to stay away from me. Never leave me. } So So terrible. I can't even begin to tell you how bad the story itself is. I couldn't handle it. I could however see why people do. If you are a lovesick individual who can't take real horror films, but can enjoy something that could be scary. Then I can see how you like it. Basically young girls or maybe someone who went through a tough break up or who is in general sappy. Here's the thing about this, I can't say its the worst thing ever. I have seen much worse. Much worse. It isn't for everyone. It just isn't. I didn't like it. The Movies make Billions people. Billions. It may be marketing to people who aren't like me. Who I would have little to nothing in common with. It does have something going for it though. It's almost like I feel like I could take this story. Break it down. Then make it better. It has potential. It's almost like it's a first draft of a story that has potential to be great. Instead of working on it however you just printed it out and turned it in. The Family of Vampires switching from town to town over hundreds of years. That's a great plot. A Vampire falling in Love with a human. Potentially great. Twilight. Does not pull this off. At all. Not at all. Bella crying back and forth about make me a vampire not don't. How indecisive can one character be. I hate that character so much. I read on IMDB someone called her "Kind Hearted" LADYN1 on IMDB. You are wrong. So wrong. She's a spoiled little brat who is selfish and does nothing if it doesn't interest her. How about special effects? Actually outstanding. Top notch. Which is depressing. I wanted to hate them, but the dashing and overall imaging were done really well. As a matter of fact the overall feel of gray and silver throughout meant that someone out there was paying attention to what they were doing. I felt like the movie studio hired some pro's to do a TV movie. I honestly can't comprehend how it makes the money that it does. I don't get it. Oh yeah. Acting in General is just God awful. So bad. It's like the actors have teleprompters and were told to act like the kids from 90210. Which is sorely outdated. Ready for that rating?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! It's not going to be what you expect. The first movie. well. The ending scene with the Vampires battling it out James and Edward it was not bad. Not bad at all. The Final scene actual earned a point. So final Rating 1.9 out of 5. Not as bad as you expected.
(28) Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009)
Yes, I watched this one next. I actually powered through these relatively fast I think I got through them all in like a week. Not because they were that good, but because I just wanted to get it over with. It was like work. I did work for you people. which reminds me. I don't get paid for this. You should at least do me the favor of going to Facebook and liking the pages I mentioned earlier and go on by the Christain edge page. Already done it. Well do it again. It won't hurt anyone. Ok. New Moon. Terrible Awful vomit inducing love story turns in too even worse bowl movement inducing Love Triangle. Add another Terrible actor to the movie. Yes I am aware that Taylor Lautner was in the first movie, but not nearly as much as he was here. We get to see him become one of the pack. What's happening to him, Becoming a Werewolf. Logical to think that Werewolves are in the same world as Vampires. I was cool with that. The transitions were actually stellar another nod to the people behind the scene with these films. special effects aren't horrific. At least not as bad as the actual Plot. Bella. Still Spoiled and pathetic. Edward still a sparkly Vampire. Jacob is the one who is going through change and he is dragging Bella along with him. Now it's more I love you No I don't's. Plot still horrible. Edward left after the attack by James in the last movie, which is where Jacob had the chance to move in on the Sad, lonely depressed Bella. Who just can't seem to have any respect WHATSOEVER for her father. This leads to Edward who left her to form up some quality Alpha male aggression/douchebaggery. Enter more people trying to Kill Bella. Too bad they don't succeed. I give this a 2 out of 5. I said the majority of what I have to say about these craptacular characters. The special effects and staging are the stars here.
(29) Daredevil Vs. Spiderman (1996)
This is a compilation of stories from the Spiderman hit television series from the 90's on FOX. The Amazing Spiderman Vs. The Man Without Fear. Whats not to like. It was run of the mill however. Of course the boxey characters will never be forgotten to those of us who were fortunate enough to experience this as it aired. What a great time to be alive and young in the 90's. We not only had this Spiderman series but we had X-men. Batman the Animated series which spawned Superman, The Justice League and The Justice League Unlimited, and Batman Beyond. We also got a short stint from the Silver Surfer, Fantastic Four and Iron man. There was a Hulk too, but I didn't get see that one as it aired and still haven't seen it. These series introduced us to characters we all loved in the marvel universe. Everyone made an appearance it felt like. I tuned in just to see who was going to show up next. Punisher, Iron Man, Warmachine, Alternate spidermans, Which Villain would show. Carnage, Venom, Doc Ock, Who??? It wasn't bad not at all. If you feel nostalgic to relive any of those moments or you want a feel for what they really offered. Well. This is a great storyline and it covers all the bases. It gives you a great introduction to who Daredevil is. Then gives you a nice long team up with the two superstars in the Marvel universe. This series is what it is. The art isn't stand out. The lines throughout can be cheesy. It was Saturday morning cartoons people. Not exactly award winning. Good however 3 Thwips!!! out of 5.
(30) Get Him To The Greek (2010)
Anne and I set down to watch this. We have slowly become Russel Brand fans. He is really funny. So we decided to watch the movie that made him. Jonah Hill is in it. Russel Brand. It can't be bad right. It's gotta be stellar. NOPE. Little to no funny sections in a comedy. More of it was uncomfortable and absurd. I just didn't get it I guess. It was loud and full of Drugs and bad sex jokes and P. Diddy or whatever he wants to be called. The rude and mean song that was the song that ruined the career of the rockstar made me uneasy and it just got worse as it went forward. Brand was annoying and Hill was worse. Hill tried to pull of Micheal Cera. It didn't work for him. This is utterly skipable. 0.9 out of 5.
Ok so what is this Challenge I spoke of Earlier. If you haven't noticed my theme its very. Aquamanish. Thats on purpose and there is a story behind that. I love Aquaman, Arthur is the man, but it has more to do with my friends than it does anything. We all played Call of Duty 4 together and formed a group that we goofed off with. We called ourselves the Justice League and all took names of DC comic characters. I picked Aquaman because he wasn't that great of a character, I wasn't that great of a gamer. I still am not. We still rock our individual characters. So in support of me. This Blog and friends in General. What Do I want you to do. I want you to take pictures of yourself with an Aquaman. Tshirts, Toys, anything. You don't have to own it. Just hit the toy section. Batman the Brave and the Bold has been popular of late. Take a snap shot of you with Aquaman and send it to me. Ill put it in my blog. My Top 10 by March 31st 2013 will get rewards. Good rewards. Not joke rewards like Cody's 17 magazine. I will get you something really great. OUTRAGEOUS even. So find some Aquaman gear. Suit Up. Send in the Pictures and Win. You could get all 10 prizes, just because you get one doesn't mean you can't win them all. Be creative.
There are some ground Rules to my Aquaman contest:
1) To enter you must actually send me your pictures in some form. I have to get them digitally or in hand. Facebook is good for this. Blogger is good. Email is great. For those of you who have my number text it to me. Brandon.Entsminger@gmail.com is my email.
2) It has to be in good taste. No nudity.
3) It has to be Aquaman orientated. Just because Batman and Aquaman are in the same company doesn't mean I want a bunch of Batman pics or Superman pics. Mera, Aqualad and Black Manta among all others are all fair game. You can also have Batman or Superman with Aquaman that is ok.
4) Lastly, Have fun. Be creative. If you see a cool pitch fork and want to paint it gold and shove it in some fish feel free. Want to through on a red wig and look sexy. go ahead. Keep it classy though. Want to dress your baby up as a fish and Have and Aquaman figure boss him around. Thats cool. 10 prizes for the 10 best. Stuff like Video Games, CD's and Gift Cards are up for grabs.
Look forward to seeing the Aquaman Pics.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
New Blog. After a Long Hiatus. 23- 25
Here is the Deal. I haven't done a Blog in a while. The reason behind this was a life change. Life itself got in the way of this blog. My wife Anne and I moved to her home town, which is no where near where we previously lived in the beautiful God kissed Mountains of Ol' Virginia. Where every storm was weakened by the soft cuddle of the Blue Ridge. Where the air itself was crisp and virgin. We now live in the Humid in October, Mosquito infested North Carolina coast. Where the air smells of Stale Mayonnaise and rotting slaughtered pigs. Anyway, It took a little while to get settled in, turn the internet on and get back to semi-normal. The cable company I am currently using decided to take a full week to hook up the cable. Then still charged us the hook up fee. We aren't starting out on a good foot. So back to the point.
Movies. 100 of them to be exact. I watch 100 movies a year that I haven't seen before. It doesn't matter what they are. They could be Documentaries, comedies, New releases, Old Classics. Anything, as long as I haven't seen it. So. On with the Movies. Here is the deal I have done this a for a little bit. There are lots of reviews please feel free to browse the back logs. On to Number 23 of 2012.
(23) The Avengers (2012)
I was excited about this. I loved the Marvel movies. I thought they were great. Fun and energetic. Something that a comic fan can be proud of. The movies individually find a way to not only tell a good story, but make you laugh all the way through. Thor smashing the Coffee cup and wanting another one. Stark shooting himself into the ceiling the first time he tries out the gravity boots. This movie doesn't let you down. The action is none stop it gives you everything you want. It gives you Mjolnir hitting Caps shield Quarrels between each character. Hulk Smashing in epic fashion. They used some of his smashing for some of the best moments in the movie. The Villain they used was Loki by means of a mysterious leader, who ended up to be someone very special and it makes me look forward to the sequel. ***Spoiler****(It's Thanos). Anyway, some of the special parts in this made me laugh so hard I cried. There is a great moment about half way through the ending battle between Thor and Hulk that I giggle about every time I think about it. Lets not forget about Loki vs. Hulk. Now that was a great moment.The meshing of the characters together was done wonderfully. Joss Whedon directed this. Which also had me excited. about this movie in general. I had just started watching his acclaimed "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" series and find it alluring. However, nothing tops his "Firefly" which is where he came into his own. Something about Whedon that stands out not only in Buffy and Firefly but his other stuff including "Dollhouse" he tends to lean toward female character being the saving grace. Which I think fit perfectly in the Avengers movie. The Black Widow was perfect for the heroin that saves the day, however it was a point of the movie that it was a team effort. They used her as the killing blow. She was perfect for the roll. They all were. Lets be honest and give credit where credit is due. It was a well done Comic Book movie. Will it win any huge accredited awards? nope. However, it was perfect for everything that it was. I am a DC comic fan. The Comics are just better. However, when it comes to movies Dc tends to be a little too serious. This I think hurts them in the long run, Marvel treats their movies without a chip on their shoulder. DC comes in trying to make their characters come of as something they are in the Comic book world but could never be in the Movie world. Classic. In Depth. They could take a Queue from Marvel. Make the movies fun, energetic and action packed. This comes off the back of a semi-successful Green Lantern, and an Upcoming Batman. Which I have seen at this point. Green Lantern was an Utter flop. They couldn't even sale the toys. Not like the Marvel movies do. Which that in itself means something. The Marvel movies are overall more successful. There is a reason behind that. They put more effort into doing them right and don't take chances. Yes, the Avengers didn't take any risks. It was made to be a Blockbuster success with several spin-offs, sequels, and we will be over saturated with it for years to come. That's Marvel does stuff. It will shove this down our throats and then just when we can't take anymore they will shoot something else out that excites us and will shove that down our Throat. Lets take a trip down "Thank you Marvel may I have another Lane" Spiderman. Shoved down our throats until it ended with Toby Dancing in the Street and a small musical number in a Coffee shop, just to be semi-immediately rebooted. X-men. Shoved down our throats until the X-3 that no one who likes movies tends to re watch, even though they did give you "I'm the Juggernaut Bitch." Then they started the Origins movies and completely tore apart one of Marvels most popular characters Deadpool and didn't get it anywhere near correct, plus made Sabertooth Wolverines brother. Then again, not to run the course of terrible gave us "First Class" and will be spitting out yet another X movie in the near future. Then on with the current run. Two Iron man movies, Thor, Captain America, the Avengers. Only to be followed by a second Thor A Third Iron Man and a Sheild movie, right before they release Avengers 2. DC gives us a lack luster Green Lantern. A Batman movie trilogy with a controversial ending, and a Superman movie whose trailer makes you want to curl up to a cup of warm milk and some Apple Pie. There is a point to not over saturating the market, and not being annoying, but you should definitely at least put out quality stuff. Speaking of Quality The Avengers. It was quality. 5 Hulk SMASH out of 5.
(24) Hop (2011)
Hop was a movie that I have been looking forward to seeing since I first got introduced to Russel Brand and saw the trailer where the bunny takes a dump and the poo was Jelly Beans. That makes since the Easter bunnies poo is Jelly Beans. Where else would they come from. Hop was something to behold. It was a nice sweet (pun intended) movie with lots of fun to back up a silly plot. The plot was an age old tale. The Father wants to pass on the family business to the Son who wants to something else with his life. The Son runs but inevitably realizes something else. It was so cute with the Lady bunny Ninjas and the chicks. great movie for kids, with spins on classic songs like " I want Candy" with awesome drum solos. James Marsden was fun in this. I like him. He was great as Cyclops, better in Enchanted and brought it with Super Jealousy in Superman Returns. The movie had great Puns throughout that made me laugh, like him trying to stay the night at the Playboy Mansion, because it made since to him that another Rabbit owned it. Plus, the Easter bunnies house was underneath.... Where Else... EASTER ISLAND. So fun, a Instant Easter Classic for the children. It was fun and had just enough laughs and adult puns that little kids would miss to make everyone in the family happy. 5 out of 5.
(25) Lost in Translation (2003)
Has anyone notice the connection between these movies. Nothing that I did on purpose. Scarlett Johansson. In the Avengers. Marsden in both Marvels Xmen and Hop. Sorry, silly me. I didn't do it on purpose, but fun still. This movie I had seen parts of throughout, but never the whole thing and never had I sit down to watch it. It was uncomfortably uncomfortable. Which I believe was the whole point. Bill was dry and coarse, which isn't his normal character, but I enjoy it when Bill steps up to the plate. This movie didn't have a driving force which is sometime enjoyable and sometimes a little sad. It suffered from the slow pace. I liked the mid life crisis and early life crisis the characters were going through and how they used each other as crutches to carry themselves forward. The movie unlike the previous two is an emotional movie that deals with real life problems and gives real life emotion and attraction. Not that the Avengers Alpha vs. Alpha isn't a real life problem and Hops Son rebellion from Father's business isn't real. It's just that this is a different style of movie. It's a stretch to say that I liked it. I do get into these movies and I like both Bill and Scarlett. It just didn't do anything for me. It did show Japan in a wonderful light. 2 out 5.
This is the end of this blog. Come back for a better review of a worse lot of movies. 1/4 of the way through my 2012 movies. Coming up..... TWILIGHT Movies....... Pirate Radio and some cartoons.
Movies. 100 of them to be exact. I watch 100 movies a year that I haven't seen before. It doesn't matter what they are. They could be Documentaries, comedies, New releases, Old Classics. Anything, as long as I haven't seen it. So. On with the Movies. Here is the deal I have done this a for a little bit. There are lots of reviews please feel free to browse the back logs. On to Number 23 of 2012.
(23) The Avengers (2012)
I was excited about this. I loved the Marvel movies. I thought they were great. Fun and energetic. Something that a comic fan can be proud of. The movies individually find a way to not only tell a good story, but make you laugh all the way through. Thor smashing the Coffee cup and wanting another one. Stark shooting himself into the ceiling the first time he tries out the gravity boots. This movie doesn't let you down. The action is none stop it gives you everything you want. It gives you Mjolnir hitting Caps shield Quarrels between each character. Hulk Smashing in epic fashion. They used some of his smashing for some of the best moments in the movie. The Villain they used was Loki by means of a mysterious leader, who ended up to be someone very special and it makes me look forward to the sequel. ***Spoiler****(It's Thanos). Anyway, some of the special parts in this made me laugh so hard I cried. There is a great moment about half way through the ending battle between Thor and Hulk that I giggle about every time I think about it. Lets not forget about Loki vs. Hulk. Now that was a great moment.The meshing of the characters together was done wonderfully. Joss Whedon directed this. Which also had me excited. about this movie in general. I had just started watching his acclaimed "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" series and find it alluring. However, nothing tops his "Firefly" which is where he came into his own. Something about Whedon that stands out not only in Buffy and Firefly but his other stuff including "Dollhouse" he tends to lean toward female character being the saving grace. Which I think fit perfectly in the Avengers movie. The Black Widow was perfect for the heroin that saves the day, however it was a point of the movie that it was a team effort. They used her as the killing blow. She was perfect for the roll. They all were. Lets be honest and give credit where credit is due. It was a well done Comic Book movie. Will it win any huge accredited awards? nope. However, it was perfect for everything that it was. I am a DC comic fan. The Comics are just better. However, when it comes to movies Dc tends to be a little too serious. This I think hurts them in the long run, Marvel treats their movies without a chip on their shoulder. DC comes in trying to make their characters come of as something they are in the Comic book world but could never be in the Movie world. Classic. In Depth. They could take a Queue from Marvel. Make the movies fun, energetic and action packed. This comes off the back of a semi-successful Green Lantern, and an Upcoming Batman. Which I have seen at this point. Green Lantern was an Utter flop. They couldn't even sale the toys. Not like the Marvel movies do. Which that in itself means something. The Marvel movies are overall more successful. There is a reason behind that. They put more effort into doing them right and don't take chances. Yes, the Avengers didn't take any risks. It was made to be a Blockbuster success with several spin-offs, sequels, and we will be over saturated with it for years to come. That's Marvel does stuff. It will shove this down our throats and then just when we can't take anymore they will shoot something else out that excites us and will shove that down our Throat. Lets take a trip down "Thank you Marvel may I have another Lane" Spiderman. Shoved down our throats until it ended with Toby Dancing in the Street and a small musical number in a Coffee shop, just to be semi-immediately rebooted. X-men. Shoved down our throats until the X-3 that no one who likes movies tends to re watch, even though they did give you "I'm the Juggernaut Bitch." Then they started the Origins movies and completely tore apart one of Marvels most popular characters Deadpool and didn't get it anywhere near correct, plus made Sabertooth Wolverines brother. Then again, not to run the course of terrible gave us "First Class" and will be spitting out yet another X movie in the near future. Then on with the current run. Two Iron man movies, Thor, Captain America, the Avengers. Only to be followed by a second Thor A Third Iron Man and a Sheild movie, right before they release Avengers 2. DC gives us a lack luster Green Lantern. A Batman movie trilogy with a controversial ending, and a Superman movie whose trailer makes you want to curl up to a cup of warm milk and some Apple Pie. There is a point to not over saturating the market, and not being annoying, but you should definitely at least put out quality stuff. Speaking of Quality The Avengers. It was quality. 5 Hulk SMASH out of 5.
(24) Hop (2011)
Hop was a movie that I have been looking forward to seeing since I first got introduced to Russel Brand and saw the trailer where the bunny takes a dump and the poo was Jelly Beans. That makes since the Easter bunnies poo is Jelly Beans. Where else would they come from. Hop was something to behold. It was a nice sweet (pun intended) movie with lots of fun to back up a silly plot. The plot was an age old tale. The Father wants to pass on the family business to the Son who wants to something else with his life. The Son runs but inevitably realizes something else. It was so cute with the Lady bunny Ninjas and the chicks. great movie for kids, with spins on classic songs like " I want Candy" with awesome drum solos. James Marsden was fun in this. I like him. He was great as Cyclops, better in Enchanted and brought it with Super Jealousy in Superman Returns. The movie had great Puns throughout that made me laugh, like him trying to stay the night at the Playboy Mansion, because it made since to him that another Rabbit owned it. Plus, the Easter bunnies house was underneath.... Where Else... EASTER ISLAND. So fun, a Instant Easter Classic for the children. It was fun and had just enough laughs and adult puns that little kids would miss to make everyone in the family happy. 5 out of 5.
(25) Lost in Translation (2003)
Has anyone notice the connection between these movies. Nothing that I did on purpose. Scarlett Johansson. In the Avengers. Marsden in both Marvels Xmen and Hop. Sorry, silly me. I didn't do it on purpose, but fun still. This movie I had seen parts of throughout, but never the whole thing and never had I sit down to watch it. It was uncomfortably uncomfortable. Which I believe was the whole point. Bill was dry and coarse, which isn't his normal character, but I enjoy it when Bill steps up to the plate. This movie didn't have a driving force which is sometime enjoyable and sometimes a little sad. It suffered from the slow pace. I liked the mid life crisis and early life crisis the characters were going through and how they used each other as crutches to carry themselves forward. The movie unlike the previous two is an emotional movie that deals with real life problems and gives real life emotion and attraction. Not that the Avengers Alpha vs. Alpha isn't a real life problem and Hops Son rebellion from Father's business isn't real. It's just that this is a different style of movie. It's a stretch to say that I liked it. I do get into these movies and I like both Bill and Scarlett. It just didn't do anything for me. It did show Japan in a wonderful light. 2 out 5.
This is the end of this blog. Come back for a better review of a worse lot of movies. 1/4 of the way through my 2012 movies. Coming up..... TWILIGHT Movies....... Pirate Radio and some cartoons.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
YEAH 2012 movies!!!! 19-22
Yes, indeed it's another post. Ok, listen seriously. I have like way too many of these. If you look back I am in my third year of doing this. People should go back and look at some of my previous ones. I have some good moments out there. Plus, shoot me an email or comment if there are movies you want me to watch. So this is the deal. I watch movies 100 of them that I haven't seen before. Then I rate them. They could be new they could be old, the only deal is that I couldn't have seen them. The ratings fall from 0-5. On with the movies.
(19) Mirror, Mirror (2011)
Anne drug me out to see this one, I didn't really care about it, but I knew Anne wanted to see it. I didn't have high expectations, it looked kind of stupid. Well, I didn't expect it to be a comedy. Right from the get go it was apparent that this was a different movie than what I thought I was going to see. Lilly Collins who plays Snow White, was so great, so beaten in the beginning and full of life by the end. Roberts was extraordinary and the Dwarfs, the Dwarfs were by far the best and most fun part of the film. Armie Hammer surprised me as the leading man and did a great job at being the heroic prince. The twist on the story was surprising and fun, I loved the effects of the Mirror and I thought this movie was much more fun than any movie that I had seen like this in a long time, fine shades of enchanted throughout. I loved Enchanted. I liked this a lot too. It went on a bit much with pointing out the Queen was Evil the Girl was Good thing. It got a bit long winded and the fight scenes looked rough, especially when it comes to movies bad choreography can be unacceptable. It looses points for not pulling that together. The Dwarfs as I mentioned earlier were by far the part that sold this movie, they were fun, brave and exciting, not to mention hilarious. There was something in this movie that gains it points that sometimes doesn't stand out in other films, considering it doesn't stand out in other movies, scratch that most movies (except horror, they always pay attention) and it did so much in this one, it makes me think that they did this in purpose. It was the coloring. It's on display in the picture above. They are bright and vibrant when things are good, dark and gloomy when it's bad and shady when it gets hairy. It's just really well done. The music was also down right Amazing. It was a whole lot better than I ever expected. 4.2 out of 5.
(20) Rango (2011)
First off, look at the poster, SO funny. Sorry It's an international poster, but I don't have all day to push the scroll button to find the English version of this, who do you people think you are judging me for putting a different language poster up, I mean its funny ok, He is trying to blend in, never mind the bright shirt, he is going to pull this off. The story was fun, comical. Depp was funny, nothing special about the voice overs in this one, it's straight forward. I thought they did a good job with the animals in the desert and they did a good job with the little twist with the lizard protagonist. I loved the Rattle Snake. It continued with a few things that I liked. The bird scenes were great, Plus Beans was a great character with odd freezing and continuing story. I don't think they did anything throughout the movie to make it a stand out story. It wasn't exciting and it was a typical kids movie where the main character bumbles and falls his way to becoming the hero and has to make a choice to actually be a hero, continue with a lie, blah blah blah blah blah blah. Here goes the actual thing about this movie. It's a cartoon. The End. It wasn't bad. It wasn't good. It wasn't even average. Below average. Watching the trailer gives you the best parts of the film, Nothing stands out, as a matter of fact the Poster above overshadows most of the comedy in the rest of film. It's 100 percent skippable. However, It's also watchable. Plus, its on instant play currently. 2.4 out of 5.
(21) Drive (2011)
Justin Brooks a good friend of mine from my younger days, we keep in touch, mostly through random texts and the Book of Face. He said this was the best movie he had seen in Years and really wanted me to check it out. So, I did. The Music score OUTSTANDING. The feel of the movie with the colors and pace gave off a feeling of a really bad TV movie from the 80's It however, wasn't as bad as most of those. It was Dry. Purposely. Gosling, as usual, delivered a great performance, slow steady and creepy, borderline insane throughout. The Bathroom scene with the Red head girl that reminded me of a Girl I used to be good friends with, was a surprising and intense part of the film. It drug a bit due mostly to this dry and slow feel. I didn't like Carey Mulligan in this. She looked like she always had a runny nose. this was probably on purpose. The Action scenes weren't that great, They were perfectly intense, I liked the mask and the some of the sly performances given by supporting cast members such as Albert Brooks character Bernie, sold most of his scenes, but Ron Pearlman dropped the BALL big time, Half ass. I don't know what exactly Brooks saw in this, maybe it was the music and feel it gave, because that was amazing. The Music gave this movie a few points alone, I loved the opening and closing sequencing they really paid close attention to giving this film a certain feel and they did a great job with that feel. It was violent when necessary and sweet at times. I went in thinking it was going to have a nice good car chase, but instead we just got to see a smart man out run the cops to lets face it an unbelievable basketball game. Yeah, I said it. It's not real that the Clippers could have beaten the Celtics in a playoff game. Why, BECAUSE THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT LEAGUES PEOPLE. Plus, we all know the Clippers would never make it to the finals especially in the last few years. Maybe in the next few, Who Are we kidding now that the Lakers have Howard for get about it. 3.9 out of 5.
(22) Middlemen (2009)
I watched this because it was a fun story, with Luke Wilson. Guess what, it was surprisingly great. The story line got intense, It made since and it was a true story, believe it. It was fun. It was action packed and sometimes a bit intense. I felt bad for the character played by Wilson at times, but then on the other hand he was a complete scumbag. Giovanni Ribisi was amazing like he usually is. He can be funny, scary, bouncing off the walls and completely unnoticeable. Really weird. I like him a lot though. Laura Ramsey was so hot in this and was the by far portrayed as the hottest girl in the movie. I liked the Drug lord tie ins and the plot was a really fun roller coaster. However it looses a few points for the obvious reason. It's a story about Porn. Not many people want to watch a movie about Porn. So it's basic inability to appeal to everyone makes it a little less approachable. It also has a good bit of nudity. That all isn't that important, but I take everything into play when I watch and rate. This movie was a huge surprise and I didn't expect it too be so good. 4.1 out of 5.
Next up the AVENGERS.
(19) Mirror, Mirror (2011)
Anne drug me out to see this one, I didn't really care about it, but I knew Anne wanted to see it. I didn't have high expectations, it looked kind of stupid. Well, I didn't expect it to be a comedy. Right from the get go it was apparent that this was a different movie than what I thought I was going to see. Lilly Collins who plays Snow White, was so great, so beaten in the beginning and full of life by the end. Roberts was extraordinary and the Dwarfs, the Dwarfs were by far the best and most fun part of the film. Armie Hammer surprised me as the leading man and did a great job at being the heroic prince. The twist on the story was surprising and fun, I loved the effects of the Mirror and I thought this movie was much more fun than any movie that I had seen like this in a long time, fine shades of enchanted throughout. I loved Enchanted. I liked this a lot too. It went on a bit much with pointing out the Queen was Evil the Girl was Good thing. It got a bit long winded and the fight scenes looked rough, especially when it comes to movies bad choreography can be unacceptable. It looses points for not pulling that together. The Dwarfs as I mentioned earlier were by far the part that sold this movie, they were fun, brave and exciting, not to mention hilarious. There was something in this movie that gains it points that sometimes doesn't stand out in other films, considering it doesn't stand out in other movies, scratch that most movies (except horror, they always pay attention) and it did so much in this one, it makes me think that they did this in purpose. It was the coloring. It's on display in the picture above. They are bright and vibrant when things are good, dark and gloomy when it's bad and shady when it gets hairy. It's just really well done. The music was also down right Amazing. It was a whole lot better than I ever expected. 4.2 out of 5.
(20) Rango (2011)
First off, look at the poster, SO funny. Sorry It's an international poster, but I don't have all day to push the scroll button to find the English version of this, who do you people think you are judging me for putting a different language poster up, I mean its funny ok, He is trying to blend in, never mind the bright shirt, he is going to pull this off. The story was fun, comical. Depp was funny, nothing special about the voice overs in this one, it's straight forward. I thought they did a good job with the animals in the desert and they did a good job with the little twist with the lizard protagonist. I loved the Rattle Snake. It continued with a few things that I liked. The bird scenes were great, Plus Beans was a great character with odd freezing and continuing story. I don't think they did anything throughout the movie to make it a stand out story. It wasn't exciting and it was a typical kids movie where the main character bumbles and falls his way to becoming the hero and has to make a choice to actually be a hero, continue with a lie, blah blah blah blah blah blah. Here goes the actual thing about this movie. It's a cartoon. The End. It wasn't bad. It wasn't good. It wasn't even average. Below average. Watching the trailer gives you the best parts of the film, Nothing stands out, as a matter of fact the Poster above overshadows most of the comedy in the rest of film. It's 100 percent skippable. However, It's also watchable. Plus, its on instant play currently. 2.4 out of 5.
(21) Drive (2011)
Justin Brooks a good friend of mine from my younger days, we keep in touch, mostly through random texts and the Book of Face. He said this was the best movie he had seen in Years and really wanted me to check it out. So, I did. The Music score OUTSTANDING. The feel of the movie with the colors and pace gave off a feeling of a really bad TV movie from the 80's It however, wasn't as bad as most of those. It was Dry. Purposely. Gosling, as usual, delivered a great performance, slow steady and creepy, borderline insane throughout. The Bathroom scene with the Red head girl that reminded me of a Girl I used to be good friends with, was a surprising and intense part of the film. It drug a bit due mostly to this dry and slow feel. I didn't like Carey Mulligan in this. She looked like she always had a runny nose. this was probably on purpose. The Action scenes weren't that great, They were perfectly intense, I liked the mask and the some of the sly performances given by supporting cast members such as Albert Brooks character Bernie, sold most of his scenes, but Ron Pearlman dropped the BALL big time, Half ass. I don't know what exactly Brooks saw in this, maybe it was the music and feel it gave, because that was amazing. The Music gave this movie a few points alone, I loved the opening and closing sequencing they really paid close attention to giving this film a certain feel and they did a great job with that feel. It was violent when necessary and sweet at times. I went in thinking it was going to have a nice good car chase, but instead we just got to see a smart man out run the cops to lets face it an unbelievable basketball game. Yeah, I said it. It's not real that the Clippers could have beaten the Celtics in a playoff game. Why, BECAUSE THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT LEAGUES PEOPLE. Plus, we all know the Clippers would never make it to the finals especially in the last few years. Maybe in the next few, Who Are we kidding now that the Lakers have Howard for get about it. 3.9 out of 5.
(22) Middlemen (2009)
I watched this because it was a fun story, with Luke Wilson. Guess what, it was surprisingly great. The story line got intense, It made since and it was a true story, believe it. It was fun. It was action packed and sometimes a bit intense. I felt bad for the character played by Wilson at times, but then on the other hand he was a complete scumbag. Giovanni Ribisi was amazing like he usually is. He can be funny, scary, bouncing off the walls and completely unnoticeable. Really weird. I like him a lot though. Laura Ramsey was so hot in this and was the by far portrayed as the hottest girl in the movie. I liked the Drug lord tie ins and the plot was a really fun roller coaster. However it looses a few points for the obvious reason. It's a story about Porn. Not many people want to watch a movie about Porn. So it's basic inability to appeal to everyone makes it a little less approachable. It also has a good bit of nudity. That all isn't that important, but I take everything into play when I watch and rate. This movie was a huge surprise and I didn't expect it too be so good. 4.1 out of 5.
Next up the AVENGERS.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
2012 Movies, A quick Blog 16, 17, 18 plus a look forward.
That's right time for another blog, That means if you are reading this you are wasting a little bit of your time reading this. Well, hopefully I am helping someone pick out a movie or avoid one. I will be doing a quick three here. So lets give the breakdown in case some one is reading this blog for the first time. I watch 100 movies a year. Movies that I haven't seen. It can be any movie during any time period the only qualification is that I haven't seen it. Then I rate it. 0-5. 0 is unwatchable, 5 is a must see. So enough of the break down, Sara don't forget to give Rachel her winnings. First one to comment on this blog gets a prize. First new follower gets a prize. This blog only. The only thing for the comment is that you have to have seen one of the three movies covered. Not really. Just comment.
(16) Whiteout (2009)
I decided I really wanted to see this for two reasons. One is that it is based on a comic book series that made wizards 100 top Trade Paper Backs. That's quite an honor. Steve Lieber was the artist he has done lots of awesome stuff like a run of Detective comics, Batman, a massive run of Hawkman and a few other reparable comics. Whiteout was an Eisner award nominee in 1999 and 2000 and I need to shut up about comics now. The second reason I wanted to see this is completely obvious. Kate Beckinsale. Who doesn't like watching her prance around. This is my second deep Snow movie in a row, The Thing and now Whiteout. If I was honest, I would say that it was by accident. Lets pretend that I did it on purpose. Later on in the Year I watched the Grey. Lets focus here. Whiteout was about a serial killer on the loose in a settlement. Never really sure who it is throughout, and the twist at the end was unbelievable. Not unbelievable in a since that it was so amazing that it was unbelievable, but honestly not believable. It didn't make since, the movie must have done a bad job or cut some stuff out, but it didn't make any since. The action was pretty good. I liked some of the tweaks they made to survive the snow storm. I liked the feeling they gave you of the actual Whiteout. Which is where the wind is blowing so hard that you can't see anything but the snow. I liked the gimmick of the whole movie, the presentation was off. I honestly think the story could be done justice, but it wasn't done here. Beckinsale was obviously good, but even her sexy accent can't save a pile of crap. I'll give it a point for her alone, and a point for doing a good job with the Whiteout, everything else including the acting and delivery gave you the feeling that everyone on board this movie was doing this movie for the paycheck. It suffered because of the lack on enthusiasm by all that was involved. The story is a good one, I want to see BBC do this, they put effort into the things that they know are going to fail. They give you everything they have. Warner Brothers tend to fail when they don't have belief in what they want to do. The release date didn't help this movie become popular. That date is black listed it doesn't bode well for anything that is released on that date. Which gives me an inclination that Warner Brothers honestly didn't care about this movie. It shows. 2.1 out of 5.
(17) WWE: Tombstone the History of the Undertaker. (2005)
A History of the Wrestler Known as the Undertaker. This is the first Documentary that breaks from its traditional suck that WWE continues to put out. The Undertaker is an intriguing character. It goes through his History as a Wrestler and leader. It skipped the only part I watched this for. I wanted to see the Undertaker that I saw while in High School. He was this sadistic Cult leader and they had a bunch of other wrestlers follow him around and do his dirty work. The thing is I know it was some really famous wrestlers that were in that crowd. I really wanted them to at least show them and they did, but only for a brief second. It didn't even show the good ones, The Brood who was Gangrel, Christian and Edge. Two of which became super successful and I just don't remember about the other people who were in there, but I feel as if some of the current super successful pro wrestlers were part of that group of the Undertakers. I wish it would have covered that, but it spent more time going over his accomplishments and ignored it because of it's sadistic side I guess. Here is the thing, that's O.K. if its a documentary about a Wrestlers careers then it needs to focus on the accomplishments and it do what this documentary did which is give you things that made this Wrestler one of the most popular to ever step foot in the ring. It did that. Not only did it do that, but it gave it too you in a fashion that was grand and actually done well. Not in the crappy way the WWE has been doing it's recent documentaries. So for that, Considering I am interested and it kept me engaged. Over time, I will add that. I was like 4 hours of material. which is something that I started and it took me some time to finish, like most of the wrestling documentaries that I watch I do it over time. It was good. It was actually one of the best ones I have seen thus far. 4.9 out of 5. I dropped a .1 just for not giving me any Brood action. Take that WWE.
(18) The Tourist (2010)
The only movie in this blog that is main stream. It's of course a Johnny Depp movie, I do like this guy. Jolie is ok, she hasn't put out anything in a while, too busy with the family I guess. Depp was good in this one. No hint of Captain Jack, which is the thing everyone complains about. He was a nerdy and perfect for the role. It was a fun movie about people jerking the police around. I thought the plot was predictable and fun, but not exactly what I expected when going in, however I'm saying it wasn't good. It wasn't great by any means, but it didn't let me down. It was good way to spend my time and it made a wonderful addition to the list. Plus, Depp is always fun and the chemistry between the two was fun to watch. It's good to see two superstars interact. I don't think we will see a second addition to this movie, at least I hope not. Like most movies that hit the middle of the road and I don't have anything to say against it or for it. I give it a middle of the road Rating. 3 out of 5. Nothing special here. Nothing bad either. Just a middle of the road kind of movie that gives you exactly what you want from it. Nothing. Watch it if you want, it's perfect for a background movie while writing a blog, or doing something with the computer or just plain old something to go to sleep too. Do some homework while watching it. Something, like that. It's fun. Not that great, but not exactly something you should skip just because. I say do what you want with this.
Coming up Next some more Johnny Depp with Rango, The twist on Snow White Mirror, Mirror, and Justin Brooks suggestion Drive. Plus...... THE AVENGERS...... oh and a Luke Wilson mixed up in Porn Middle men.
Until next time, Don't let your meatloaf in your Mash Potatoes.
(16) Whiteout (2009)
I decided I really wanted to see this for two reasons. One is that it is based on a comic book series that made wizards 100 top Trade Paper Backs. That's quite an honor. Steve Lieber was the artist he has done lots of awesome stuff like a run of Detective comics, Batman, a massive run of Hawkman and a few other reparable comics. Whiteout was an Eisner award nominee in 1999 and 2000 and I need to shut up about comics now. The second reason I wanted to see this is completely obvious. Kate Beckinsale. Who doesn't like watching her prance around. This is my second deep Snow movie in a row, The Thing and now Whiteout. If I was honest, I would say that it was by accident. Lets pretend that I did it on purpose. Later on in the Year I watched the Grey. Lets focus here. Whiteout was about a serial killer on the loose in a settlement. Never really sure who it is throughout, and the twist at the end was unbelievable. Not unbelievable in a since that it was so amazing that it was unbelievable, but honestly not believable. It didn't make since, the movie must have done a bad job or cut some stuff out, but it didn't make any since. The action was pretty good. I liked some of the tweaks they made to survive the snow storm. I liked the feeling they gave you of the actual Whiteout. Which is where the wind is blowing so hard that you can't see anything but the snow. I liked the gimmick of the whole movie, the presentation was off. I honestly think the story could be done justice, but it wasn't done here. Beckinsale was obviously good, but even her sexy accent can't save a pile of crap. I'll give it a point for her alone, and a point for doing a good job with the Whiteout, everything else including the acting and delivery gave you the feeling that everyone on board this movie was doing this movie for the paycheck. It suffered because of the lack on enthusiasm by all that was involved. The story is a good one, I want to see BBC do this, they put effort into the things that they know are going to fail. They give you everything they have. Warner Brothers tend to fail when they don't have belief in what they want to do. The release date didn't help this movie become popular. That date is black listed it doesn't bode well for anything that is released on that date. Which gives me an inclination that Warner Brothers honestly didn't care about this movie. It shows. 2.1 out of 5.
(17) WWE: Tombstone the History of the Undertaker. (2005)
A History of the Wrestler Known as the Undertaker. This is the first Documentary that breaks from its traditional suck that WWE continues to put out. The Undertaker is an intriguing character. It goes through his History as a Wrestler and leader. It skipped the only part I watched this for. I wanted to see the Undertaker that I saw while in High School. He was this sadistic Cult leader and they had a bunch of other wrestlers follow him around and do his dirty work. The thing is I know it was some really famous wrestlers that were in that crowd. I really wanted them to at least show them and they did, but only for a brief second. It didn't even show the good ones, The Brood who was Gangrel, Christian and Edge. Two of which became super successful and I just don't remember about the other people who were in there, but I feel as if some of the current super successful pro wrestlers were part of that group of the Undertakers. I wish it would have covered that, but it spent more time going over his accomplishments and ignored it because of it's sadistic side I guess. Here is the thing, that's O.K. if its a documentary about a Wrestlers careers then it needs to focus on the accomplishments and it do what this documentary did which is give you things that made this Wrestler one of the most popular to ever step foot in the ring. It did that. Not only did it do that, but it gave it too you in a fashion that was grand and actually done well. Not in the crappy way the WWE has been doing it's recent documentaries. So for that, Considering I am interested and it kept me engaged. Over time, I will add that. I was like 4 hours of material. which is something that I started and it took me some time to finish, like most of the wrestling documentaries that I watch I do it over time. It was good. It was actually one of the best ones I have seen thus far. 4.9 out of 5. I dropped a .1 just for not giving me any Brood action. Take that WWE.
(18) The Tourist (2010)
The only movie in this blog that is main stream. It's of course a Johnny Depp movie, I do like this guy. Jolie is ok, she hasn't put out anything in a while, too busy with the family I guess. Depp was good in this one. No hint of Captain Jack, which is the thing everyone complains about. He was a nerdy and perfect for the role. It was a fun movie about people jerking the police around. I thought the plot was predictable and fun, but not exactly what I expected when going in, however I'm saying it wasn't good. It wasn't great by any means, but it didn't let me down. It was good way to spend my time and it made a wonderful addition to the list. Plus, Depp is always fun and the chemistry between the two was fun to watch. It's good to see two superstars interact. I don't think we will see a second addition to this movie, at least I hope not. Like most movies that hit the middle of the road and I don't have anything to say against it or for it. I give it a middle of the road Rating. 3 out of 5. Nothing special here. Nothing bad either. Just a middle of the road kind of movie that gives you exactly what you want from it. Nothing. Watch it if you want, it's perfect for a background movie while writing a blog, or doing something with the computer or just plain old something to go to sleep too. Do some homework while watching it. Something, like that. It's fun. Not that great, but not exactly something you should skip just because. I say do what you want with this.
Coming up Next some more Johnny Depp with Rango, The twist on Snow White Mirror, Mirror, and Justin Brooks suggestion Drive. Plus...... THE AVENGERS...... oh and a Luke Wilson mixed up in Porn Middle men.
Until next time, Don't let your meatloaf in your Mash Potatoes.
Monday, August 27, 2012
2012 Movies: 10-15 Plus a few previous seen quick hits.
Hello to the four people...... Three people who read this. Ok, Fine Hello Anne. Welcome to my blog of 2012 Movies movie numbers 10-15. In case someone else accidently lands here and says hey, I'll give this joker a quick read let me break it down for you. Each year I read 100 movies. I rate them. I blog about them. These movies are movies that I haven't seen before so it could be anything from a goofy 80's comedy to a family movie that I missed. It could be a horror flick that is famous for it's stupidity. It's just that I haven't seen it. So A few quick hits. I received some emails asking me about a few things that I had already seen.
Exorcist. A classic Horror film. 3.8
King Kong (Jack Black) not the original. 4.3
Superman Series. I'm going to have to give them a re-watch to give you an accurate score. I do know about a few of them though. Superman 4.7, Superman II 4.6, and Supergirl 4.9. Supergirl is perfect for what it is.
Enough of that. If you are interested in what I think about your favorite movies comment on the blog, send me a message via Facebook, Tweet me @beespray989, or feel free to email me brandon.entsminger@gmail.com
10) Hugo (2011)
This is the last of our last of the Oscar run. We didn't get to see the Movie of the Year winner, because it was in Limbo at the time. No theater near us had the movie playing (The Artist), we didn't get to see a few others that we wanted, but we did get this last one in. Hugo. It won a lot. It was a reminiscent look at the way movies used to be and what they can be, but seldom are. Art. The Protagonist is a child with a great imagination and a way with clocks in the train station. He is nothing more than a clock mechanic and can do things quickly. He meets a girl and they find a mystery through a gift that his late father had left him. It takes them on an incredible journey that brings them to a few exciting turns and gives you a better depth to a story than you ever anticipated. The story was beautifully orchestrated by Scorsese and really gave you and appreciation for the film industry that has brought us this far. Although it has all of those good things going for it, it had some negative things as well. It dragged quite a bit. Most movie's that are driven by a mystery move a bit quicker and let you in on, and make you part of the plot. This movie went forward at a crawl and by the time it progressed I had gotten tired of the children who were playing the parts. Plus, some of the stuff it did made me fill a bit neglected as an audience member. It's good to play at people's emotions and to get people involved in your plot. Even if the overall story is extremely well done like this one, if you don't involve the audience throughout and you break your flow you can loose them. I liked what was done with the movie, But I don't understand why people loved it with all their heart. That doesn't make sense to me. Was the movie good. Yes. Was it worthy of an Oscar nomination for best picture, probably since the Oscar Comity is full of pretentious up tight jerks who wouldn't know a film from a roll of toilet paper being ran through the projector. I have a few really good reasons to highly disagree with them. This movie isn't one of them. However, I have seen several movies that don't belong in an Awards show receive high accolades. On occasion I agree with the Oscars, In the case of the last few years I agree with the academy award winner and this year I haven't seen the movie so I can't say if I do or do not agree with their choice. I disagree mostly with them when it comes to some of the smaller categories and why movies are placed in them or why they are nominated at all. They also tend to shun movies that are made for the general public. I don't understand why they do this, and that's why I think they are pretentious. The Academy Award Winner for 2011 was "The Artist" and as stated previously I haven't seen it. Yet. It's on my to do list. This movie. Not to give it anything nor take anything away from it is a perfect movie to judge all movies. Is it better or worse than Hugo. We all need the middle man. It's not that being the middle man is a bad thing, The QB needs his line to block for him so that he can make the play. That is why this movie is a perfect 3 out of 5. Extremely watchable, but nothing special. Perfection in the middle of the road. It's the Spin Doctors or the Gin Blossoms where other movies are Stone Temple Pilots and Nirvana, but it's not exactly some cover band playing in a bar.
(11) Drowning Mona (2000)
Anne owned this and I have been trying to watch all the movies that she had when we got married so that I don't have that awkward moment when someone comes to my home and says this movie is great and I have to admit that I haven't seen it. So in order to avoid that. I need to watch all the ones we own. This one surprised me. I put it on and thought this one will be a great one to sit around and do some chores too. What it did was make Anne angry because I had to sit and watch this instead of doing my chores. I'm kidding she didn't get angry, she got infuriated. If you ever want to make my wife mad leave towel on the bathroom floor. (joking.... serious..... I'm going to be in trouble when she reads this.) This movie was great. From the hardened, drunken red neck family to the cop who just wants to do his job. It was great. It was a laugh out loud great time. Unexpected hilarity and a plot that continues to get dumber and more twisted between each turn and unveiling. Just the small thing of having everyone driving the same car was more than enough to make the movie a fun time. The actors in this were top notch comedians from Danny DeVito to Jamie Lee Curtis they all excelled at what they were cast to do. I even liked Casey Affleck and Neve Campbell. It was a circus of laughter and a just a good way to spend an hour and a half on a day off. 4.2 out of 5.
(12) WWE: The History of the Heavyweight Championship of the World (2006)
Not to be confused with the History of the "World Heavyweight Championship." This tracks the WWE championship from it's beginning to its current champion. Well current as of 2006. It showed some of the best contended matches. Also some it's worst. I hate the set up of their documentaries. It's like they don't even care and they are obviously just trying to make that 1.50 per DVD that gets sold. Plus, you would think they would lay it out for you and at least show you pictures of each champion. They don't. As the movie goes forward it gets sloppier and sloppier skipping entire years and several changes of the championship. I understand that the championship in professional wrestling changes hands quicker than their "Superstars" can rape young women, but the least you could do in a History of the Championship is list all of the Champions in correct order. Not only do they begin to jump around, but they skip people. PATHETIC. It did give some good matches from the past and at least showed a little tip of the hat to those who made that worthless corporation what it is. So for that I give it a point a piece. Almost. 1.7 out of 5.
(13) Wanderlust (2012)
Not to be confused with the History of the "World Heavyweight Championship." This tracks the WWE championship from it's beginning to its current champion. Well current as of 2006. It showed some of the best contended matches. Also some it's worst. I hate the set up of their documentaries. It's like they don't even care and they are obviously just trying to make that 1.50 per DVD that gets sold. Plus, you would think they would lay it out for you and at least show you pictures of each champion. They don't. As the movie goes forward it gets sloppier and sloppier skipping entire years and several changes of the championship. I understand that the championship in professional wrestling changes hands quicker than their "Superstars" can rape young women, but the least you could do in a History of the Championship is list all of the Champions in correct order. Not only do they begin to jump around, but they skip people. PATHETIC. It did give some good matches from the past and at least showed a little tip of the hat to those who made that worthless corporation what it is. So for that I give it a point a piece. Almost. 1.7 out of 5.
(13) Wanderlust (2012)
I will say that this movie gets an automatic point for Paul Rudd. I love Paul Rudd. He is one of my favorite comedic actors and I was excited to see him with Jennifer Aniston. I thought the premise behind this movie was brilliant. A couple leaves civilization and it's expectations to live an inspired life instead. The Hippy community was nutty. The first feel you get of this community is just a full on full front male nudity. Too the point that it stopped being funny and was uncomfortable. The Nudity in this movie was unnecessary. I am not against Nudity in movies if it is there for an actual purpose and doesn't get used just for the sake of being used. Love scenes sure, comedic value ok, I'm even o.k. with the flash in the background for setting in say a Strip Club. It's for the most part ignoble. When it's not shoved in your face you can ignore it. Look past it and move on. This movie, you can't. There was also a failed attempt at a scene by Rudd. It wasn't his fault it was just really distasteful and embarrassing and made me a little uncomfortable which is hard to do. It was the Mirror scene for those of you who bothered to watch this movie. I didn't care for it. I didn't like the answers that were given and the path the couple took. I thought it was a failure for the most part with the aspect of getting a valid point across. Aniston isn't funny. Not in this. Not in most things. I'll give her 'Friends' maybe a few movies like 'along came polly' Not this. Justin Theroux however was Amazing in this. SO good. He pulled off his character way better than any of the other people in the movie did. Well, most of the Hippy clan was done pretty well. Malin Akerman was Gorgeous and so very sexy. Alan Alda did really well, but he typically does. I dislike Kathyrn Hahn in almost everything...scratch that... Everything she does. Her whinny voice makes me want to cut out her larynx. The movie's plot started well and had great points. Some of the fun of the New York apartment and the Brother being a complete tool bag. Overall, This movie stunk. Not funny. Not inspiring. Not good. Not the Worst of all time, but completely utterly skip able. 1.5 out of 5.
(14) Batman Year One (2011)
This of course judging by the title is a Batman movie. This is an animated feature. It's based on the popular Frank Miller Comic. It did a great job following the comic along it's path I enjoyed the animation and it's tip of the hat overall to the Comic. I like it when they do an animated feature and basically just bring the comic to life. DC comics does this over and over with their animated features, not all of them, but they definitely give and keep on giving. Not that Marvel doesn't, because Marvel did a great job with Planet Hulk. DC gave us two Superman/Batman movies, All Star Superman, Year One, and touched on Death in the Family with the Red Hood. I like the animated features they put out. They don't mess around with them and they give you good quality animation and they give you top notch voice acting and they pack the DVD's with so many extras that you can spend all day with the disc's and not even begin to get bored. Year One was great. It did a great job at Bringing Frank Miller's story to life. The Voice acting was below par, I didn't like Ben Mckenzie's voice over job for Batman and Wayne and overall they flow of the movie was effected by his lack luster performance. The problem with producing a carbon copy of Comic and bringing to life in animation, is that Batman fans aren't going to be surprised by what happens. So you have to give them something throughout that they will enjoy. You have to give them good animation, which this movie did. You have to give them sudden hints to other story lines in the backgrounds, Year One skipped this. (Superman/Batman Apocalypse gave you a subtle nod to the DC VS. MK video game.) All and All this movie was. Well. Forgettable. For that I can't honestly give it higher any higher than it's par rating of 3 out of 5.
(15) The Thing (2011)
Lets get this straight. I haven't seen the old ones. I am an sorry excuse for a human being. The Thing is a classic story in the Science Fiction Horror genre. I for the most part have ignored it. I haven't even played the Video Game which is just sad. I didn't even read the book. What is wrong with me. I normally jump on this stuff and go all out, but this movie for some reason just said Hey, you should be excited to watch me. So then I got excited to see it. I mean it has nothing whatsoever to do with Mary Elisabeth Winstead. It has everything to do with the fact that I have neglected this classic story that John Carpenter has gifted this world with. Who am I kidding, Mary Elisabeth Winstead is smoking and she is the whole reason I finally settled down to watch this. Conan O'Brien is in this. Scratch that it's Joel Edgerton again. This movie was nice and easy. It had some breath taking moments with the Ice and the Wind Chill. The Spaceship was amazing. Really Well done. Plus, the main story line was incredible. There is a reason why this story can have several movie adaptations, a Video game and an anime series based on it. It's because it's a well thought out plot. Mary Elisabeth Winstead is so pretty. Wow. I mean lets take a minute to reflect on why this movie was awesome. plenty of shots of Winstead, she was the main character. She yells and screams so it's kinda like you are in a relationship with her, because of the constant yelling and screaming in your face. She runs out of breath a few times, she is super smart. Oh did I mention this movie is great because Mary Elisabeth Winstead is in it. Ok time to actually focus on the movie. So, The monster was great, the special effects and animation was top notch, the transformations were great, and Winstead is hot. Perfectly terrifying chase scenes and the Monster/Alien whatever was really good and believably intelligent. It was a descent horror flick and shouldn't be dismissed because it had terrible horrible advertising agency, that didn't give this movie what it had due. It was done well, It has a 4.3 HOLY CRAP WINSTEAD out of 5.
Coming up Mirror, Mirror; Rango; Drive; and The Tourist.
(14) Batman Year One (2011)
This of course judging by the title is a Batman movie. This is an animated feature. It's based on the popular Frank Miller Comic. It did a great job following the comic along it's path I enjoyed the animation and it's tip of the hat overall to the Comic. I like it when they do an animated feature and basically just bring the comic to life. DC comics does this over and over with their animated features, not all of them, but they definitely give and keep on giving. Not that Marvel doesn't, because Marvel did a great job with Planet Hulk. DC gave us two Superman/Batman movies, All Star Superman, Year One, and touched on Death in the Family with the Red Hood. I like the animated features they put out. They don't mess around with them and they give you good quality animation and they give you top notch voice acting and they pack the DVD's with so many extras that you can spend all day with the disc's and not even begin to get bored. Year One was great. It did a great job at Bringing Frank Miller's story to life. The Voice acting was below par, I didn't like Ben Mckenzie's voice over job for Batman and Wayne and overall they flow of the movie was effected by his lack luster performance. The problem with producing a carbon copy of Comic and bringing to life in animation, is that Batman fans aren't going to be surprised by what happens. So you have to give them something throughout that they will enjoy. You have to give them good animation, which this movie did. You have to give them sudden hints to other story lines in the backgrounds, Year One skipped this. (Superman/Batman Apocalypse gave you a subtle nod to the DC VS. MK video game.) All and All this movie was. Well. Forgettable. For that I can't honestly give it higher any higher than it's par rating of 3 out of 5.
(15) The Thing (2011)
Lets get this straight. I haven't seen the old ones. I am an sorry excuse for a human being. The Thing is a classic story in the Science Fiction Horror genre. I for the most part have ignored it. I haven't even played the Video Game which is just sad. I didn't even read the book. What is wrong with me. I normally jump on this stuff and go all out, but this movie for some reason just said Hey, you should be excited to watch me. So then I got excited to see it. I mean it has nothing whatsoever to do with Mary Elisabeth Winstead. It has everything to do with the fact that I have neglected this classic story that John Carpenter has gifted this world with. Who am I kidding, Mary Elisabeth Winstead is smoking and she is the whole reason I finally settled down to watch this. Conan O'Brien is in this. Scratch that it's Joel Edgerton again. This movie was nice and easy. It had some breath taking moments with the Ice and the Wind Chill. The Spaceship was amazing. Really Well done. Plus, the main story line was incredible. There is a reason why this story can have several movie adaptations, a Video game and an anime series based on it. It's because it's a well thought out plot. Mary Elisabeth Winstead is so pretty. Wow. I mean lets take a minute to reflect on why this movie was awesome. plenty of shots of Winstead, she was the main character. She yells and screams so it's kinda like you are in a relationship with her, because of the constant yelling and screaming in your face. She runs out of breath a few times, she is super smart. Oh did I mention this movie is great because Mary Elisabeth Winstead is in it. Ok time to actually focus on the movie. So, The monster was great, the special effects and animation was top notch, the transformations were great, and Winstead is hot. Perfectly terrifying chase scenes and the Monster/Alien whatever was really good and believably intelligent. It was a descent horror flick and shouldn't be dismissed because it had terrible horrible advertising agency, that didn't give this movie what it had due. It was done well, It has a 4.3 HOLY CRAP WINSTEAD out of 5.
Coming up Mirror, Mirror; Rango; Drive; and The Tourist.
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